The Truth About GT 610: Is it Worth Your Investment?

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The Truth About GT 610: Is it Worth Your Investment?

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The GT 610: A Bad Gaming GPU
    • Low Power and Slow Performance
    • Price to Performance Ratio
    • Better Alternatives for the Same Price
  3. testing the GT 610 in Gaming Situations
    • League of Legends Performance
    • Counter-Strike Performance
    • Rocket League Performance
  4. Better Options for $20 GPUs
    • The GT 530
    • The Radeon HD 7570
  5. The Real Purpose of the GT 610
    • Multi-Monitor Setups and Professional Use Cases
    • Industrial Applications and Workstations
  6. Conclusion
  7. FAQ


Welcome to this article where we will be discussing the GT 610 graphics card. This card has garnered a lot of attention, both positive and negative, in the gaming community. In this article, we will delve into the performance, price to performance ratio, and better alternatives for this card. We will also conduct tests to see how the GT 610 performs in popular games such as League of Legends, Counter-Strike, and Rocket League. So, let's dive in and find out if the GT 610 is really worth your investment.

The GT 610: A Bad Gaming GPU

Low Power and Slow Performance

The GT 610 is often criticized for its low power and slow performance when it comes to gaming. While it may be able to handle games like League of Legends at lower resolutions and graphics settings, it falls short when compared to other GPUs in the same price range. The main issue with the GT 610 is not just its low power or slow speed, but rather the price to performance ratio.

Price to Performance Ratio

The GT 610 is still being sold by many retailers for around $40, which is quite steep considering the performance you can get from other GPUs in the used market at the same price point. GPUs like the GTX 470, HD 5850, GTX 550 Ti, and HD 6770 can all be found for $40 or less and offer significantly better performance than the GT 610. These alternatives, which don't require an extra PCI power plug, can provide a much better gaming experience for the same price.

Better Alternatives for the Same Price

If you are lucky, you might be able to find a used GT 610 for around $20, which can be considered a bargain. However, even at this lower price point, there are still better options available. One such option is the GT 530, which offers twice as many CUDA cores as the GT 610 and can be found for around $20. Another option is the Radeon HD 7570, which has higher memory bandwidth and better overall performance than the GT 610, also priced at around $20 in the used market.

Testing the GT 610 in Gaming Situations

Now, let's get to the real test and see how the GT 610 performs in popular games.

League of Legends Performance

At 1080p high settings, the GT 610 struggles to maintain a playable framerate, falling below 30 FPS on average. Even when dropping the settings to low at 720p, the framerate still falls short. It is only when lowering the settings to the minimum at 720p that the GT 610 manages to reach a playable framerate, with a maximum of 167 FPS and an average of 125 FPS. However, there are better options available for the price that can provide a much smoother gaming experience.

Counter-Strike Performance

Similar to League of Legends, Counter-Strike also proves to be a challenge for the GT 610. At 1080p high settings, the gameplay is choppy and sluggish, with an average framerate of only 25 FPS and dips as low as 5 FPS during intense moments. It is only when dropping the settings to the minimum at 720p that the GT 610 becomes somewhat playable, with an average framerate of 77 FPS and a minimum of 56 FPS. However, there are other GPUs available that can provide a much better gaming experience for the same price.

Rocket League Performance

In Rocket League, the GT 610 struggles even more. At 1080p, the Game is virtually unplayable, with an average framerate of only 12 FPS. Lowering the settings to the minimum at 720p improves the framerate to around 50 FPS, with occasional drops to 34 FPS. While the performance is slightly better at these settings, the game's visuals suffer greatly.

Better Options for $20 GPUs

If you're looking for better performance within the $20 price range, there are alternatives to the GT 610 that offer a more enjoyable gaming experience.

The GT 530

For around $20, you can find the GT 530, which offers twice as many CUDA cores as the GT 610 and performs significantly better in gaming situations. With 96 CUDA cores and a 64-bit memory bus, the GT 530 outshines the GT 610 in terms of performance and value for money.

The Radeon HD 7570

Another option in the $20 price range is the Radeon HD 7570. With 480 stream processors, clocked at 650 MHz, and 1 gigabyte of GDDR5 memory, the HD 7570 offers better overall performance and higher memory bandwidth compared to the GT 610. This results in improved gaming experiences, even at higher resolutions and graphics settings.

The Real Purpose of the GT 610

While the GT 610 may not be suitable for gaming, it does serve a purpose in other areas.

Multi-Monitor Setups and Professional Use Cases

The GT 610 is primarily designed for multi-monitor setups and professional use cases. Its ability to support multiple video outputs and provide better video acceleration and GPU compute makes it a popular choice in industries such as Photography, video editing, and workstation setups. In these applications, the GT 610 performs admirably and offers notable advantages over integrated graphics solutions.

Industrial Applications and Workstations

In industrial applications, such as automated electronic microscopes, the GT 610 plays a crucial role. Its low power draw, affordable price, and ability to facilitate GPU acceleration make it a preferred choice in industrial workstations. The GT 610's reliability and performance in such demanding environments make it a suitable option for these specific use cases.


In conclusion, the GT 610 is not a suitable GPU for gaming enthusiasts. Its low power, slow performance, and high price to performance ratio make it a poor choice when compared to other options available in the market. However, for those looking for multi-monitor setups or requiring professional GPU acceleration, the GT 610 does offer some advantages. It's crucial to consider your specific needs and use cases before deciding whether the GT 610 is the right choice for you.


Q: Is the GT 610 a good GPU for gaming?

A: No, the GT 610 is not recommended for gaming due to its low power and slow performance. There are better alternatives available at the same price range.

Q: Can the GT 610 handle games like League of Legends or Counter-Strike?

A: The GT 610 can handle these games at lower resolutions and graphics settings but might struggle to maintain a playable framerate. It is advised to consider better alternatives for a smoother gaming experience.

Q: Are there better options available for $20 GPUs?

A: Yes, alternatives like the GT 530 and Radeon HD 7570 offer better performance and value for money in the same price range.

Q: What are the main uses of the GT 610?

A: The GT 610 is primarily designed for multi-monitor setups and professional use cases, such as workstation setups and industrial applications.

Q: Can the GT 610 be used in photography or video editing workstations?

A: Yes, the GT 610's ability to support multiple video outputs and provide GPU acceleration makes it a suitable choice for photography and video editing workstations.

Q: Should I consider the GT 610 for gaming if I'm on a tight budget?

A: While the GT 610 may seem like an affordable option, it is advisable to explore other alternatives that offer better performance for a similar price.

Q: Where can I find benchmarks for other GPUs Mentioned in this article?

A: Benchmarks for alternative GPUs, such as the GTX 470, HD 5850, GTX 550 Ti, HD 6770, GT 530, and Radeon HD 7570, can be found on various reputable tech review websites.


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