Generate Emails with Invoices in Godot

Generate Emails with Invoices in Godot

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Generating an Email with HTML
  3. Creating a New Project
  4. Adding a Button to the Project
  5. Sending the Invoice Email
  6. Adding a Subject to the Email
  7. Creating a Variable for the Email Body
  8. Adding a Link to the Email Body
  9. testing the Email Functionality
  10. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore how to generate an email using HTML and a programming language. We will specifically focus on creating a button in HTML that will generate an email with an invoice. We will be using the Godot Game engine to demonstrate this process.

Generating an Email with HTML

Let's start by creating a new project in Godot. We will name the project "Invoice" since we are generating an email that sends invoices. Within the project, we will add a button that will trigger the email generation.

Creating a New Project

To create a new project in Godot, simply go to the file menu and select "New Project". Name the project "Invoice" and save it to your desired location. This will create a blank project for us to work with.

Adding a Button to the Project

Now that we have our project set up, let's add a button to it. We will use this button to trigger the email generation. You can create a button by adding a child node to the main object and selecting "Button" from the options. Place the button in the center of the screen, and you can optionally customize its appearance.

Sending the Invoice Email

Next, we will add a script to the main object and attach it to the button. This script will define the functionality of the button when it is pressed. We will use a function called "sendInvoice" to handle the email sending process. Inside the function, we will use the OS shell open command to open the default email client with a pre-filled recipient email address.

Adding a Subject to the Email

In addition to the recipient email address, we also want to include a subject for the email. This will help identify the purpose of the email and make it easier for the recipient to understand its context. We can add a subject to the email by appending a query parameter to the mailto URL. For example, we can include the subject "Your Invoice" by adding "?subject=Your Invoice" to the URL.

Creating a Variable for the Email Body

The body of the email may contain additional information or instructions for the recipient. Instead of hardcoding the body text directly into the script, we will create a variable called "body". This will make it easier to modify the body text later if needed. We can add the body text using STRING concatenation or string interpolation, depending on the programming language we are using.

Adding a Link to the Email Body

To provide the recipient with access to the invoice, we can include a link in the email body. This link can lead to a webpage where the invoice is hosted. It is important to generate a unique link that is difficult to guess to ensure the security of the invoice. We can append the link to the body text using string concatenation or interpolation.

Testing the Email Functionality

Before we conclude, let's test the functionality of the email generation. Run the project and click on the "Send Invoice" button. This should open the default email client and pre-fill the recipient, subject, and body fields. Verify that the email opens correctly and contains the expected information.


In this article, we have learned how to generate an email with an invoice using HTML and a programming language within the Godot game engine. We covered the process of creating a new project, adding a button, sending the email with a subject, creating a variable for the email body, adding a link to the email body, and testing the functionality. With this knowledge, you can now incorporate email generation into your own projects with ease.


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