解锁编程新境界:Vertex AI Codey APIs 助您快速开发

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解锁编程新境界:Vertex AI Codey APIs 助您快速开发

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • What are Codey APIs?
    • Overview
    • Supported Languages
  • Codey API Features
    • Code Completion
    • Code Generation
    • CodeChat API
  • Responsible AI Features
    • Source Citation
    • Toxicity Checker
  • Adaptive Tuning Support
  • Use Cases
    • Code Gecko vs. Code Bison
    • Code Chat for Software Development Lifecycle
  • Text to SQL Feature
  • Demonstration: Practical Applications
    • Creating a Website with Codey API
    • Understanding and Optimizing Code
  • Q&A with GitLab VP of Products, Mike Flouton
    • Opportunities of Generative AI
    • Bringing Non-Coders into Development
    • Integration of Codey APIs into GitLab Products

What are Codey APIs?


Codey APIs are advanced tools developed by Vertex AI to streamline and enhance coding experiences for developers and analysts alike. With a variety of features designed to assist with everyday tasks, these APIs represent a significant step forward in the realm of programming efficiency.


Codey APIs offer three main functionalities: code completion, code generation, and codechat API. Each of these serves a unique purpose in aiding developers in their coding endeavors.

Supported Languages:

With support for over 30 programming languages, including Python, Java, and JavaScript, Codey APIs cater to a wide range of developers' needs, ensuring accessibility and versatility.

Codey API Features

Code Completion:

The code completion API provides low-latency assistance within Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), offering real-time suggestions for code completion as developers write.

Code Generation:

Code generation API enables the creation of entire code blocks based on natural language prompts or comments, facilitating rapid development and reducing coding time significantly.

Codechat API:

A multiturn version of the code generation API, Codechat API allows for the creation of interactive bots that can engage in conversation while retaining context, ideal for various applications beyond simple code generation.

Responsible AI Features

Source Citation:

To maintain transparency and compliance, Codey APIs include source citation functionality, ensuring that code generated references the appropriate data sources, thereby upholding intellectual property rights and licensing agreements.

Toxicity Checker:

In instances where code generation may pose ethical concerns, the toxicity checker feature actively prevents the generation of potentially harmful or inappropriate code, aligning with responsible AI practices and promoting safe development environments.

Adaptive Tuning Support

Adaptive tuning support offers developers the ability to customize models with their own data, enhancing model performance and tailoring them to specific use cases. This feature streamlines the fine-tuning process, making it faster, more cost-effective, and allowing for greater control over proprietary data.

Use Cases

Code Gecko vs. Code Bison:

Code Gecko represents low-latency code completion functionality, while Code Bison encompasses larger models suited for code generation tasks. Understanding the distinctions between these models is crucial for selecting the appropriate API endpoint based on specific use cases.

Code Chat for Software Development Lifecycle:

The Codechat API extends beyond traditional code generation, offering multifaceted support throughout the software development lifecycle. From documentation generation to unit testing and even code translation, Codechat API enriches development workflows with its versatile capabilities.

Text to SQL Feature

The text to SQL feature represents a powerful addition to Codey APIs, enabling the generation of SQL queries from natural language prompts. Leveraging this functionality simplifies database interactions and enhances productivity, particularly for tasks involving data analysis and manipulation.

Demonstration: Practical Applications

Creating a Website with Codey API:

A live demonstration showcases the seamless integration of Codey API into everyday tasks, such as website development. By generating code based on simple prompts, developers can expedite project creation while maintaining Clarity and efficiency.

Understanding and Optimizing Code:

Another demonstration highlights Codey API's utility in code comprehension and optimization. Through AI-driven analysis and suggestions, developers can gain insights into existing codebases, identify optimization opportunities, and streamline development workflows effectively.

Q&A with GitLab VP of Products, Mike Flouton

Opportunities of Generative AI:

Exploring the transformative potential of generative AI in software development, Mike Flouton discusses how AI can facilitate communication, enhance productivity, and bridge knowledge gaps within development teams.

Bringing Non-Coders into Development:

Addressing the inclusivity of generative AI, Mike elaborates on how AI-powered tools can empower individuals with limited coding experience, offering learning support and guidance tailored to their needs.

Integration of Codey APIs into GitLab Products:

In discussing the integration of Codey APIs into GitLab products, Mike highlights key functionalities such as code suggestions and vulnerability explanations, emphasizing their role in enhancing collaboration, streamlining workflows, and promoting security best practices.


  • Introduction to Codey APIs: A revolution in coding efficiency
  • Advanced Features: Code completion, generation, and chat capabilities
  • Responsible AI: Source citation and toxicity checking ensure
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