Building Enterprise NLP Apps: Insights from Milos Rusic

Building Enterprise NLP Apps: Insights from Milos Rusic

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Building NLP Applications in Enterprises 2.1. Categories of NLP Applications 2.1.1. Automated Data Processing 2.1.2. Search and Knowledge Management 2.1.3. Virtual Assistants
  3. Why Enterprises are adopting NLP 3.1. NLP Actually Works 3.2. Best Practices and Customization 3.3. Accessibility of NLP Tools and Models
  4. Who Builds NLP Applications in Enterprises 4.1. Business Teams 4.2. Machine Learning and Data Science Teams 4.3. Product Owners and Enterprise Architects
  5. Challenges in Building NLP Applications 5.1. Bridging the Gap between Machine Learning and Application Development 5.2. Defining Meaningful Metrics for Evaluation 5.3. Involving End Users in the Development Process
  6. Solutions for Building NLP Applications 6.1. Designing a Full Stack Application 6.2. Starting with the Pipeline, not Just the Model 6.3. Evaluating and Fine-Tuning Based on User Feedback
  7. Overcoming Language and Data Challenges
  8. Conclusion

Building Enterprise NLP Applications: Challenges and Solutions


In this article, we will explore the process of building enterprise NLP applications. We will discuss the different categories of NLP applications commonly used in enterprises and the problems they aim to solve. Furthermore, we will Delve into the reasons why enterprises are adopting NLP technology and who is responsible for building these applications. Along the way, we will address the challenges faced by development teams and provide solutions to overcome them. Additionally, we will touch upon the language and data challenges that arise in the implementation of NLP applications in enterprises.

Building NLP Applications in Enterprises:

Enterprises are increasingly leveraging NLP technology to streamline their operations and improve decision-making processes. NLP applications in enterprises fall into several categories, including automated data processing, search and knowledge management, and virtual assistants. Automated data processing applications utilize NLP to reduce manual research steps and provide analysts with the Relevant information they need to make informed decisions. For example, in the financial services industry, NLP can extract data on company revenue, profits, and Core risks, enabling analysts to make comprehensive and efficient decisions.

Search and knowledge management applications aim to consolidate and organize data within enterprises, allowing employees to easily access and share information. NLP plays a crucial role in improving search capabilities, enabling users to find relevant content within their organization's databases and wikis. By replicating the search experience of popular search engines, enterprises can enhance knowledge sharing and productivity.

Virtual assistants powered by NLP have gained popularity in recent years. These assistants provide users with comprehensive and exhaustive responses, catering to a wide range of user queries. Many governmental institutions and public authorities have implemented chatbots powered by NLP to provide citizens with access to information on various topics, such as income tax rates, passport applications, and residence permits.

Why Enterprises are adopting NLP:

The adoption of NLP technology in enterprises has been driven by several factors. Firstly, NLP has proven to be effective in solving real-world problems. The release of models like BERT by Google Research in 2018 revolutionized NLP, significantly improving the quality and performance of models. This breakthrough demonstrated that NLP could be implemented quickly and yield impressive results.

Secondly, there is a wealth of best practices and approaches available to tailor NLP to specific needs. Enterprises often have unique language, domain-specific terms, and abbreviations. However, modern NLP models, such as transformer models, can be adjusted to accommodate these specific requirements, making them highly adaptable.

Thirdly, NLP technology has become more accessible. Platforms like Hugging Face provide a wide range of open-source NLP models that can be readily utilized. Additionally, various companies now offer NLP models via APIs, simplifying the consumption and integration of NLP technology into existing enterprise systems.

Who Builds NLP Applications in Enterprises:

The responsibility of building NLP applications in enterprises lies with multiple parties. The business teams, such as risk management or research analysts, are the ones with pain points and requirements that need to be addressed. However, they may not possess in-depth knowledge of NLP technology. Machine learning and data science teams are responsible for building the NLP models and pipelines required for these applications. They are tasked with training and fine-tuning the models to achieve the desired results. Additionally, application development teams play a crucial role in building the user interfaces and integrating the NLP models into the overall application architecture. Bridging the gap between business requirements and technical implementation are the product owners and enterprise architects, who ensure that the development aligns with the goals of the enterprise.

Challenges in Building NLP Applications:

The development of NLP applications in enterprises comes with its own set of challenges. Bridging the gap between machine learning and application development is a significant hurdle. Machine learning engineers focus on training models and optimizing performance, while application engineers handle data connectivity and front-end development. Collaboration between these teams is essential to successfully integrate NLP models into full-stack applications.

Defining Meaningful metrics for evaluation is another challenge. While metrics like F1 scores are commonly used, their theoretical nature may not Align with the end users' expectations. Organizations need to actively involve end users in the evaluation process to determine if the output of the NLP application is valuable and adjust accordingly.

Additionally, involving end users in the development process can be challenging. NLP and machine learning projects often take a considerable amount of time to develop, making it difficult for end users to fully grasp the technology's functionality and potential. Continuous feedback and engagement with end users can help address this issue and ensure the application remains useful over time.

Solutions for Building NLP Applications:

To address the challenges Mentioned earlier, a few solutions have proven effective in building successful NLP applications. First and foremost, a holistic approach involves designing a full-stack application instead of focusing solely on the NLP model. This approach ensures seamless integration of the application's components, from data preprocessing to user interface design.

Another crucial aspect is starting with the pipeline rather than just the model. By designing the entire application architecture upfront, teams can make informed decisions about the models and preprocessing steps required. This approach enables faster development and evaluation of the application's functionalities.

Furthermore, involving end users from the early stages of development is vital. Building fast demos and gathering user feedback allows developers to iterate and improve the application continuously. This user-centric approach ensures that the NLP application meets the needs and expectations of the end users.

Overcoming Language and Data Challenges:

When implementing NLP applications in enterprises, language and data challenges can arise. Enterprises with multilingual users and partners need to handle diverse languages effectively. Fortunately, there are multilingual models available that can interpret and understand multiple languages. Additionally, for structured data, NLP models can be utilized to replace complex SQL queries, simplifying data consolidation and retrieval.


Building enterprise NLP applications involves understanding the categories of applications and the problems they solve. Enterprises adopt NLP technology due to its proven effectiveness, customizability, and accessibility. The responsibility of building these applications lies with business teams, machine learning and data science teams, and application development teams, with product owners and enterprise architects bridging the gap between them. Challenges in building NLP applications can be overcome by adopting a holistic approach, involving end users, and focusing on the entire application pipeline. Language and data challenges can be addressed through multilingual models and utilizing NLP for structured data. By embracing NLP technology, enterprises can enhance decision-making, knowledge management, and user experiences.


  • NLP applications in enterprises: automated data processing, search and knowledge management, virtual assistants.
  • Adoption of NLP driven by effectiveness, customizability, and accessibility.
  • Business teams, machine learning teams, and application development teams play crucial roles in building NLP applications.
  • Challenges include bridging the gap between machine learning and application development, defining meaningful evaluation metrics, and involving end users.
  • Solutions involve designing full-stack applications, starting with the pipeline, and engaging end users in the development process.
  • Language and data challenges can be overcome with multilingual models and leveraging NLP for structured data.


Q: How can NLP models be applied to both structured and unstructured data in enterprises? A: NLP models can be utilized to replace complex SQL queries and simplify data consolidation and retrieval for structured data. For unstructured data, NLP models can extract relevant information and enable better search and knowledge management within the enterprise.

Q: How can enterprises overcome the challenge of handling multiple languages in NLP applications? A: Multilingual models are available that can interpret and understand multiple languages. These models enable enterprises to cater to users and partners who communicate in different languages.

Q: How can end users be effectively involved in the development of NLP applications? A: Building fast demos and gathering user feedback early on allows developers to iteratively improve the application based on end users' needs and expectations. Continuous engagement with end users ensures that the NLP application remains valuable and aligned with their requirements.

Q: How can enterprises effectively evaluate the performance of NLP applications? A: It is crucial to involve end users in the evaluation process to determine if the output of the NLP application is valuable to them. Meaningful metrics need to be defined based on user feedback and expectations, going beyond theoretical metrics like F1 scores.

Q: What are the key benefits of adopting NLP technology in enterprises? A: Adopting NLP technology allows enterprises to streamline operations, improve decision-making processes, enhance knowledge management, and provide comprehensive virtual assistant services. The customizability and accessibility of NLP models make it a valuable tool for various industries.

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