Convert Images to Webp in Seconds

Convert Images to Webp in Seconds

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting up the Virtual Environment
  3. Installing Pillow Library
  4. Converting a Single Image to WebP
  5. Handling Different Image Formats
    1. PNG Images
    2. JPEG Images
  6. Testing the Conversion
  7. Converting Multiple Images in a Folder
  8. Checking if a File is an Image
  9. Conclusion
  10. Recommendations


WebP is a modern image format that aims to optimize the loading time of images on the web. In this article, we will explore how to use Python to convert images to WebP format. We will cover the setup of a virtual environment, installation of the Pillow library, conversion of a single image, handling different image formats, testing the conversion, and converting multiple images in a folder.

Setting up the Virtual Environment

Before we begin, we need to set up a virtual environment to isolate the project dependencies. This ensures that the required libraries are installed without interfering with other Python projects. To set up a virtual environment, navigate to the project directory in the terminal and run the following command:

python -m venv myenv

Next, activate the virtual environment using the following command:

source myenv/bin/activate

Once activated, we can proceed with the installation of the required library.

Installing Pillow Library

The Pillow library is a powerful image processing library that allows us to perform image conversions without diving into low-level details. To install Pillow, run the following command:

pip install pillow

With the virtual environment set up and the Pillow library installed, we can now move on to converting a single image to WebP format.

Converting a Single Image to WebP

To convert a single image to WebP format, we will Create a function called convert_to_webp. This function will accept two parameters: the file name and the path to the file. We can also set a default path if desired.

from PIL import Image

def convert_to_webp(file_name, path='images/'):
    # Code here

Inside the function, we will determine the file extension of the image and Apply different conversion settings Based on the format. If the image is a PNG, we will use lossless compression. For JPEG images, we will adjust the quality.

extension = file_name.split('.')[-1]
file_name_without_extension = file_name.split('.')[-2]

if extension == 'png':
    # Save image as WebP with lossless compression + file_name).save(path + file_name_without_extension + '.webp', 'webp', lossless=True)

elif extension == 'jpeg' or extension == 'jpg':
    # Save image as WebP with quality adjustment + file_name).save(path + file_name_without_extension + '.webp', 'webp', quality=85)

We can now test the conversion by calling this function with the file name of the image we want to convert.

Handling Different Image Formats

The convert_to_webp function we created in the previous section only covers the conversion of PNG and JPEG images. However, there are other image formats that might need to be converted as well. Let's Enhance our function to handle different formats.

PNG Images

For PNG images, we will Continue using lossless compression. We can set lossless=True when saving the image as WebP.

if extension == 'png': + file_name).save(path + file_name_without_extension + '.webp', 'webp', lossless=True)

JPEG Images

For JPEG images, we will adjust the quality of the compressed image. You can experiment with different quality values to find the balance between file size reduction and image quality. In our example, we will set quality=85.

elif extension == 'jpeg' or extension == 'jpg': + file_name).save(path + file_name_without_extension + '.webp', 'webp', quality=85)

With these additional settings, we can now convert PNG and JPEG images to WebP format with the appropriate adjustments.

Testing the Conversion

To test the image conversion, we can call the convert_to_webp function with the desired file name and path. For example, to convert logo.png in the images folder, we can use the following code:


This will generate a logo.webp file in the same folder with the converted image.

Converting Multiple Images in a Folder

Converting images one by one can be time-consuming and repetitive. To streamline the process, we can create a function called convert_all that converts all the images in a given folder.

import os

def convert_all(path='images/'):
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
        for image_file in files:
            if image_file.lower().endswith(('.png', '.jpeg', '.jpg')):
                convert_to_webp(image_file, root)

The convert_all function uses the os.walk function to iterate through all the files in the specified folder. It then checks if the file is an image by verifying the file extension. If it is an image, it calls the convert_to_webp function to convert the image to WebP.

To convert all images in the images folder, simply call the convert_all function without any arguments:


This will convert all PNG and JPEG images in the folder to WebP format.

Checking if a File is an Image

Inside the convert_all function, we added a check to ensure that only image files are converted. In this check, we use the lower() method to convert the file name to lowercase before comparing it with the allowed file extensions.

if image_file.lower().endswith(('.png', '.jpeg', '.jpg')):
    convert_to_webp(image_file, root)

This allows the function to handle image files with uppercase extensions as well.


In this article, we have explored how to convert images to WebP format using Python. We set up a virtual environment, installed the Pillow library, and created functions to convert a single image and multiple images in a folder. We also added checks to handle different image formats and ensured that only image files are converted. By using WebP format, we can significantly reduce image file sizes without compromising image quality, resulting in faster loading times for web pages.


  • When converting images, consider the trade-off between file size reduction and image quality. Adjust the compression settings based on your specific requirements and target audience.
  • Regularly test the converted images to ensure the quality meets your expectations. Fine-tune the settings if necessary.
  • When using WebP images on your Website, make sure to provide fallback options for browsers that do not support this format. Consider using responsive image techniques for optimal loading times on different devices.


  • WebP is a modern image format designed for fast loading on the web.
  • Python and Pillow library can be used to convert images to WebP format.
  • Setting up a virtual environment ensures a clean and isolated development environment.
  • The convert_to_webp function converts a single image to WebP format, adjusting the settings based on the image format.
  • The convert_all function can convert multiple images in a folder to WebP format.
  • Checking the file extension ensures that only image files are converted.
  • WebP format enables significantly reduced image file sizes without sacrificing image quality.


Q: Is WebP supported by all browsers? A: WebP is supported by major web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, and Opera. However, Internet Explorer and Safari do not natively support WebP. It is recommended to provide fallback options, such as JPEG or PNG, for browsers that do not support WebP.

Q: Can I use WebP images in my existing website? A: Yes, you can replace existing images with WebP versions. However, you need to update the HTML code to serve the appropriate image format based on the browser's compatibility. Consider using the <picture> element or JavaScript-based solutions to ensure seamless compatibility across different browsers.

Q: Does converting images to WebP affect image quality? A: Converting images to WebP format can reduce file size without noticeable loss of image quality. The quality settings can be adjusted to find the optimal balance between file size reduction and image fidelity. It is recommended to test and evaluate the converted images to ensure the desired quality is maintained.

Q: Are there any image formats that WebP cannot replace? A: WebP is suitable for most image types, including photographs, graphics, and illustrations. However, there are specialized image formats, such as SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) and GIF (Graphics Interchange Format), that serve specific purposes and cannot be directly replaced by WebP. Consider the specific requirements of your images when deciding on the appropriate format.

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