Get Your News Featured on and Reach Thousands of Cannabis Influencers!

Get Your News Featured on and Reach Thousands of Cannabis Influencers!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. How to Get Your News Featured on
  3. Getting Your Press Release into the Weekly Newsletter
  4. Submitting Your Press Release to Other News Sites
  5. Using the Newsworthy Day Dot AI Distribution Network
  6. Writing a Press Release with Newsworthy Tools
  7. Adding Images and Social Media Posts to Your Press Release
  8. News Marketing Features on Newsworthy
  9. Reviewing and Submitting Your Press Release
  10. Conclusion

📰 How to Get Your News Featured on

With the cannabis industry growing rapidly, it's essential to get your news and press releases in front of the right audience. In this article, we'll walk you through the steps to get your news featured on, a leading platform for cannabis-related content. Whether you want to be on the main page of the website or reach thousands of influencers through their weekly newsletter, we've got you covered. Let's dive in!

1. Introduction

The cannabis industry is booming, and staying updated with the latest news and trends is crucial for businesses and individuals alike. is a popular platform that provides comprehensive coverage of the cannabis world. Getting your news featured on this platform can significantly increase your visibility and reach. In the following sections, we'll explore various methods to accomplish this goal.

2. How to Get Your News Featured on

To get your news featured on the main page of, you'll need to go through a simple process. Start by visiting their website and clicking on the designated icon, which will lead you to the press release submission page. From there, you can either log in with your LinkedIn account or provide your email address for registration. Once you're in, you'll be required to fill out some essential information about your company.

3. Getting Your Press Release into the Weekly Newsletter's weekly newsletter is an excellent opportunity to reach a broader audience of cannabis leaders and influencers. To submit your press release to their newsletter, follow the same process Mentioned earlier for getting featured on the main page. The newsletter reaches thousands of subscribers who are actively engaged in the cannabis industry, making it an ideal Channel to share your news.

4. Submitting Your Press Release to Other News Sites

In addition to, you can leverage the Newsworthy Day Dot AI distribution network to submit your press release to hundreds of other news sites, including Google News. This network enhances the reach and visibility of your news, ensuring it reaches a wider audience. The process is streamlined and user-friendly, making it easy for you to get your news out to various platforms.

5. Using the Newsworthy Day Dot AI Distribution Network

Newsworthy's Day Dot AI distribution network is a powerful tool to expand the reach of your press release beyond By utilizing this network, you can ensure that your news reaches over 400 additional websites, including major news outlets and industry-specific platforms. The platform's efficiency and comprehensive distribution network make it an essential asset for any cannabis-related news release.

6. Writing a Press Release with Newsworthy Tools

If you don't have a press release ready, Newsworthy provides helpful tools to assist you in writing one. The platform's AI-powered press release Composer offers templates and suggestions to craft a compelling and well-structured press release. Simply provide a short description of your news, and the AI will generate a solid draft that can be easily customized to fit your requirements.

7. Adding Images and Social Media Posts to Your Press Release

To make your press release visually appealing and shareable on social media, Newsworthy allows you to add images and create social media posts directly within the platform. Along with the press release, you can upload a news image and a social media image that represent your news effectively. The platform also provides AI suggestions for improvement, ensuring your press release is well-optimized for online sharing.

8. News Marketing Features on Newsworthy

Newsworthy offers various news marketing features that can enhance the visibility and impact of your press release. One notable feature is news advocacy, which enables you to upload supporters of your brand or news, such as co-workers and external stakeholders. Whenever you release a press release, these advocates will receive automatic notifications, encouraging them to share your news and amplify its reach.

9. Reviewing and Submitting Your Press Release

Before submitting your press release, it's crucial to review and make any necessary edits. Newsworthy provides a preview feature that allows you to see how your press release will appear once published. This gives you the opportunity to ensure everything is in order, from the headline and summary to embedded hyperlinks and category selection. Once you're confident with the final version, you can proceed to submit it for publication.

10. Conclusion

Getting your news featured on is a valuable opportunity to increase your visibility within the cannabis industry. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can successfully submit your news to the main page of, their weekly newsletter, and several other news sites. Remember to leverage the Newsworthy Day Dot AI distribution network to enhance the reach and impact of your news release. Good luck with your endeavors in the cannabis industry!


  • Learn how to get your news featured on
  • Reach thousands of cannabis leaders through the Weekly Newsletter
  • Submit your press release to hundreds of other news sites with the Newsworthy Day Dot AI distribution network
  • Write a compelling press release with Newsworthy tools
  • Enhance the visibility of your news with images and social media posts
  • Leverage news marketing features on Newsworthy for maximum impact
  • Review and submit your press release for publication


Q: Can I submit my news to without a press release? A: Yes, Newsworthy provides tools to help you write a press release even if you don't have one ready. Their AI-powered press release composer generates a draft based on a short description you provide, which can be further customized to fit your needs.

Q: Can I include hyperlinks in my press release? A: Absolutely! Newsworthy allows you to embed hyperlinks within your press release. This is particularly useful for directing readers to relevant resources or your company's website.

Q: Can I add images to my press release? A: Yes, you can add both a news image and a social media image to your press release using Newsworthy's platform. These images complement your news and make it more visually appealing for readers and social media sharing.

Q: How can I track the performance of my press release? A: Newsworthy provides analytics and tracking features that allow you to monitor the performance of your press release. You can see metrics such as views, clicks, and social media shares, giving you valuable insights into its reach and engagement.

Q: Can I schedule the release of my press release? A: Yes, with Newsworthy, you can schedule the release of your press release to ensure it goes out at the most opportune time. This feature allows you to plan your news distribution strategy effectively.


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