ogen.ai VS Thumblytics

Compare ogen.ai VS Thumblytics, what is the difference between ogen.ai and Thumblytics?

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ogen.ai summarize

Convert links into OG Image / Cover Photo using ChatGPT & Stable Diffusion. Can also view images previously generated.

ogen.ai Landing Page

Thumblytics summarize

You've spent countless hours creating your video, don't ruin it with a bad thumbnail or title. Thumblytics helps you pick the best thumbnail and title combination so you can publish with confidence.

Thumblytics Landing Page

Compare Details

ogen.ai details

Categories AI Thumbnail Maker
ogen.ai Website https://ogen.ai
Added Time March 07 2023
ogen.ai Pricing --

Thumblytics details

Categories AI YouTube Assistant, AI Thumbnail Maker
Thumblytics Website https://thumblytics.com
Added Time March 17 2024
Thumblytics Pricing --

Comparison of usage

How to use ogen.ai?

To convert a link into an OG image or cover photo using ogen.ai, simply provide the link to the desired webpage or article. The platform will use ChatGPT to read and understand the content, generating a concise summary. Then, Stable Diffusion will create a visually appealing cover image based on the summarized content. The final image can be downloaded and used for various purposes like social media sharing or website preview customization.

How to use Thumblytics?

1. Upload your thumbnail and title variants to Thumblytics. 2. Preview them in our YouTube template and show hundreds of real people to collect click data. 3. Crunch the data to help you pick the highest click-through rate (CTR) thumbnail and title.

Compare Pros between ogen.ai and Thumblytics

Core features of ogen.ai

  • ogen.ai offers the following core features: - Link conversion: Convert any webpage or article link into an OG image or cover photo. - Content summarization: Utilize ChatGPT to generate a summary of the linked content. - Visual customization: Stable Diffusion generates visually appealing cover images based on the content. - Download and use: Save the generated image and use it for social media, website previews, or any other desired purpose.

Core features of Thumblytics

  • Thumbnail, title, and idea testing for YouTubers
  • Testing with hundreds of real people
  • 10x your CTR, 10x your views

Compare Use Cases

Use cases for ogen.ai

  • ogen.ai can be used in various scenarios, such as: - Social media sharing: Generate eye-catching OG images for shared links on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. - Website customization: Create customized cover photos for website pages or blog posts. - Email campaigns: Enhance the visual appeal of email newsletters by including visually appealing cover images. - Content curation: Summarize and generate cover images for curated content lists or newsletters.

Use cases for Thumblytics

  • Test YouTube thumbnails and titles before you publish
Compare Traffic/Monthly Visitors

ogen.ai's traffic

ogen.ai is the one with 0 monthly visits and 00:00:00 Avg.visit duration. ogen.ai has a Page per visit of 0.00 and a bounce rate of 0.00%.

Visit Over Time

Monthly Visits 0
Avg·visit Duration 00:00:00
Page per Visit 0.00
Bounce Rate 0.00%
Dec 2022 - Apr 2024 All traffic:

Thumblytics's traffic

Thumblytics is the one with 37.0K monthly visits and 00:00:40 Avg.visit duration. Thumblytics has a Page per visit of 0.98 and a bounce rate of 31.75%.

Visit Over Time

Monthly Visits 37.0K
Avg·visit Duration 00:00:40
Page per Visit 0.98
Bounce Rate 31.75%
Dec 2023 - Apr 2024 All traffic:


The top 2 countries/regions for ogen.ai are:Israel 53.41%, Bulgaria 46.59%

Top 2 Countries/regions



The top 5 countries/regions for Thumblytics are:United States 24.11%, Vietnam 2.95%, India 2.91%, United Kingdom 2.76%, Hong Kong 2.55%

Top 5 Countries/regions

United States
United Kingdom
Hong Kong

Traffic Sources

The 6 main sources of traffic to ogen.ai are: Direct 100.00%, Mail 0.00%, Search 0.00%, Social 0.00%, Referrals 0.00%, Display Ads 0.00%

Display Ads
Dec 2022 - Apr 2024 Worldwide Desktop Only

Traffic Sources

The 6 main sources of traffic to Thumblytics are: Search 56.61%, Direct 38.43%, Referrals 2.64%, Social 2.32%, Mail 0.00%, Display Ads 0.00%

Display Ads
Dec 2023 - Apr 2024 Worldwide Desktop Only

Which is better: ogen.ai or Thumblytics?

Thumblytics might be a bit more popular than ogen.ai.As you can see, ogen.ai has 0 monthly visits, while Thumblytics has 37.0K monthly visits. So more people choose Thumblytics. So the odds are that people will recommend Thumblytics more on social platforms.

ogen.ai has an Avg.visit duration of 00:00:00, while Thumblytics has an Avg.visit duration of 00:00:40. Also, ogen.ai has a page per visit of 0.00 and a Bounce Rate of 0.00%. Thumblytics has a page per visit of 0.98 and a Bounce Rate of 31.75%.

The main users of ogen.ai are Israel, Bulgaria, with the following distribution: 53.41%, 46.59%.

The main users of Thumblytics are United States, Vietnam, India, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, with the following distribution: 24.11%, 2.95%, 2.91%, 2.76%, 2.55%.

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