Discover the Secret to Homemade Palitaw

Discover the Secret to Homemade Palitaw

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Market Day and the Craving for Palitaw
  3. Attending the Event at Luca Labs Farm
  4. Making Palitaw at Home 4.1. Gathering the Ingredients 4.2. Forming the Dough 4.3. Boiling the Dough 4.4. Coating with Toasted Sesame Seed Mixture
  5. Enjoying the Homemade Palitaw
  6. Exploring Other Variants of Palitaw
  7. The Story Behind Yema-filled Palitaw
  8. Making Palitaw with Yema Filling
  9. A Perfect Snack for All Ages
  10. Conclusion

Market Day and the Craving for Palitaw

Market days are always exciting, especially when there's something special in mind. On one such day, the craving for palitaw struck, and a mission to recreate the delicious treat began. This article takes You through the Journey of discovering and making palitaw, a popular Filipino delicacy enjoyed as a merienda snack.


Have you ever had a sudden craving for a specific food that you just couldn't shake off? Well, that's exactly what happened on this Market Day adventure. It all started with a merienda treat that left a lingering taste in the mouth and a desire to recreate it at home.

Attending the Event at Luca Labs Farm

A few days ago, there was an event at Luca Labs Farm in Pilar. The community gathered to enjoy a day of fun, food, and camaraderie. It was at this event that the author had the opportunity to try palitaw for the first time. The palitaw came with a refreshing calamansi Juice, adding to the overall delightful experience. Since then, the craving for that delectable palitaw has been growing stronger.

Making Palitaw at Home

With the desire to satisfy the craving, the decision was made to make palitaw at home. The first step was gathering all the necessary ingredients. Glutinous rice flour, grated coconut, sugar, and toasted sesame seeds were the key ingredients needed for this culinary adventure.

Forming the Dough

Creating the dough for palitaw is a straightforward process. The glutinous rice flour was mixed with Water to form a dough-like consistency. As the dough came together, it resembled white Play-Doh, enticing the imagination.

Boiling the Dough

The formed dough was then boiled until it floated to the surface, indicating that it was perfectly cooked. This step required patience and a watchful eye to ensure the desired results. The author's mother, Nana, Mentioned that the palitaw is considered cooked when it floats, a valuable piece of information to remember.

Coating with Toasted Sesame Seed Mixture

To enhance the flavor and texture of the palitaw, a mixture of toasted sesame seeds and sugar was prepared. The boiled palitaw was then coated in this delightful mixture, adding a delightful crunch and sweetness to the dish.

Enjoying the Homemade Palitaw

Finally, the homemade palitaw was ready to be enjoyed. With its chewy texture, nutty coating, and the subtle sweetness of the toasted sesame seeds, this merienda treat was a pure delight. It was a snack that brought back memories of that special event at Luca Labs Farm, all from the comfort of home.

Exploring Other Variants of Palitaw

While the traditional palitaw recipe is a delight in itself, there are also other variants worth exploring. From adding flavors like ube or pandan to experimenting with fillings like yema, the possibilities are endless. Each variant offers a unique twist to the classic palitaw, making it even more exciting to explore the world of this beloved Filipino delicacy.

The Story Behind Yema-filled Palitaw

Among the many exciting palitaw variations, the yema-filled palitaw stands out. Yema, a sweet custard-like filling made from condensed milk and egg yolks, adds an extra layer of indulgence to the already delightful palitaw. The combination of the soft, chewy rice cake and the rich, creamy yema filling is truly a match made in heaven.

Making Palitaw with Yema Filling

Creating palitaw with yema filling requires a few additional steps. After making the palitaw dough, small portions are flattened and filled with the yema mixture. These filled portions are then Shaped into balls and cooked just like the traditional palitaw. The end result is a palitaw bursting with sweetness and a creamy surprise at every bite.

A Perfect Snack for All Ages

Palitaw is more than just a snack; it's a treat that brings joy to people of all ages. Whether it's a merienda for kids after a long day at school or a nostalgic reminder of childhood for adults, palitaw Never fails to satisfy. Its simplicity and versatility make it a snack that can be enjoyed at any time of the day.


In conclusion, the journey from craving to creation is a fulfilling one. Making palitaw at home may seem daunting at first, but the rewards are worth it. With simple ingredients and a little bit of patience, anyone can enjoy a plate of homemade palitaw that captures the essence of Filipino flavors. So go ahead, satisfy that craving and embark on your own palitaw adventure.

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