Boost Your Productivity: Integrate GPT-3 with Gmail

Boost Your Productivity: Integrate GPT-3 with Gmail

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting up Gmail accounts
  3. Creating a label for meeting summarization
  4. Setting up OpenAI account
  5. Obtaining OpenAI API Key
  6. Setting up Zapier and creating a new app
  7. Configuring trigger event in Zapier
  8. Using the "send prompt in OpenAI API" action in Zapier
  9. Adding the prompt and additional information
  10. Sending the summarized meeting notes via email

How to Use Google Gmail and OpenAI to Summarize Meeting Notes

Introduction: In this article, we will learn how to use Google Gmail and OpenAI's AI technology to effectively summarize meeting notes. By leveraging the power of automation tool Zapier and an OpenAI account, we can streamline the process and generate concise meeting summaries effortlessly.

  1. Setting up Gmail accounts: To begin, you will need two Gmail accounts - one for sending the email and another for processing and triggering the Zapier workflow. This second account can be newly created or an existing one. Create a label specifically for meeting summarization in Gmail and set up a filter to direct relevant emails to this label. This ensures that Zapier only reads the specified label and triggers AI generation accordingly.

  2. Creating a label for meeting summarization: Navigate to Gmail's label settings and create a new label specifically for meeting summarization. Set up a filter to redirect relevant emails to this label based on specific criteria. Apply the label to the filtered emails and consider skipping the inbox to prevent interference with other email contents.

  3. Setting up OpenAI account: Create an account with OpenAI, which is free to sign up. Upon registration, obtain your API keys by navigating to your account settings and generating a new key. Take note of this key as it will be required for setting up the integration.

  4. Obtaining OpenAI API key: After creating an account with OpenAI, access your account settings and click on "View API keys." Generate a new key, ensuring it is properly noted down for future reference.

  5. Setting up Zapier and creating a new app: To utilize Zapier's automation capabilities, you'll need a premium account. Create a new app in Zapier and proceed to set up a trigger event. In this case, the trigger will be a new email in Gmail, specifically targeting the previously created label in Step 2.

  6. Configuring trigger event in Zapier: Connect your Gmail account to Zapier and define the trigger event as a new email. This allows Zapier to monitor and read emails that match the specified label. Ensure the integration is configured to read emails only from the designated label and not the entire inbox.

  7. Using the "send prompt in OpenAI API" action in Zapier: In Zapier, select the action called "send prompt in OpenAI API." This action requires the input of your OpenAI API key. This integration allows Zapier to utilize OpenAI's AI capabilities for generating meeting summaries.

  8. Adding the prompt and additional information: Configure the action by setting up the prompt. OpenAI provides example prompts that can be used to generate code or summarize text. Customize the prompt according to your requirements, incorporating the email body as the input for the prompt.

  9. Sending the summarized meeting notes via email: The final step involves sending the email with the generated meeting summary. Send the email back to the original sender by using the "from email" as the recipient. Along with the summarized notes, include choices text as the minimum required information for the generation.

In conclusion, combining the functionalities of Google Gmail, OpenAI, and Zapier allows for the efficient and automated generation of meeting summaries. By following the steps outlined in this article, You can streamline your workflow and save valuable time in summarizing meeting notes.


  • Streamlines and automates the process of generating meeting summaries
  • Saves time and effort by utilizing AI technology
  • Allows for customization of Prompts and additional information


  • Requires a premium Zapier account and a business Gmail account for full functionality
  • Relies on the accuracy and effectiveness of AI-generated summaries


  • Learn how to use Google Gmail and OpenAI to summarize meeting notes
  • Set up Gmail accounts and Create a label for meeting summarization
  • Obtain OpenAI API key and set up a premium Zapier account
  • Configure trigger event and action in Zapier
  • Generate meeting summaries using AI prompt and additional information
  • Send the summarized meeting notes via email


Q: Can I use a personal Gmail account for this process? A: It is recommended to use a business Gmail account to fully utilize the automation features.

Q: Are there any additional costs involved in using Zapier and OpenAI? A: Zapier offers a premium subscription, and OpenAI may have additional costs for certain usage levels. Please refer to their respective pricing models for more information.

Q: Can I customize the prompt used for generating meeting summaries? A: Yes, OpenAI provides example prompts that can be customized according to your specific requirements.

Q: Is it possible to include additional information in the generated meeting summaries? A: Yes, you can include additional information by configuring the action in Zapier accordingly.

Q: Can I use this method for summarizing any Type of text, not just meeting notes? A: Yes, this method can be used to generate summaries for various types of text content.

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