Exciting Real Estate Market Update in Tulare County, California

Exciting Real Estate Market Update in Tulare County, California

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Average Sale Price Trends
  3. Price per Square Foot Analysis
  4. New Listings Report
  5. Inventory and Homes for Sale
  6. Pending Sales and Closed Homes
  7. Days on Market Analysis
  8. Months of Inventory Overview
  9. Opportunities for Buyers
  10. Tips for Sellers
  11. Conclusion


Welcome to the Market Statistics report for December 2022. In this article, we will analyze the trends and data to determine the Current state of the market and make predictions for 2023. We will discuss various indicators such as average sale price, price per square foot, new listings, inventory, pending sales, closed homes, days on market, and months of inventory. Additionally, we will provide insights for both buyers and sellers in light of the current market conditions.

Average Sale Price Trends

The average sale price for homes in December 2022 dropped to $354,412. Although this represents a 3.2% increase compared to the previous year, there has been a significant pullback in prices since April. Over the past three years, the market witnessed a steady rise, with values nearly doubling in a three-year span. However, the recent pullback was necessary to stabilize the market. The decline in prices is expected to level off in the spring when the market picks up.

Price per Square Foot Analysis

The price per square foot has remained relatively steady throughout 2022, currently standing at $218. This figure is up 9.5% from the beginning of the year. The price per square foot provides valuable insights into the buying behavior of consumers, as it reflects the price buyers are willing to pay Based on the size of the home. Comparing the average sale price and price per square foot suggests that the decrease in average sale price is influenced by buyers purchasing smaller homes.

New Listings Report

In December, there were 184 new listings, representing a 32.4% decrease compared to the previous year. This decline in new listings has been a cause for concern, as the inventory of available homes has been diminishing rapidly. Sellers have become hesitant to list their homes due to the Perception of a downward trend in prices. This has resulted in a severe shortage of homes on the market, posing challenges for buyers and contributing to the stability of prices.

Inventory and Homes for Sale

The number of homes for sale in Tulare County has also been decreasing. Currently, there are only 493 homes for sale, up 17 from the previous year. The dwindling inventory can be attributed to the lack of new listings entering the market. Many sellers, having experienced significant equity growth over the past few years, are reluctant to sell during a downward trend. While this lack of inventory presents challenges, it also contributes to the stability of the market. However, increasing inventory is essential to meet the demand of potential buyers.

Pending Sales and Closed Homes

Pending sales have experienced a decline, with a significant drop of 27.3% compared to the previous year. This decrease can be attributed to the reduced number of homes available on the market. Buyers have fewer options to choose from, resulting in a reduced level of buyer activity. The number of closed sales in December also dropped, with a 30% decline compared to the previous year. The correlation between pending sales and closed homes further illustrates the impact of reduced inventory on market activity.

Days on Market Analysis

The average days on market has seen a significant increase, climbing to 31 days. This represents a 287.5% increase compared to the previous year, indicating a shift in market dynamics. With a smaller buyer pool and sellers attempting to price their homes based on past peak prices, properties are taking longer to sell. The increase in days on market highlights the importance of pricing a home appropriately to attract buyers in a more competitive market.

Months of Inventory Overview

The months of inventory, which provides an estimate of how long it would take to sell the current inventory based on the current rate of sales, currently stands at 1.8 months. This decrease in inventory is primarily due to the limited number of new listings entering the market. Even with a reduced buyer pool, the demand continues to outpace the available supply of homes. Increasing new listings is crucial to address the low inventory levels and provide buyers with more options.

Opportunities for Buyers

The current market conditions present opportunities for buyers. With reduced competition and the ability to negotiate better prices, buyers can benefit from seller assistance with closing costs and repairs. The decreased level of buyer activity and the lower number of competing offers allow buyers to have more leverage during negotiations. Buyers should take AdVantage of this temporary shift in the market and explore their options thoroughly.

Tips for Sellers

For sellers planning to sell their homes within the next two years, the current market presents an opportune time. With low inventory and properly priced homes selling quickly, sellers can capitalize on the current demand. However, it is essential to price a home realistically to attract buyers and avoid extended days on market. Sellers should take advantage of the market conditions while also being mindful of potential changes in the future.


In conclusion, the real estate market in December 2022 shows signs of stabilization after a period of steady growth. While there has been a decline in average sale prices and inventory levels, the market has remained relatively stable. The decreased level of buyer activity is counterbalanced by the reduced number of homes available for sale, resulting in a balanced market. However, the future trajectory of the market will depend on various factors, including the actions of the Federal Reserve and potential shifts in buyer and seller behavior. Both buyers and sellers have opportunities to take advantage of the current market conditions and achieve their goals.

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