Create Your Own RAG AI Chatbot with Python | Easy Step-by-Step Guide

Create Your Own RAG AI Chatbot with Python | Easy Step-by-Step Guide

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. What is RAG?
  3. Why Do People Need RAG?
  4. The Concept of RAG
  5. The Retrieval Part of RAG
  6. The Generation Part of RAG
  7. The Augmentation Part of RAG
  8. The Power of RAG in Chatbots
  9. Frameworks that Harness the Power of RAG
  10. Conclusion


In today's video, we will be discussing the topic of retrieval augmented generation, also known as RAG. RAG has gained significant popularity in the field of natural language processing, as it allows for more Relevant responses from large language models. We will explore what RAG is, why it is essential, and how it can be advantageous in various applications, such as chatbots and knowledge-Based systems.

What is RAG?

RAG stands for retrieval augmented generation. It is a technique used to make large language models more relevant in their responses. RAG combines three Core components: retrieval, generation, and augmentation. The retrieval part involves retrieving contextual information or similarity sentences from external databases. The generation part refers to the generation of responses by the language model. Finally, the augmentation part enriches the user's query by adding extra sentences or keywords.

Why Do People Need RAG?

RAG addresses several challenges associated with language models, such as relevance, staying up-to-date, and overcoming hallucination. With RAG, large language models can provide more accurate and contextually relevant responses to user queries. Organizations and enterprises are increasingly interested in adopting RAG to enhance their products and services by leveraging the power of large language models.

The Concept of RAG

The concept of RAG is not new and has been in existence for the past two to three years. In a Simplified form, RAG consists of three main components: generation, retrieval, and augmentation. Generation involves passing a query through a large language model to generate responses. Retrieval entails retrieving relevant Context or passages from external databases, such as vector databases. Augmentation focuses on enriching the user query by adding extra sentences or keywords to enhance the prompt.

The Retrieval Part of RAG

In the retrieval part, relevant information is retrieved from external databases, such as vector databases. These databases contain indexed data, such as PDF pages or text files, which are retrieved using similarity searches. This retrieval ensures that the language model has access to the most relevant and up-to-date information when generating responses.

The Generation Part of RAG

The generation part of RAG involves passing the augmented prompt to a large language model, such as OpenAI's GPT 3.5 turbo. The model uses the prompt, which now includes additional context and relevant information, to generate responses. By leveraging the power of large language models, RAG ensures that the responses are more accurate, relevant, and less prone to hallucination.

The Augmentation Part of RAG

Augmentation is a critical component of RAG that enriches the user query and enhances the prompt. Relevant information obtained through the retrieval process, such as similarity searches and system Prompts, is added to the prompt. By augmenting the prompt with additional context and information, RAG ensures that the generated responses are highly relevant and tailored to the user's query.

The Power of RAG in Chatbots

RAG has revolutionized the field of chatbots by improving the quality of responses. With RAG, chatbots can provide more accurate and relevant answers to user queries. This makes them more reliable and effective in assisting users with their questions and needs. The retrieval and augmentation aspects of RAG allow chatbots to leverage external knowledge bases and provide contextually rich responses.

Frameworks that Harness the Power of RAG

There are several frameworks available that harness the power of RAG, such as L-Chain and Lama Index. These frameworks provide efficient ways to handle retrieval and augmentation in RAG. By implementing these frameworks, developers can enhance the capabilities of their chatbots and improve the relevance and quality of their responses.


In conclusion, RAG is a powerful technique used to enhance the relevancy and accuracy of responses generated by large language models. By combining retrieval, generation, and augmentation, RAG enables these models to stay up-to-date, overcome hallucination, and provide contextually rich answers. RAG is particularly beneficial in the development of chatbots and knowledge-based systems, where accurate and relevant responses are crucial. By adopting RAG, enterprises and organizations can significantly improve their products and services offered to users.


  • Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a technique used to make large language models more relevant in their responses.
  • RAG combines retrieval, generation, and augmentation to enhance response quality.
  • RAG addresses challenges such as relevance, staying up-to-date, and overcoming hallucination.
  • The retrieval part involves retrieving relevant context or similarity sentences from external databases.
  • The generation part focuses on generating responses using large language models.
  • The augmentation part enriches the user query by adding extra sentences or keywords to enhance the prompt.
  • RAG is beneficial for chatbots and knowledge-based systems.
  • Frameworks like L-Chain and Lama Index harness the power of RAG.


Q: How does RAG improve response relevance? A: RAG improves response relevance by retrieving relevant context from external databases and augmenting the prompt with additional information.

Q: What challenges does RAG address? A: RAG addresses challenges such as response relevance, staying up-to-date with the latest information, and overcoming hallucination in language models.

Q: What is the role of retrieval in RAG? A: Retrieval involves retrieving relevant context or similarity sentences from external databases, such as vector databases, to enhance the relevance of responses.

Q: How does RAG enhance the generation of responses? A: RAG enhances response generation by augmenting the prompt with additional context and information, making the responses more accurate and relevant.

Q: Can RAG be used in chatbots? A: Yes, RAG is particularly useful in chatbots as it improves the quality and relevance of responses, making them more reliable and effective in assisting users.

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