Top Reasons to Build Your Own PC

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Top Reasons to Build Your Own PC

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Ease of Building a PC
  3. Cost-Effectiveness
  4. Customizability
  5. Learning Experience
  6. Sense of Pride and Accomplishment
  7. Warranty and Support from System Builders
  8. Overwhelming Options
  9. FAQ Q&A
  10. Conclusion

🖥️ Why You Should Build Your Own PC 🧩

Building your own PC has become more popular than ever, thanks to the rise of computer usage and gaming. In this article, we'll discuss the top reasons why you should consider building your own PC. We'll also touch on a few reasons why it may not be the right choice for everyone. So, let's dive in and discover the advantages and drawbacks of building your own PC in 2020.


With the advancement of technology and the widespread popularity of streaming and gaming, building your own PC has become a feasible and attractive option. In this article, we will explore the reasons why building your own PC can be beneficial, including the ease of building, cost-effectiveness, customizability, learning experience, and the sense of pride and accomplishment. However, we will also discuss the potential challenges, such as the overwhelming amount of options and the lack of warranty and support from system builders. By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of whether building your own PC is the right choice for you.

Ease of Building a PC

Building a PC has never been easier than it is today. Unlike in the past, when multiple configurations and compatibility issues made it a daunting task, modern PCs are designed to be user-friendly. From Simplified installation processes to standardized components, building a PC is now comparable to assembling adult Legos. Furthermore, with comprehensive documentation and online resources available, even beginners can confidently build their own PCs without any prior experience.


One of the most compelling reasons to build your own PC is the potential cost savings. While high-end components can be expensive, there are numerous affordable options available that provide exceptional performance. The fierce competition between manufacturers has led to better price-to-performance ratios, enabling budget-conscious individuals to build powerful systems without breaking the bank. Additionally, unlike pre-built systems, building your own PC allows you to allocate your budget according to your needs, avoiding unnecessary expenses on features or components that you don't require.


When you build your own PC, you have complete control over the selection of components, allowing you to tailor your system to your specific needs and preferences. This level of customizability ensures that every part of your PC aligns with your requirements and desired aesthetic. From choosing the right processor for your workload to selecting the perfect graphics card for your gaming needs, building your own PC offers a level of flexibility and personalization that is unmatched in pre-built systems.

Learning Experience

Building your own PC is not only a practical endeavor but also a valuable learning experience. Regardless of your level of technical knowledge, assembling a PC provides an opportunity to enhance your understanding of computer hardware and gain hands-on experience. The learning process involved in researching, selecting, and assembling the components will equip you with valuable skills that can be applied to troubleshoot and upgrade your system in the future. Moreover, the satisfaction that comes from successfully building your own PC is immeasurable and fosters a sense of confidence in tackling new challenges.

Sense of Pride and Accomplishment

Building a PC is a remarkable achievement that fills you with a sense of pride and accomplishment. Witnessing your creation come to life, powered by your own hands, creates a deep connection and appreciation for your system. The feeling of accomplishment is further amplified when you realize that you have built a machine that meets or exceeds the performance of pre-built systems, all while saving money. Every time you look at your PC, you will be reminded of your hard work, dedication, and technical prowess.

Warranty and Support from System Builders

One drawback of building your own PC is the absence of warranty and support from system builders. When you purchase pre-built systems, you can rely on the manufacturer or system integrator to provide technical support, troubleshoot issues, and handle warranty claims. In contrast, if you encounter a hardware problem with your self-built PC, you may need to rely on your own troubleshooting skills or consult online resources. This lack of professional support can be a challenge for those who prefer the peace of mind that comes with expert assistance.

Overwhelming Options

With the ever-expanding market of PC components, selecting the right parts for your build can be overwhelming, especially for beginners. The multitude of options for processors, graphics cards, motherboards, and other components can lead to confusion and indecision. Furthermore, staying up-to-date with the latest releases, compatibility requirements, and performance benchmarks can be a time-consuming task. If you prefer a hassle-free experience without the burden of making countless decisions, purchasing a pre-built system might be a more suitable choice.


  1. Q: How difficult is it to build a PC for someone with no technical background? A: Building a PC can be easily accomplished by following online guides and resources, even with no prior technical background.

  2. Q: Is building a PC cheaper than buying a pre-built system? A: Building a PC allows you to allocate your budget more efficiently and often results in cost savings compared to pre-built systems.

  3. Q: What are the main advantages of building your own PC? A: The main advantages include customization, cost-effectiveness, and the learning experience gained from assembling a system tailored to your needs.

  4. Q: Can I upgrade my self-built PC in the future? A: Yes, building your own PC provides the flexibility to upgrade individual components as needed, ensuring that your system can adapt to future advancements.

  5. Q: Is warranty coverage available for self-built PCs? A: Warranty coverage varies depending on the individual components being used, as each manufacturer has its own warranty policies. However, labor-related warranty and support are usually not provided.


Building your own PC offers numerous benefits, including ease of building, cost-effectiveness, customizability, and the opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and skills. It provides a sense of pride and accomplishment, as well as the ability to troubleshoot and upgrade your system independently. However, it is essential to consider the potential challenges and drawbacks, such as the overwhelming number of options and the lack of warranty and support from system builders. Ultimately, the decision to build your own PC or purchase a pre-built system relies on your preferences, technical expertise, and desired level of support.

Resources:, PCPartPicker

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