Create Stunning Presentations Effortlessly with Decta Pose

Create Stunning Presentations Effortlessly with Decta Pose

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started with Decta Pose
  3. Creating Presentations with AI
  4. Using Templates
  5. Editing Presentations
  6. Customizing Design
  7. Adding Voiceovers
  8. Previewing and Saving Presentations
  9. Downloading Presentations
  10. Conclusion


Decta Pose is an AI-powered software that simplifies the creation of beautiful presentations. In this tutorial, You will learn how to use Decta Pose to Create engaging presentations effortlessly.

Getting Started with Decta Pose

To get started with Decta Pose, simply visit Once you're on the Website, click on "Get Started" in the top right-HAND corner and sign up using your email address. After signing up, you will be redirected to the Decta Pose dashboard.

Creating Presentations with AI

Decta Pose offers an AI feature that allows you to create presentations automatically. To use this feature, click on "Create with AI" on the main dashboard. Enter your presentation title and the subject of your presentation. Then, choose your target audience and your aim for the presentation. Finally, select the desired duration of your presentation and click on "Generate Presentation."

Using Templates

If you prefer to start with a pre-designed template, Decta Pose offers a wide range of templates to choose from. To start with a template, click on "Start with a Template" on the dashboard. Select the category that best suits your presentation, such as proposal or sales pitch. Preview the available templates and choose one that suits your needs. Click on "Use this Template" to start editing.

Editing Presentations

Once you have selected a template or created a presentation using AI, you can begin editing your presentation. Use the left-hand menu options to add and customize slides. You can add text, images, covers, timelines, and more. Simply click on the respective option and follow the instructions. To edit any section, click on the section you want to modify.

Customizing Design

Decta Pose allows you to customize the design of your presentation. To change the color scheme, click on "Design" in the left-hand menu and select your desired colors. You can also change the font style by clicking on "Font Style" and choosing from various options. Additionally, you can add slide notes or generate notes using AI.

Adding Voiceovers

To add a voiceover or audio to your presentation, click on the microphone icon in the top left-hand corner of the screen. You can choose to Record your voice or upload an MP3 file. Adding voiceovers can enhance the overall impact and engagement of your presentation.

Previewing and Saving Presentations

Once you have finished editing your presentation, it's essential to preview it before finalizing. Click on "Play" to view how your presentation will look. If everything looks good, you can save your presentation within the Decta Pose platform. Your presentations will be saved in your account for easy access.

Downloading Presentations

Decta Pose allows you to download your presentations in various formats. To download your presentation as a PPT or PDF file, click on "Download" in the top right-hand corner. Choose your preferred format, and the presentation will be downloaded to your device.


Decta Pose is a user-friendly and powerful tool for creating captivating presentations. Whether you prefer to use AI or start with a template, Decta Pose provides the flexibility and features to bring your ideas to life. Start creating impressive presentations with Decta Pose today!


  • Decta Pose simplifies the creation of beautiful presentations.
  • Use the AI feature to generate presentations automatically.
  • Choose from a wide range of templates for a quick start.
  • Customize the design and add voiceovers to enhance your presentation.
  • Preview, save, and download your presentations with ease.


Q: Can I customize the template further after selecting it? A: Yes, you can customize the template by adding or modifying slides, changing text, images, and design elements.

Q: Can I add multiple voiceovers to my presentation? A: Yes, you can add voiceovers to individual slides or the entire presentation. Decta Pose provides the flexibility to add audio according to your preferences.

Q: Can I collaborate with others on a presentation? A: Currently, Decta Pose does not offer collaboration features. However, you can share your presentations by exporting them or providing access to your account.

Q: Can I use Decta Pose offline? A: No, Decta Pose is an online software that requires an internet connection to create and edit presentations.

Q: Is Decta Pose free? A: Decta Pose offers a free plan that allows you to create presentations for no cost. However, there are also premium plans available with additional features and benefits.

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