From Zero to Software Engineer in 4 Months: My Journey of Learning to Code

From Zero to Software Engineer in 4 Months: My Journey of Learning to Code

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Why I Decided to Learn Coding
  3. Getting Started with Python
  4. Introduction to Web Programming
  5. Taking a Course in Computer Science
  6. Learning the C Programming Language
  7. Understanding How Computers Work at a Low Level
  8. Building a Full-Fledged Web Application
  9. Continuation with Web Programming
  10. The Never-Ending Process of Learning Coding
  11. The Value of Coding Skills in Today's World
  12. How I Got My Software Engineering Job
  13. Continuing to Improve and Learn

Learning How to Code From Scratch in Just Four Months

Introduction: Learning how to code can be a life-changing journey. In this article, I will share my personal experience of how I went from knowing nothing about coding to landing a job as a software engineer in just four months. Despite not having a computer science degree or attending any boot camps, I was able to acquire the necessary skills for free using online resources. I will take you through the steps I followed, the courses I took, and the challenges I faced along the way. By the end of this article, you will have a clear roadmap for starting your own coding journey and transitioning into the software engineering industry.

Why I Decided to Learn Coding: After graduating with an economics degree, I realized that my passion did not lie in the traditional career paths pursued by economics graduates. I wanted to find an industry where I could make a good income while working on problems that truly excited me. This led me to discover software engineering as a viable option. With the belief that coding was a skill that could be learned for free online, I delved into the world of programming with no prior knowledge or experience.

Getting Started with Python: To familiarize myself with coding, I started with resources like "Python for Everybody" and "The Odin Project." These free online resources introduced me to Python, one of the most popular programming languages, and web programming using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I was fascinated by the possibilities coding offered and wanted to dive deeper.

Taking a Course in Computer Science: To gain a more comprehensive understanding of computer science, I decided to take the Harvard University CS50 course, which is available for free on edX. This course provided me with a solid foundation in computer science principles, including learning the C programming language and gaining knowledge about front-end and back-end web development. Embracing the challenge, I was amazed by the vastness of this field and knew that software engineering was the industry I wanted to pursue.

Learning the C Programming Language: By delving into the CS50 course, I not only mastered the C programming language but also gained insights into the lower-level implementations of various functions that are often taken for granted in higher-level programming languages like Python. This understanding proved fundamental in enhancing my programming skills and problem-solving abilities.

Understanding How Computers Work at a Low Level: One aspect often overlooked by self-taught coders is gaining an understanding of how computers work at a low level. With programming, it's crucial to comprehend the underlying mechanisms of computers, as it contributes to becoming a better programmer. CS50 helped me develop this understanding, enabling me to connect front-end and back-end components using frameworks like Flask.

Building a Full-Fledged Web Application: As the culmination of the CS50 course, I successfully built a full-fledged web application, applying the knowledge I acquired throughout the course. While the applications built during this course were relatively basic compared to those of experienced software engineers, they served as valuable additions to my portfolio and offered me a stepping stone into the industry.

Continuation with Web Programming: To further refine my web programming skills, I took the CS50 follow-up course, "Web Programming with Python and JavaScript." This course dives deeper into web development and provides hands-on experience using the Django framework. Each week presents a new challenge, building towards more complex web applications. The projects completed during this course proved instrumental in boosting my confidence and competence in web development.

The Never-Ending Process of Learning Coding: While I completed the courses and acquired the necessary coding skills in just four months, it's crucial to recognize that coding is a skill that is never truly mastered. Software engineering is an evolving field, and staying up to date with new technologies and practices is essential. Continuous learning and honing of skills play a significant role in becoming a successful software engineer.

The Value of Coding Skills in Today's World: In today's world, coding is a highly sought-after skill and often referred to as a superpower. The demand for software engineers is constantly increasing, and learning how to code opens up numerous career opportunities. By acquiring coding skills, you possess a valuable asset that will be in high demand for the foreseeable future.

How I Got My Software Engineering Job: While luck played a small part in my journey, ultimately, it was my commitment, effort, and dedication to self-learning that led to my software engineering job. Though hesitant at first, I seized the opportunity during a non-software engineering internship and convinced the company to offer me a software engineering position based on my newfound coding skills and passion for the field. I continue to build projects and delve deeper into computer science concepts while awaiting the start of my new job.

Continuing to Improve and Learn: As a self-taught software engineer, my learning journey does not end with obtaining a job. I engage in personal projects to strengthen my skills and delve deeper into computer science principles. It is crucial to maintain a mindset of lifelong learning and a genuine passion for expanding one's knowledge in this ever-changing field.


  • Learning coding from scratch in just four months without a computer science degree or boot Camp
  • Utilizing free online resources to acquire coding skills
  • Taking the Harvard University CS50 course to gain comprehensive knowledge of computer science
  • Building a full-fledged web application as the culmination of the CS50 course
  • Continuing with web programming to refine skills using the Django framework
  • Embracing coding as a lifelong learning Journey


Q: Can I learn coding without any prior knowledge or experience? A: Absolutely! My personal journey is a testament to the fact that coding can be learned from scratch, even without any background in computer science or formal education.

Q: How long did it take You to learn coding? A: I was able to acquire the necessary coding skills in just four months. However, the timeframe may vary depending on individual circumstances and the amount of time dedicated to learning each day.

Q: Do I need to pay for materials and courses to learn coding? A: No, there are plenty of free resources available online that can help you learn coding. From video tutorials to interactive coding platforms, you can access all the necessary materials without spending any money.

Q: Is coding a skill that can lead to job opportunities? A: Absolutely! Coding is one of the most in-demand skills in today's job market. Whether you pursue a career as a software engineer or utilize your coding skills in other fields, there are countless job opportunities available.

Q: How do I transition from learning coding to securing a job as a software engineer? A: Building a portfolio of projects and demonstrating your passion and motivation for coding are essential steps in securing a software engineering job. Don't underestimate the value of personal projects in showcasing your skills and dedication.

Q: Is continuous learning necessary in the field of coding? A: Yes, coding is an ever-evolving field, and staying up to date with new technologies and practices is crucial. Embracing continuous learning and adapting to industry changes will help you thrive as a software engineer.

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