Mastering AI to PSD: Importing Made Easy

Mastering AI to PSD: Importing Made Easy

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Working with a Whiskey Bottle
    1. Designing the Box
    2. Designing the Label
  3. Exporting the Label to Photoshop
    1. File Export Options
    2. Preserving Editability and Text Resolution
  4. Editable Layers in Photoshop
    1. Accessing the Layers Panel
    2. Editing Text and Shapes
    3. Converting to Smart Objects
  5. Dealing with Small Text
  6. Tips for Keeping Designs in Illustrator or InDesign
  7. Conclusion

Working with a Whiskey Bottle

Designing packaging for a whiskey bottle, including the box and label, requires Attention to Detail and precision. By following a few steps, You can Create a visually appealing and functional design. Let's explore the process of working with a whiskey bottle and exporting the label to Photoshop.

Designing the Box

The first step in creating the packaging for a whiskey bottle is designing the box. The box should not only be visually appealing but also sturdy enough to protect the bottle. Using software like Illustrator or InDesign, you can create a template for the box that includes Dimensions, graphics, and text.

Designing the Label

Once the box design is complete, it's time to move on to the label. The label is a crucial element as it showcases the brand and provides essential information about the whiskey. In Illustrator, you can create a separate file for the label, ensuring it's appropriately sized and editable.

Exporting the Label to Photoshop

To transfer the label design from Illustrator to Photoshop, you need to follow specific export settings. By doing so, you can preserve the editability of the label while ensuring it's suitable for printing.

File Export Options

In Illustrator, navigate to the "File" tab and select "Export" to access the export options. Choose the file Type as Photoshop (PSD) and save the file with a suitable name and location.

Preserving Editability and Text Resolution

To ensure the label remains editable and of high quality, adjust the export options accordingly. Set the resolution to 300 PPI or higher for print quality. Enable options like "Preserve Text Editability" and "Maximize Editability" to maintain the ability to edit the text in Photoshop.

Editable Layers in Photoshop

Once the label design is exported and opened in Photoshop, you can access a wealth of editable layers. Understanding how to manipulate these layers will allow you to make changes effortlessly.

Accessing the Layers Panel

In Photoshop, open the label file and locate the Layers panel on the right-HAND side. Within the panel, you will find all the individual layers that were created in Illustrator. These layers correspond to different elements, such as text and shapes.

Editing Text and Shapes

To edit the text in the label, simply double-click on the text layer in the Layers panel. This action will allow you to make changes to the text, including selecting, copying and pasting, and adjusting the font and size.

Shapes, such as strokes or outlines, are also editable layers. To modify a shape, right-click on the respective layer and select "Convert to Smart Object." This action will enable further manipulation, such as moving, scaling, and rotating the shape.

Converting to Smart Objects

Converting layers to smart objects is a useful technique in Photoshop. By doing so, you retain the flexibility to edit and transform the objects without sacrificing quality. To convert a layer to a smart object, right-click on the layer and select "Convert to Smart Object."

Dealing with Small Text

Sometimes, when importing small text from Illustrator to Photoshop, the text may be recognized as a Shape instead of editable text. To address this issue, you can make the text size larger in Illustrator before exporting it to Photoshop. This adjustment ensures that the small text remains recognizable as text rather than a shape layer.

Tips for Keeping Designs in Illustrator or InDesign

While Photoshop can be advantageous for certain design elements, it's often recommended to keep packaging designs in Illustrator or InDesign. These software programs are specifically designed for vector-Based graphics and print layouts, providing better control and resolution for packaging materials.

Keeping designs in Illustrator or InDesign helps avoid potential rasterization issues that may occur when working solely in Photoshop. It also allows for easier editing, scalability, and compatibility with different printing processes.


Designing packaging for a whiskey bottle requires attention to detail and a seamless workflow between Illustrator and Photoshop. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a visually appealing label design while ensuring its editability and print quality. Remember to consider the size of the text and the advantages of keeping designs in Illustrator or InDesign for the best results. Experiment and refine your design until it perfectly represents the essence of the whiskey and the brand.


  • Designing visually appealing and functional packaging for a whiskey bottle requires attention to detail.
  • Create separate files for the box and label in software like Illustrator or InDesign.
  • Export the label to Photoshop using specific settings to preserve editability.
  • Manipulate editable layers in Photoshop's Layers panel.
  • Convert layers to smart objects for added flexibility.
  • Deal with small text by adjusting the size in Illustrator before exporting.
  • Consider keeping designs in Illustrator or InDesign for better control and compatibility with printing processes.


Q: Can I edit the text on the label after exporting it to Photoshop? A: Yes, by preserving text editability in the export options, you can edit the text in Photoshop.

Q: What if the small text doesn't convert to editable text in Photoshop? A: Try increasing the text size in Illustrator before exporting it to Photoshop to ensure it remains recognizable as editable text.

Q: Why is it recommended to keep packaging designs in Illustrator or InDesign? A: Illustrator and InDesign are better suited for vector-based graphics and print layouts, providing greater control, resolution, and compatibility with different printing processes.

Q: Can I Scale and transform shapes in the label design? A: Yes, by converting shape layers to smart objects, you can freely scale, move, and transform them without sacrificing quality.

Q: What should I consider when designing the whiskey bottle's packaging? A: Attention to detail, visually appealing design, sturdiness of the box, and crucial information on the label are important factors to consider when designing the packaging.

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