PyTorch Lightning: TensorBoard Logging

PyTorch Lightning: TensorBoard Logging

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Adding Tensorboard Logging
  3. Dataset Augmentation
  4. Importing Tensorboard Logger
  5. Specifying the Logger Folder and Name
  6. Logging Metrics in Tensorboard
  7. Visualizing Images in Tensorboard
  8. Installing Tensorboard
  9. Running the Training
  10. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we will learn how to add Tensorboard logging to our training process in order to Visualize the accuracy and other metrics of our model. We will also explore dataset augmentation using PyTorch and learn how to log these metrics and images in Tensorboard.

Adding Tensorboard Logging

To start, we need to copy our code to a new file named "" in order to make the necessary changes. Once that is done, we will modify the "" file to add some dataset augmentation. We will import the necessary functions from torchvision and add random vertical and horizontal flips to our training data.

Dataset Augmentation

Next, we will modify our file to include dataset augmentation. We will import the "HorizontalFlip" and "VerticalFlip" functions from torchvision and Apply them to our training data. We will also transform the data to tensors and normalize it.

Importing Tensorboard Logger

In our training file, we will import the "TensorboardLogger" from PyTorch Lightning's loggers module. This will allow us to log our metrics and images in Tensorboard. PyTorch Lightning provides several logger options, and we will use the Tensorboard logger for this tutorial.

Specifying the Logger Folder and Name

We will add a line of code to specify the folder where we want to store our Tensorboard logs. We can name the folder "TB_logs" and give the logs a specific name, such as "mnist_model_v0". We can also make changes and update the name to "V1" if needed.

Logging Metrics in Tensorboard

By sending our logger to the trainer, it will automatically log the metrics we specify during the training process. In our model file, we have already defined the metrics we want to log, such as training loss, accuracy, and F1 score. We can also add additional metrics if desired.

Visualizing Images in Tensorboard

To visualize the images before training, we can add a condition that selects a certain number of images from the batch and computes a GRID. This grid is then added to Tensorboard using the logger's "add_image" function. We also need to provide a name for the image, such as "mnist_images", and the global step for tracking purposes.

Installing Tensorboard

Before running the training, we need to install Tensorboard by using the command "pip install tensorboard" in the terminal. This will ensure that we have the necessary dependencies for Tensorboard.

Running the Training

With everything set up, we can now run the training by executing the command "python" in the terminal. This will start the training process and log the metrics and images in Tensorboard.


In this tutorial, we have learned how to integrate Tensorboard with our PyTorch Lightning project. By adding Tensorboard logging, we can visualize and track the accuracy and other metrics of our model. We have also explored dataset augmentation and how to log these metrics and images in Tensorboard. In the next tutorial, we will discuss how to use a profiler to optimize our compute time during the data loading process.


  • Adding Tensorboard logging to visualize model accuracy and metrics
  • Dataset augmentation using PyTorch and torchvision
  • Importing the Tensorboard logger from PyTorch Lightning
  • Specifying the folder and name for the Tensorboard logs
  • Logging metrics in Tensorboard during the training process
  • Visualizing images in Tensorboard for sanity checks
  • Installing Tensorboard using pip
  • Running the training and viewing the metrics and images in Tensorboard


Q: Can I use other loggers besides Tensorboard with PyTorch Lightning? A: Yes, PyTorch Lightning provides several logging options, including Neptune Logger, MLflow Logger, and Comet Logger, among others. You can choose the logger that best suits your needs.

Q: How can I customize the metrics I want to log? A: In the model file, you can add or modify the metrics you want to log by modifying the "log_metrics" function. You can add or remove metrics as needed to track the performance of your model.

Q: Is dataset augmentation necessary for all types of models? A: Dataset augmentation can be beneficial for improving model performance, especially for image classification tasks. However, it is not always necessary and depends on the specific problem and dataset you are working with. It is always a good practice to experiment and evaluate the impact of dataset augmentation on your model's performance.

Q: Can I visualize other types of data in Tensorboard besides images? A: Yes, besides images, you can visualize various types of data in Tensorboard, such as histograms, scalar values, and embedding visualizations. This allows you to gain insights into your model's behavior and make informed decisions during the training process.

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