Exploring the Letty House: A Mid-Century Modern Architectural Marvel

Exploring the Letty House: A Mid-Century Modern Architectural Marvel

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Idea of Buying a Neutral House
  3. Discovering the Letty House
  4. The Architecture of the Letty House
    • The International Style of the Letty House
    • The Additions and Changes to the House
  5. History of the Letty House Ownership
  6. The Original Furniture and Frank Getzi
  7. Collaboration with Frank Getzi
  8. Building a Contemporary Modern House
  9. Artistic Influence and Evolution
  10. Comparison with Davis House
  11. Living in the Letty House
    • Appreciating the Design and Light Interactions
    • Sharing the Space with Others
    • The Warmth of Modernism
    • Convenient Location
  12. Conclusion

The Letty House: A Journey into Modern Architecture

In this article, we will take a closer look at the Letty House, a remarkable example of mid-century modern architecture located in Bakersfield. From its inception to the present day, we will explore the story behind this unique home and the experiences of its Current owner.


The idea of buying a neutral house brought the current owner to Bakersfield. The allure of a business opportunity coupled with the musical roots of Merle Haggard and Buck Owens attracted their Attention. The love for music and the desire to live in a neutral house set the stage for their journey into modern architecture.

The Idea of Buying a Neutral House

The initial motivation behind the search for a neutral house was the desire for a business opportunity. The owner recognized the importance of music in their life and wanted to live in a place where they could still enjoy music. However, one of the key drivers was the possibility of buying a neutral house – a haven of tranquility where they could retreat from the outside world.

Discovering the Letty House

The journey to finding the Letty House was not without its challenges. Initially, the house was not available for sale, but the owner met the previous owners who Mentioned that the current owner would Never sell. Undeterred, they bought another house in the area. However, fate intervened, and a chance encounter with the owner of the Letty House led to a fortuitous opportunity. The house fell out of escrow, and the current owner seized the opportunity to make a deal.

The Architecture of the Letty House

Built in the late 1950s, the Letty House showcases Neutra's expertise in modern architecture. The house follows the principles of the International Style, featuring a strong connection between indoors and outdoors and a significant glazing element. Over the years, the house underwent additions and changes, expanding its original 1500 square feet to nearly 2000 square feet.

History of the Letty House Ownership

Frank Getzi, the previous owner of the Letty House, had a deep attachment to the property. He purchased the house in 1959 and held onto it until 2003, when he sold it to the current owner. His affinity for the house and his dedication to its preservation was evident when he handed over the last key with a bittersweet goodbye.

The Original Furniture and Frank Getzi

Despite some furniture being removed over the years, the Letty House still retains its original Charm. The bookcase and the bedroom furniture stand as a testament to Frank Getzi's attachment to the house. His visit after the current owner moved in brought a Sense of fulfillment, as Frank acknowledged the house's transformation into a more neutral space.

Collaboration with Frank Getzi

Throughout the process of purchasing and renovating the Letty House, the current owner had the opportunity to work closely with Frank Getzi. They shared ideas and visions, discussing the placement of a swimming pool and other aspects of the project. The collaboration allowed them to Create a contemporary modern house that catered to their needs.

Building a Contemporary Modern House

The Letty House stands as an experimental marvel in modern architecture. Its design pushed the boundaries of traditional housing, incorporating elements like pebble creek running through the living room. The house, originally intended as a starter home, evolved over time, reflecting the artistic inclinations of the current owner and their family.

Artistic Influence and Evolution

Growing up in an artistic environment, the current owner's affinity for art and design developed naturally. Their involvement in various artistic endeavors, such as painting and set design, eventually led them to the Letty House. The house became a canvas for their artistic expression and a testament to their journey in the creative world.

Comparison with Davis House

Stylistically, the Letty House represents a more relaxed state of Neutra's work compared to the Davis House. While the Letty House embraces a casual, mid-century modern aesthetic, the Davis House exudes a more formal and European vibe. Having both houses in Bakersfield allows for a unique opportunity to witness the evolution of Neutra's career.

Living in the Letty House

Living in the Letty House has been a dream come true for the current owner. Initially, they felt like they were living in a precious piece of artwork, but over the years, it has become a cherished home. The house's design and its interaction with light and nature Continue to bring new discoveries and enjoyment. Sharing the space with guests has also been a source of joy, allowing them to engage with architectural enthusiasts and other creative personalities.

The Letty House offers a sense of peace and tranquility, contrary to the misconception that modernism is cold. Its warm atmosphere and convenient location add to its appeal and make it a perfect fit for the current owner's lifestyle.


The Letty House stands today as a testament to the vision and skill of Neutra, as well as the passion and dedication of its current owner. Its evolution from a neutral house to a cherished home reflects the journey of its inhabitants, their love for art and music, and their commitment to sharing their unique space with others. Living in this architectural masterpiece has brought immeasurable joy, and the current owner looks forward to many more years of tranquility and inspiration.


  • The Letty House, a remarkable example of mid-century modern architecture located in Bakersfield.
  • The journey of the current owner in finding and acquiring the Letty House.
  • The architecture and design of the Letty House, reflecting Neutra's expertise in the International Style.
  • The collaboration with Frank Getzi, the previous owner, and his deep attachment to the house.
  • Living in the Letty House: appreciation of the design, interaction with light, and sharing the space with others.
  • The warm and convenient aspects of modernism in the Letty House.
  • Comparison with the Davis House to showcase the evolution of Neutra's career.
  • The Letty House as a canvas for artistic expression and personal growth.
  • The joy and fulfillment brought by living in the Letty House.


Q: Is the Letty House open to the public for visits? A: The Letty House is privately owned and not open to the public for visits.

Q: Is the Letty House available for events or rentals? A: No, the Letty House is not available for events or rentals. It is the private residence of the current owner.

Q: Are there any restrictions on photographing the Letty House? A: As a private residence, the Letty House may have restrictions on photography. It is advisable to seek permission from the owner before taking any photographs.

Q: Can I request a guided tour of the Letty House? A: Guided tours of the Letty House are not offered to the public.

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