Crafting Juice WRLD Vibes: AI Music Adventure

Crafting Juice WRLD Vibes: AI Music Adventure

Table of Contents

  1. 🎤 Introduction
  2. 🎶 Getting Started with ai Music Creation
    • Choosing the Beat: Soggy Murrell's Finest
    • Setting the Stage: FL Studio Setup
  3. 🎵 Crafting Lyrics with Chat GPT
  4. 🎙️ Recording the Raw Essence
    • Vocal Layers: Adding Depth
    • Mixing Magic: Enter Melodic Sauce
  5. 🎚️ Mastering the Final Sound
    • Tweaking for Perfection: Joey's Tricks
    • Sharing the Creativity: Online Platforms
  6. 🌟 Pros and Cons
  7. 🔥 Highlights
  8. ❓ FAQ

🎤 Introduction

Yo, what's up, guys? Today, I'm diving back into the realm of AI Music creation. Last time, I tried my HAND at crafting a song a la Juice WRLD, and let's just say, it wasn't pretty. I mean, seriously, it was a train wreck. But hey, I'm here to redeem myself! As a decent artist (or so I like to think), I owe it to you, my awesome viewers, and to the legend himself, Juice WRLD, to do better. So, here we go again, folks! Buckle up for a wild ride.

🎶 Getting Started with AI Music Creation

Choosing the Beat: Soggy Murrell's Finest

First things first, we need that signature Juice WRLD vibe. Cue Soggy Murrell, one of my all-time favorite beat producers. A quick search for "Juice WRLD type beat," and boom, we've got our canvas. The beat is set, the stage is ours.

Setting the Stage: FL Studio Setup

Into FL Studio we go, setting our tempo to a heart-pumping 140 BPM in the key of B major. Now, remember, folks, I'm no Juice WRLD—just a humble artist trying to catch that Wave. With Chat GPT by our side, I type in those magic words: "Write me a song like Juice WRLD."

🎵 Crafting Lyrics with Chat GPT

The Juice World Vibe: Emulating Style

Feeling like I'm in a dream, my heart heavy but my mind clear, I dive into the world of Juice WRLD-inspired lyrics. "I see the world in black and white, searching for the colors of life." The AI responds, and we're off to the races. Now, let's be real, folks. The AI doesn't know our beat, our rhythm, our flow. But hey, we'll make it work.

Writing with AI: Challenges and Triumphs

The lyrics start pouring out, a mix of magic and randomness. It's a dance between human creativity and AI unpredictability. But hey, that's the beauty of it, right? We embrace the chaos, molding these digital words into something uniquely Juice WRLD-esque.

🎙️ Recording the Raw Essence

Vocal Layers: Adding Depth

With lyrics in hand, it's time to lay down some vocals. "I'm walking down the street with my head held..." Whoa, that actually sounded pretty decent! Juice WRLD's tonality is no joke, but hey, we're giving it our all.

Mixing Magic: Enter Melodic Sauce

Now, let's talk sauce—melodic sauce, that is. A quick drag and drop of my favorite vocal presets, and suddenly, we've got pro-level vocals. It's like magic, folks. Just a few tweaks here and there, and we're ready to rock.

🎚️ Mastering the Final Sound

Tweaking for Perfection: Joey's Tricks

After a bit of mixing and mastering, we've got ourselves a gem. "I'm searching for the colors, but they're always..." Yes, yes, YES! That's the sound we've been chasing. Juice WRLD would be proud.

Sharing the Creativity: Online Platforms

Before we wrap up, let me drop some knowledge. Want to sound like a pro? Check out the presets I used, available with a sweet discount using code "Joey." Trust me, it's a Game-changer.

🌟 Pros and Cons


  • AI creativity at its finest
  • Easy access to professional-level vocals
  • Capturing the Juice WRLD vibe with precision


  • AI limitations in understanding beat and rhythm
  • Personal touch needed to fine-tune lyrics

🔥 Highlights

  • Crafting a Juice WRLD-inspired masterpiece with AI
  • Unleashing the power of melodic sauce for pro vocals
  • Embracing the chaos of creativity in music-making


Q: Can anyone create a song like Juice WRLD with AI? A: Absolutely! With the right tools and a touch of creativity, anyone can dive into the world of Juice WRLD-inspired music.

Q: How important is mixing and mastering in music production? A: It's crucial! Mixing and mastering can take a song from good to great, giving it that professional polish.

Q: Where can I find the presets and tools Mentioned in the article? A: Check out the links provided at the end of the article for access to the tools and presets used in this creative journey.


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