Master AI Integration in XD Files

Master AI Integration in XD Files

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Steps to Import an Illustrator File into Adobe XD
  3. Naming and Editing Artboards in Adobe XD
  4. Managing Grouped Elements in Adobe XD
  5. Scaling and Ungrouping Elements in Adobe XD
  6. Previewing and Prototyping in Adobe XD
  7. The Benefits of Using Illustrator and Adobe XD Together
  8. Conclusion

How to Import an Illustrator File into Adobe XD

Adobe XD is a powerful design tool that allows You to Create stunning user interfaces and interactive prototypes. If you have already created your designs in Adobe Illustrator and want to import them into XD, you're in luck! In this article, we'll guide you through the simple steps to import an Illustrator file into Adobe XD and Show you how these two programs can seamlessly work together.

Steps to Import an Illustrator File into Adobe XD

  1. In Adobe Illustrator, make sure your designs are organized into artboards and layers. Each screen or page should have its own artboard, and elements within the screen should be on separate layers.
  2. Go to File > Save As and choose a name for your project. Select the format as Adobe XD and click Save. You can leave the other settings as default.
  3. Open Adobe XD and go to the top menu. Click on File, then choose Import. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Shift + Ctrl + I or simply click Open and locate your Illustrator file.
  4. Locate the file and double-click on it. Adobe XD will automatically import your screens and elements from Illustrator, preserving the artboard names and layer structure.

Naming and Editing Artboards in Adobe XD

After importing your Illustrator file into Adobe XD, you'll Notice that the artboard names are displayed at the top of the workspace. It is important to review and rename the artboards appropriately for better organization.

To rename an artboard:

  1. Double-click on the artboard name.
  2. Enter the new name and press Enter.

You can also access and edit artboards from the left-HAND side panel in Adobe XD. Simply click on the artboard you want to modify, and it will be selected in the workspace.

Managing Grouped Elements in Adobe XD

In Illustrator, you may have grouped elements to better organize your designs. The good news is that Adobe XD retains these groups when you import the Illustrator file.

To access grouped elements in Adobe XD:

  1. Click on the artboard that contains the group.
  2. Locate the group in the layers panel on the left-hand side.
  3. Click on the group to select it.
  4. You can now edit the group as a whole or double-click inside the group to modify individual elements.

Adobe XD allows you to easily navigate through grouped elements, making it convenient to make changes to specific parts of your design.

Scaling and Ungrouping Elements in Adobe XD

In Adobe XD, you can resize and Scale elements to create the desired visual impact. Whether it's scaling up or down icons or adjusting the size of images, XD offers intuitive controls to make these changes.

To scale an element in Adobe XD:

  1. Select the element you want to scale.
  2. Click and drag any of the corner handles to resize the element proportionally.
  3. To resize non-proportionally, hold down the Shift key while dragging the corner handle.

If you need to ungroup elements, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the group you want to ungroup.
  2. Select Ungroup from the Context menu.
  3. Alternatively, use the shortcut Shift + Control + G to ungroup elements.

You now have more flexibility to customize individual components within your design.

Previewing and Prototyping in Adobe XD

One of the powerful features of Adobe XD is its ability to create interactive prototypes. After importing your Illustrator file, you can easily add interactivity to your designs and create a seamless user experience.

To create a prototype in Adobe XD:

  1. Select an element that you want to link to another screen.
  2. Click on the Prototype tab in the right-hand panel.
  3. Create an interaction by clicking on the element and dragging the Blue arrow to the target screen.
  4. Use the preview mode to test your prototype by clicking on the Preview icon at the top-right corner.
  5. Interact with the prototype to see how the linked elements navigate between screens.

Adobe XD's prototyping capabilities allow you to demonstrate your designs to stakeholders or test the user experience before finalizing your project.

The Benefits of Using Illustrator and Adobe XD Together

The combination of Adobe Illustrator and Adobe XD provides designers with a powerful toolkit to create stunning and interactive designs. By importing Illustrator files into XD, you can take AdVantage of XD's prototyping and collaboration features while leveraging Illustrator's robust design capabilities.

Some benefits of using Illustrator and Adobe XD together include:

  • Seamless integration: Import your Illustrator designs into XD without losing any visual fidelity or organizational structure.
  • Efficient collaboration: Share XD prototypes with stakeholders or team members for feedback and collaboration.
  • Interactive prototypes: Create interactive prototypes in XD to showcase and test your designs.
  • Streamlined design workflow: Use XD for UX/UI design and prototype creation, while Illustrator can be used for creating detailed illustrations or complex vector graphics.

With Illustrator and XD working together, you can optimize your design process and create a visually stunning and highly interactive user experience.


Importing an Illustrator file into Adobe XD is a straightforward process that allows you to leverage the strengths of both programs. With XD's prototyping capabilities and Illustrator's design capabilities, you have a powerful combination to bring your designs to life. Follow the steps outlined in this article to seamlessly import your Illustrator files into XD, and enjoy the benefits of a streamlined design workflow. Start creating stunning user experiences today with Adobe XD and Illustrator.


  • Importing Illustrator files into Adobe XD is a simple process that preserves artboard names and layer structure.
  • Adobe XD allows for easy renaming and editing of artboards, enhancing organization and Clarity.
  • Grouped elements in Illustrator are retained in Adobe XD, enabling easy management and editing.
  • Adobe XD offers intuitive scaling and ungrouping options to customize individual components.
  • XD's prototyping features allow for interactive user experience testing and demonstration.
  • The combination of Illustrator and XD provides a seamless workflow for designers.
  • The integration of XD and Illustrator enhances collaboration and efficient design processes.
  • By using Illustrator and XD together, designers can create visually stunning and highly interactive designs.


Q: Can I import an Illustrator file into Adobe XD and retain the layer structure?
A: Yes, when you import an Illustrator file into Adobe XD, the layer structure is maintained, allowing for easy management and editing of individual elements.

Q: Can I resize elements imported from Illustrator in Adobe XD?
A: Absolutely! Adobe XD provides flexible scaling options that allow you to precisely adjust the size of elements imported from Illustrator.

Q: Can I create interactive prototypes in Adobe XD using imported Illustrator files?
A: Yes, Adobe XD's prototyping features work seamlessly with imported Illustrator files, allowing you to create interactive and engaging user experiences.

Q: Is it possible to collaborate with others using Adobe XD and imported Illustrator files?
A: Definitely! Adobe XD's collaboration features enable designers to share prototypes with stakeholders or team members for feedback and collaboration.

Q: What are the advantages of using Illustrator and Adobe XD together?
A: By combining Illustrator and Adobe XD, designers can leverage XD's prototyping capabilities while harnessing Illustrator's powerful design features, resulting in a streamlined and efficient design workflow.

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