Maximizing Efficiency: Integrating GitLab CI/CD with Mattermost

Maximizing Efficiency: Integrating GitLab CI/CD with Mattermost

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting Up Mattermost
    • Signing up for a Mattermost account
    • Registering for a GitLab account
    • Adding SSH key to GitLab account
  3. Installing the GitLab Plugin in Mattermost
  4. Creating an Application in GitLab
    • Accessing the GitLab plugin documentation
    • Filling out application fields
    • Setting scopes for the application
    • Saving the application
  5. Enabling the GitLab Plugin in Mattermost
  6. Finalizing the Connection between Mattermost and GitLab
    • Using the slash command to authorize the application
  7. Connecting GitLab Pipeline and Mattermost
    • Verifying the connection with the "git lab me" command
    • Creating a new pipeline in GitLab
    • Subscribing to GitLab repository updates
    • Creating a web hook for the subscription
  8. Interacting with GitLab Pipeline from Mattermost
    • Triggering jobs from Mattermost using slash commands
  9. Bidirectional Communication between Mattermost and GitLab
  10. Conclusion


In this article, we will guide You through the process of setting up Mattermost to manage your GitLab CI/CD pipelines. Mattermost is a cloud-Based platform that allows you to connect with your GitLab account and receive notifications about pipeline jobs without leaving Mattermost. By the end of this article, you will have Mattermost connected to your GitLab account, enabling you to trigger pipeline jobs and stay updated with notifications directly on Mattermost. So, let's get started with the setup process.

Setting Up Mattermost

Before we can begin using Mattermost to manage our GitLab CI/CD pipelines, we need to complete a few initial steps. First, we will sign up for a free cloud account on Mattermost by visiting and clicking "Get Started" in the header. Similarly, we will register for a free cloud account on GitLab by visiting and clicking "Register" in the top right corner. Additionally, it is recommended to add an SSH key to your GitLab account preferences to facilitate pushing changes to your repository later on.

Installing the GitLab Plugin in Mattermost

Once we have both Mattermost and GitLab accounts set up, we can proceed with installing the GitLab plugin in Mattermost. To do this, access the Mattermost menu by clicking the menu icon in the top left corner of your Mattermost cloud account. From the menu, navigate to the Marketplace and search for the GitLab plugin. Once you find it, click "Install" to add the plugin to your account.

Creating an Application in GitLab

In order for Mattermost and GitLab to communicate effectively, we need to Create an application that is authorized to connect to our GitLab account on Mattermost. To do this, we will refer to the documentation provided for the GitLab plugin in Mattermost. The documentation will guide us through filling out the necessary fields, including the redirect URI, scopes, and other required information. It is important to ensure that the correct scopes, such as API and Read user, are set for the application to function correctly and access the required resources.

Enabling the GitLab Plugin in Mattermost

After completing the application setup in GitLab, we need to enable the GitLab plugin in Mattermost. To do this, go back to your Mattermost cloud account and navigate to the System Console by clicking the menu icon in the top left corner. Search for the GitLab plugin in the System Console and once you find it, enable it. This step is necessary to finalize the connection between the GitLab application and Mattermost.

Finalizing the Connection between Mattermost and GitLab

In order to confirm that the setup is complete and Mattermost is successfully connected to our GitLab account, we will use a slash command provided by the GitLab plugin. By typing "/get lab connect" in the Mattermost Channel, we will receive a link that allows us to authorize the connection. Clicking the authorize button on the GitLab authorization page will finalize the connection and provide us with a direct message from the GitLab plugin, confirming that the application was set up successfully.

Connecting GitLab Pipeline and Mattermost

With the connection between Mattermost and GitLab established, we can begin using the GitLab plugin to Interact with our GitLab CI/CD pipelines. Using the "git lab me" command, we can confirm that our actual profile has been connected to the plugin. Next, we will navigate to GitLab's Website and create a new pipeline by going to our repository and selecting the CI/CD Pipelines section. This will generate a new YAML file with a contrived example of a CI/CD pipeline in GitLab. Committing this file to our repository will trigger the pipeline to start running.

Interacting with GitLab Pipeline from Mattermost

Once our pipeline is running, we can go back to Mattermost and receive updates about the pipeline progress. The GitLab plugin in Mattermost will notify us when the pipeline starts and finishes, providing detailed information about the stages and jobs involved. We can click on the messages in Mattermost to view the pipeline and its components in GitLab. This bidirectional communication allows us to stay updated with pipeline updates without leaving the Mattermost environment.

Bidirectional Communication between Mattermost and GitLab

In addition to receiving updates about pipeline progress, it would be beneficial to have the ability to trigger jobs from within Mattermost. To enable this functionality, we can set up an integration in GitLab that allows us to send information directly from Mattermost using slash commands. By configuring the Mattermost slash commands in GitLab settings, we can create a custom slash command trigger word and associate it with the Mattermost instance. This integration will enhance our ability to interact with GitLab pipeline jobs directly from Mattermost.


In this article, we have covered the step-by-step process of setting up Mattermost to manage GitLab CI/CD pipelines. We have walked through the initial setup of Mattermost and GitLab accounts, installation of the GitLab plugin in Mattermost, creation of an application in GitLab, enabling the GitLab plugin in Mattermost, and finalizing the connection between Mattermost and GitLab. We have also explored how to connect GitLab pipelines with Mattermost, interact with pipelines from Mattermost using slash commands, and achieve bidirectional communication between the two platforms. With Mattermost and GitLab working together, you have the power to streamline your CI/CD workflows and enhance collaboration in the cloud. So, what are you waiting for? Start leveraging the potential of Mattermost and GitLab today!


  • Learn how to set up Mattermost to manage GitLab CI/CD pipelines.
  • Connect your Mattermost and GitLab accounts.
  • Install the GitLab plugin in Mattermost and configure the application in GitLab.
  • Enable bidirectional communication between Mattermost and GitLab.
  • Trigger pipeline jobs and receive updates in Mattermost.
  • Enhance collaboration and streamline CI/CD workflows.


Q: Can I use Mattermost without connecting it to GitLab? A: Yes, you can use Mattermost as a standalone platform for team communication and collaboration. However, connecting it to GitLab allows you to manage your CI/CD pipelines directly from Mattermost, providing a more integrated workflow.

Q: Is Mattermost free to use? A: Mattermost offers both free and paid plans. The free cloud account allows you to get started and access basic features, while the paid plans offer additional functionality and advanced features.

Q: Can I customize the slash commands in Mattermost? A: Yes, you can customize the triggers and functionality of slash commands in Mattermost by configuring the settings in both Mattermost and GitLab. This allows you to tailor the commands to your specific needs and preferences.

Q: Can I receive notifications about pipeline failures in Mattermost? A: Yes, once you have connected Mattermost to GitLab and subscribed to your GitLab repository, you will receive notifications about pipeline updates, including both successful runs and failures, directly in your Mattermost channels.

Q: Can multiple team members connect their GitLab accounts to the same Mattermost instance? A: Yes, multiple team members can connect their GitLab accounts to the same Mattermost instance. This allows for seamless collaboration and centralized communication within the team.

Q: Are there any limitations to the integration between Mattermost and GitLab? A: The integration between Mattermost and GitLab is robust and offers a wide range of functionalities. However, it is always recommended to refer to the documentation and ensure compatibility with the specific versions of Mattermost and GitLab you are using.

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