Run macOS on PC: Ultimate Guide for PC Users

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Run macOS on PC: Ultimate Guide for PC Users

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Why Do PC Users Want to Use macOS
  3. The Limitations of a MacBook for PC Users
  4. The Solution: Running macOS on a PC using a Virtual Machine
  5. Running macOS on an AMD Processor
  6. Installing VMware 17 Pro or VMware 17 Player
  7. Downloading and Installing the Unlocker
  8. Creating a New Virtual Machine in VMware
  9. Configuring the Virtual Machine
  10. Selecting the macOS Version
  11. Saving the Virtual Machine
  12. Configuring the Virtual Machine's Memory and Processor
  13. Setting Up the ESO Image
  14. Resolving Issues with Intel Virtualization
  15. Modifying the .vmx File
  16. Booting up the Virtual Machine
  17. Installing macOS
  18. Setting up macOS
  19. Adjusting Power Settings
  20. Conclusion

🖥️ Running macOS on a PC: The Ultimate Guide for PC Users

Are you a PC user who dreams of experiencing the sleek interface and powerful capabilities of macOS? While MacBooks are often the go-to option, they may not always meet the needs of PC gamers or those on a budget. The good news is, there is a solution! In this comprehensive guide, we will show you how to run macOS on your PC using a virtual machine, even if you have an AMD processor.

🤔 Why Do PC Users Want to Use macOS?

Many PC users are enticed by the allure of macOS. Whether it's the intuitive user interface, the optimized performance, or the extensive range of creative software, macOS offers a unique computing experience. However, not everyone wants to make the switch to using a MacBook or invest in expensive Apple hardware. PC users often have their own reasons for wanting to run macOS on their existing PCs.

💻 The Limitations of a MacBook for PC Users

While MacBooks are undeniably powerful machines, they may not meet the specific needs of PC users, especially gamers. The hardware configurations of MacBooks sometimes fall short in terms of graphical performance or upgradability. Additionally, the price tag of MacBooks can be a deterrent for PC users who are looking for a more affordable solution. These factors often lead PC users to explore alternative methods of running macOS on non-Apple hardware.

🌐 The Solution: Running macOS on a PC using a Virtual Machine

Running macOS on a PC may seem like an impossible task, but with the help of a virtual machine, it can be achieved. A virtual machine allows you to create a virtual environment within your PC, where you can install and run macOS alongside your existing operating system. This method provides the flexibility to use macOS while still retaining all the functionalities of your PC.

⚙️ Running macOS on an AMD Processor

One of the challenges PC users face when running macOS on a virtual machine is compatibility with AMD processors. By default, macOS is designed to run on Intel processors, which can cause installation issues on AMD processors. However, with the right steps and modifications, it is possible to successfully install macOS on an AMD processor.

🖥️ Installing VMware 17 Pro or VMware 17 Player

To get started, you'll need to install the necessary software. VMware provides two options: VMware 17 Pro and VMware 17 Player. While the Pro version requires a purchase, the Player version is free and suitable for most users. Visit the VMware website and download the version that suits your needs.

🔓 Downloading and Installing the Unlocker

To ensure compatibility with macOS, you'll need to download and install the Unlocker software. This software unlocks certain features in VMware that are necessary for running macOS. Download the Unlocker from the provided source and run it as an administrator. The installation process may take some time, so be patient.

➡️ Creating a New Virtual Machine in VMware

Once you have VMware installed and the Unlocker software in place, you can proceed to create a new virtual machine. Open VMware and select the option for creating a new virtual machine. Choose the "Typical" configuration and select the option to install the operating system later.

🛠️ Configuring the Virtual Machine

In the configuration settings, you can allocate the resources for your virtual machine. Decide how much RAM you want to assign to the virtual machine, keeping in mind that a minimum of 8GB is recommended for a smooth macOS experience. Additionally, you can adjust the number of processor cores to allocate to the virtual machine, based on your specific hardware configuration.

🖥️ Selecting the macOS Version

When configuring the virtual machine, you will have the option to select the macOS version. It is important to note that macOS versions newer than macOS 13 may not be compatible with AMD processors. Therefore, choose the macOS 13 option or an earlier version to ensure successful installation.

💾 Saving the Virtual Machine

Specify the location where you want to save the virtual machine file. Choose a location with sufficient storage space for the macOS installation. Once you have selected the storage location, proceed to the next step.

🛠️ Configuring the Virtual Machine's Memory and Processor

Before installing macOS, it is recommended to keep the virtual machine's processor settings at default. Once macOS is installed, you can fine-tune the processor settings based on your performance requirements. It is advisable to allocate around half of your PC's processing power to the virtual machine, while leaving enough resources for your host operating system.

💿 Setting Up the ESO Image

To install macOS on the virtual machine, you will need the macOS installation image in ESO format. Select the option to use an ISO image and browse for the downloaded macOS image file on your PC. Once selected, proceed to the next step.

⚙️ Resolving Issues with Intel Virtualization

Some PCs may encounter issues related to Intel virtualization when running macOS on a virtual machine. To resolve this, visit the forums or support websites related to your processor model and search for solutions. There are often workarounds and patches available to overcome these obstacles.

🖊️ Modifying the .vmx File

To ensure compatibility with AMD processors, a modification needs to be made to the .vmx file of the virtual machine. Open the .vmx file using a text editor and locate the line that says "virtualHW.version =". Change the value from 16 to 10. Additionally, add the necessary commands provided in the forums or support websites specific to your processor model. Save the .vmx file after making the modifications.

🚀 Booting up the Virtual Machine

Once the modifications are saved, you can power on the virtual machine. The macOS installation process will begin. Keep in mind that the initial boot-up may take some time, as the virtual machine is running with minimal resources. Be patient and let the installation process complete.

🖥️ Installing macOS

During the installation process, you will be guided through various steps to set up macOS. Follow the instructions on the screen, including selecting the desired language, agreeing to the license terms, and choosing the installation location. macOS will be installed on the virtual machine's allocated storage.

🛠️ Setting up macOS

After the installation is complete, you will need to set up macOS by entering your desired preferences, creating a user account, and configuring system settings. This process is similar to setting up a new Mac. Once everything is set up, you will be ready to use macOS on your PC.

⚡ Adjusting Power Settings

To optimize performance, it is recommended to adjust the power settings of the virtual machine. If you find that macOS is running slower than expected, you can increase the number of processors and cores allocated to the virtual machine. Finding the right balance between resources allocated to the virtual machine and your PC's overall performance is crucial.


Q: Is it legal to run macOS on non-Apple hardware? A: Running macOS on non-Apple hardware violates Apple's end-user license agreement (EULA), but it is technically possible using virtual machines.

Q: Will running macOS on a PC provide the same performance as a genuine Mac? A: While running macOS on a PC can offer a similar experience, the performance may not be exactly the same. Hardware compatibility and optimization may vary.

Q: Are there any risks or disadvantages to running macOS on a PC? A: Running macOS on a non-Apple PC may encounter stability or compatibility issues due to hardware variations. Additionally, future macOS updates may break functionality.

Q: Can I use the virtual machine to access all macOS features and applications? A: In most cases, you will have access to the majority of macOS features and applications. However, some features that rely on specific Apple hardware may not be available or fully functional.

Q: Can I dual-boot macOS on my PC instead of using a virtual machine? A: Dual-booting macOS on a PC requires careful hardware configuration and may have its own set of challenges. Using a virtual machine offers a more flexible and reversible solution.


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