Neural Note: Free VST Plugin for Audio to MIDI

Neural Note: Free VST Plugin for Audio to MIDI

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Overview of Basic Pitch
  • Neural Node VST Plugin
  • testing Basic Pitch in Bitwig Studio
  • Understanding Basic Pitch Features
    • Client-Side Functionality
    • Real-Time Processing
    • Node Sensibility Adjustment
    • Split Sensibility Control
    • Minimal Note Duration Setting
    • Scale Quantization
    • Pitch Bend Mode
    • Time Quantization
  • Pros and Cons of Basic Pitch
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs


In the realm of Music production, the Quest for tools that streamline workflows and enhance creativity is ceaseless. One such innovation gaining traction is Basic Pitch, an open-source web tool designed to convert audio to MIDI seamlessly. This article delves into the intricacies of Basic Pitch and explores its functionalities, including a closer look at the Neural Node VST plugin developed from it.

Overview of Basic Pitch

Basic Pitch emerges as a promising solution for musicians and producers seeking a swift and efficient means of converting audio to MIDI format. Developed as a client-side tool using JavaScript, Basic Pitch eliminates the need for cumbersome uploads, allowing users to convert audio files directly within their web browsers. Despite initial concerns about processing speed, recent developments have addressed this drawback, rendering Basic Pitch a viable option for music creators of all levels.

Neural Node VST Plugin

A significant advancement stemming from Basic Pitch is the Neural Node VST plugin, conceived by developer Damien Ronson. This plugin seamlessly integrates into digital audio workstations (DAWs), offering users the flexibility to harness Basic Pitch's capabilities within their preferred production environments. With both standalone and AU compatibility, the Neural Node plugin enhances accessibility and usability, empowering musicians to unleash their creative potential effortlessly.

Testing Basic Pitch in Bitwig Studio

To demonstrate Basic Pitch's functionality, we turn to Bitwig Studio, a popular DAW renowned for its versatility and intuitive interface. By loading a piano sample into Bitwig Studio, we embark on a journey to explore Basic Pitch's conversion prowess in real time. Through meticulous adjustments of node and split sensibility settings, users can fine-tune the conversion process to suit their specific needs, ensuring optimal results with every use.

Understanding Basic Pitch Features

Client-Side Functionality

Basic Pitch operates entirely on the client-side, eliminating the need for data uploads and ensuring user privacy and security.

Real-Time Processing

The tool offers real-time processing capabilities, enabling users to witness audio-to-MIDI conversion unfold dynamically as they make adjustments.

Node Sensibility Adjustment

Users can adjust node sensibility to control the detection of individual notes within audio files, achieving desired levels of accuracy.

Split Sensibility Control

The split sensibility feature governs the sensitivity of note segmentation, allowing users to customize the detection of distinct musical elements.

Minimal Note Duration Setting

By specifying the minimal note duration, users can control the length of recognized MIDI notes, refining the output to match their preferences.

Scale Quantization

Basic Pitch facilitates scale quantization, enabling users to restrict MIDI output to specific musical scales, enhancing harmonic coherence.

Pitch Bend Mode

The tool incorporates a pitch bend mode, accurately capturing pitch variations and nuances within audio recordings.

Time Quantization

While time quantization is not currently implemented, it remains a potential feature for future iterations, promising enhanced rhythmic alignment in MIDI output.

Pros and Cons of Basic Pitch


  • Seamless client-side operation
  • Real-time processing capabilities
  • Adjustable node and split sensibility
  • Scale quantization for harmonic control


  • Limited time quantization functionality
  • Initial concerns regarding processing speed


In conclusion, Basic Pitch emerges as a versatile and user-friendly tool for audio-to-MIDI conversion, offering a host of features to streamline music production workflows. With the Neural Node VST plugin extending its functionality to popular DAWs, Basic Pitch presents a compelling solution for musicians seeking efficient and intuitive MIDI conversion tools.


Q: Is Basic Pitch compatible with all web browsers? A: Yes, Basic Pitch operates within web browsers, ensuring cross-platform compatibility for users.

Q: Can Basic Pitch accurately detect complex audio recordings? A: While Basic Pitch excels in recognizing simple audio patterns, it may encounter challenges with highly intricate recordings.

Q: Does the Neural Node VST plugin require additional software installations? A: No, the Neural Node VST plugin can be seamlessly integrated into compatible DAWs without the need for additional software installations.

Q: Are there any plans to enhance Basic Pitch's time quantization features in future updates? A: Developers are continually exploring avenues to improve Basic Pitch, and enhancements to time quantization functionality may be considered in future updates.

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