Achieve Perfect Portraits with Stable Diffusion

Achieve Perfect Portraits with Stable Diffusion

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Using the RPG verse 4 model
  3. Adjusting the image size using crop and resize
  4. Configuring the noise level
  5. Using the control net and control NAD models
  6. Improving pose accuracy with the open pose preprocessor
  7. Enhancing details with the canning model
  8. Adjusting the model weights
  9. Using the image to image alternative test script
  10. Preserving facial features with the in-painting technique
  11. Comparing the original and generated images
  12. Conclusion


In this video, we will explore the process of creating a perfect portrait by pasting a previous photo onto a new model. We will be using various techniques and models to achieve the best results.

Using the RPG verse 4 model

To start, we will use the RPG verse 4 model as our base. This model has the best size resolution of 512 width and 768 Height, which will give us optimal results.

Adjusting the image size using crop and resize

Next, we will adjust the image size using the crop and resize tools. By cutting out unnecessary areas on the sides and ensuring the annotation resolution matches our image, we can achieve better results.

Configuring the noise level

To add more realism to our portrait, we will adjust the noise level. The noise Scale should be set between 7 and 9, as this range works well for most models. However, it is important not to go too high to avoid distortion.

Using the control net and control NAD models

To improve the accuracy of the pose, we will utilize the control net and control NAD models. By setting at least two control models and adjusting their weights, we can achieve better pose alignment.

Improving pose accuracy with the open pose preprocessor

To further enhance the pose accuracy, we will use the open pose preprocessor. This tool will help us adjust the pose to match our desired result.

Enhancing details with the canning model

To add more details to our portrait, we will utilize the canning model. By adjusting the resolution and experimenting with different settings, we can achieve a more vibrant and detailed image.

Adjusting the model weights

To achieve the desired level of Detail, we will adjust the weights of our models. This will help us fine-tune the level of detail and make necessary modifications.

Using the image to image alternative test script

To further improve the image quality, we will employ the image to image alternative test script. This script will help us denoise and enhance the image Based on the noise level of our original photo.

Preserving facial features with the in-painting technique

To preserve the expression and facial features of the original photo, we will utilize the in-painting technique. By masking the desired areas and applying the in-painting tool, we can ensure that the face remains unchanged while enhancing the overall image.

Comparing the original and generated images

Finally, we will compare the original photo with our generated image. By observing the similarities and differences, we can evaluate the effectiveness of our techniques and make any necessary adjustments.


In conclusion, by following these step-by-step techniques and utilizing various models and tools, we can Create a perfect portrait that combines the best elements of multiple images. The process allows us to preserve facial features while enhancing details and achieving a more visually appealing result.


  • Using the RPG verse 4 model for optimal results
  • Adjusting image size using crop and resize for better composition
  • Configuring noise level to add realism
  • Enhancing pose accuracy with control net and control NAD models
  • Using the open pose preprocessor to fine-tune pose alignment
  • Adding details with the canning model
  • Adjusting model weights for desired level of detail
  • Enhancing image quality with the image to image alternative test script
  • Preserving facial features with the in-painting technique
  • Comparing original and generated images for evaluation


Q: Can I use any model for this process?
A: While you can experiment with different models, it is recommended to use the RPG verse 4 model for optimal results.

Q: How can I adjust the pose accuracy?
A: You can utilize the control net and control NAD models, along with adjusting the weights, to improve the pose accuracy.

Q: Is it possible to preserve facial features while enhancing the overall image?
A: Yes, you can achieve this by using the in-painting technique to mask and preserve the desired facial features.

Q: How can I enhance the details of my portrait?
A: The canning model can be used to add more details to your portrait. By adjusting the resolution and experimenting with settings, you can achieve a more vibrant and detailed image.

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