Build a Powerful Website for Your Small Business

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Build a Powerful Website for Your Small Business

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Creating Pages on Your Website
  3. Customizing SEO Settings
  4. Updating Website Design
    • Previewing Website
    • Changing Button Styles
    • Updating Button Colors
    • Choosing Font Pairings
    • Modifying Browser Icon
  5. Editing Content on Your Website
  6. Managing Sections on Your Website
    • Moving Sections
    • Deleting Sections
  7. Adding Banners to Pages
    • Customizing Banner Sections
    • Adding Buttons to Banners
    • Changing Alignment and Background
  8. Creating Text Image Blocks
    • Customizing Alignment
    • Adding Buttons to Blocks
  9. Using Gallery Blocks
  10. Customizing Contact Forms
  11. Publishing and Reviewing Your Website
  12. Conclusion

Introducing the New Website Product from Durable

Are You looking for a user-friendly platform to build your website? Look no further! Durable is thrilled to introduce our new website product, designed to make website creation and customization a breeze. In this article, we will walk you through the features and functionalities of our new website builder, allowing you to Create a stunning online presence for your business. So, let's dive in and explore the exciting world of website design!

1. Creating Pages on Your Website

One of the fundamental aspects of website creation is the ability to add new pages. With our website product, you can create an unlimited number of pages, each tailored to your specific needs. Whether it's an about page, a product catalog, or a contact page, our intuitive interface allows you to effortlessly design and organize your website's content. Additionally, you can customize the URLs for each page, ensuring easy navigation for your visitors.

2. Customizing SEO Settings

In today's digital landscape, search engine optimization (SEO) is vital for driving organic traffic to your website. With our new website product, we've made it easier than ever to optimize your pages for search engines. Each page can be individually customized with open graph images, descriptions, and keywords, giving your website a competitive edge in the online realm. Boost your SEO and improve your website's visibility with our intuitive SEO settings.

3. Updating Website Design

Aesthetics play a crucial role in capturing the Attention of your website visitors. Our new website product offers an array of design options to ensure your website stands out from the crowd. Let's explore some of the key design features and how they can be customized to meet your branding needs.

Previewing Website

Before making any changes, it's essential to preview how your website looks. Our website builder provides a convenient preview feature, allowing you to Visualize the final result before going live. Get a sneak peek of your website's appearance and make any necessary adjustments to achieve the desired look and feel.

Changing Button Styles

For a seamless user experience, the style of buttons on your website holds significance. With our website product, you have the option to switch between a solid or an Outline style for your buttons. Additionally, you can modify the corners from round to square, adding a touch of individuality to your website. Don't let your buttons go unnoticed – customize their appearance effortlessly.

With heading and styling customization, your content will speak volumes to your audience. Choose from a selection of font pairings meticulously curated by our design teams. These pairings ensure a harmonious Blend between headers and body fonts, enhancing the overall readability and visual appeal of your website. Make a lasting impression with a typography combination that best represents your brand.

Modifying Browser Icon

The browser icon, commonly known as the favicon, is a small but significant Detail that leaves a lasting impact on your website visitors. Our website product allows you to update this icon effortlessly. Choose an icon that aligns with your brand identity or portrays the essence of your business. Leave a Memorable impression on your visitors with a favicon that sets you apart from the rest.

4. Editing Content on Your Website

Once you've set up the design aesthetics of your website, it's essential to focus on the content itself. Our website builder makes it incredibly simple to edit the content on your website, ensuring it accurately represents your business and engages your audience. Let's explore how you can effortlessly modify the content on your website using our intuitive interface.

To edit additional pages on your website, use the convenient drop-down menu located at the top of the editing interface. This allows for seamless navigation between pages, ensuring efficient content management across your entire website.

5. Managing Sections on Your Website

In the world of website design, flexibility is key. Our website product offers a range of customizable sections, allowing you to organize and present your content effectively. Let's take a closer look at managing sections on your website and the various options at your fingertips.

Moving Sections

Sometimes, it's necessary to rearrange the sections on your website to optimize the flow of information or improve visual appeal. With our website builder, you can easily move sections up or down on the page, aligning them to your desired order. This flexibility ensures that your website looks polished and professional, enhancing user experience.

Deleting Sections

Not every section may Align with your website's goals or resonate with your audience. Our website product empowers you to delete any sections that do not serve your purpose. Streamline your website's content, ensuring that every section contributes meaningfully to your overall message. Remove the clutter and focus on what matters most to your visitors.

6. Adding Banners to Pages

Banners are an excellent way to draw attention to specific information or promotions on your website. Our website product allows you to add attractive banners to any page effortlessly. Let's explore how you can customize banner sections to maximize their impact.

Customizing Banner Sections

With our website builder, you have the freedom to customize every aspect of your banners. Add captivating headlines, compelling descriptions, and visually appealing images to entice your visitors. Additionally, you can choose whether to include buttons within your banners, allowing visitors to take immediate action. Customize the alignment of banners, ensuring they seamlessly blend with your overall design aesthetic.

Adding Buttons to Banners

Buttons within banners act as powerful calls-to-action, directing visitors to the desired location on your website. With our website product, you can easily add buttons to your banners and customize their labels. Choose to link these buttons to internal pages, external URLs, emails, or "click to call" functionalities. Drive conversions and guide your visitors through their customer Journey with strategically placed buttons.

Changing Alignment and Background

Aligning your banners appropriately is crucial to maintaining a visually appealing layout. Our website product allows you to choose between center, right, or left alignment for your banners, ensuring they seamlessly fit within your website's design. Additionally, you can opt for a solid color background or choose an image background for added visual impact. With complete creative control, make your banners an undeniable focal point on your website.

7. Creating Text Image Blocks

Text image blocks provide an engaging way to present information visually. Our website product allows you to create text image blocks effortlessly, combining striking visuals with compelling content. Let's Delve into the customization options available for text image blocks.

Customizing Alignment

The alignment of text within image blocks plays a significant role in enhancing readability and visual appeal. Our website builder offers various alignment options, allowing you to position your text to best complement the accompanying image. Align your text to the top, bottom, left, or right of the image for an aesthetically pleasing result.

Adding Buttons to Blocks

Similar to banners, text image blocks can also include buttons that encourage visitors to take action. Whether it's to learn more, make a purchase, or explore further, strategically placed buttons can significantly impact conversion rates. Customize the buttons' labels, linking them to Relevant pages or external URLs. Effectively guide your visitors through their online journey while keeping them engaged.

8. Using Gallery Blocks

Engaging visual content can captivate your visitors and leave a lasting impression. With our website product's gallery blocks, you can showcase your images seamlessly and professionally. Let's explore how gallery blocks can enhance the visual appeal of your website.

Gallery blocks allow you to add multiple images, ensuring a visually stunning display. You can add up to 12 images to each gallery block, providing ample space for showcasing your products, services, or portfolio. Our website product automatically adapts the number of images displayed per row Based on the viewer's screen size, ensuring a seamless experience across devices. Create a visually captivating website with our versatile gallery blocks.

9. Customizing Contact Forms

Contact forms are essential for facilitating communication with your website visitors. Our website product offers user-friendly contact form customization, empowering you to capture relevant information from your potential customers. Let's take a closer look at customizing contact forms on your website.

The default contact form provided in our website builder is a great starting point. However, if you require additional fields or want to enhance the form's functionality, we've got you covered. Our customization options allow you to add fields, such as project descriptions or specific inquiries, and even make certain fields required. Tailor your contact form to Gather the information you need to serve your customers better.

10. Publishing and Reviewing Your Website

Congratulations! You've created an exceptional website using our intuitive website product. Now it's time to share it with the world. Our website builder offers a seamless publishing process, allowing you to showcase your brand online effortlessly. Let's explore the final steps to publish and review your website.

Once you're satisfied with your website's design and content, simply hit the "Publish" button. This action makes your website accessible to the public, ensuring your brand has a solid online presence. Review your website's live version to ensure everything appears as intended. Make any necessary adjustments and Continue to fine-tune your website to maximize its effectiveness.

11. Conclusion

In conclusion, our new website product from Durable provides a user-friendly and feature-rich platform for building and customizing your website. With the ability to create pages, customize SEO settings, and update design elements, you have full control over your online presence. Editing and managing sections, adding banners and text image blocks, utilizing gallery blocks, customizing contact forms, and publishing your website are just a few of the many features our website builder has to offer. Experience the power of effortless website design and take your online presence to new heights with Durable's website product.


  • Durable introduces a new website product for effortless website creation and customization
  • Create an unlimited number of pages and customize URLs for easy navigation
  • Improve SEO with page-specific customization options for open graph images, descriptions, and keywords
  • Modify website design with preview features, button style options, font pairings, and browser icon customization
  • Edit content seamlessly and manage sections for optimized website flow
  • Use banners to draw attention and add buttons for effective call-to-action
  • Create visually captivating text image blocks and leverage gallery blocks to showcase images
  • Customize contact forms to gather relevant information and facilitate communication
  • Publish and review your website with a simple and intuitive process


Q: Can I create multiple pages for my website? A: Yes, our website product allows you to create an unlimited number of pages, each customized to suit your needs.

Q: How can I improve the SEO of my website? A: Our website builder provides page-specific SEO customization options, allowing you to optimize open graph images, descriptions, and keywords.

Q: Can I customize the design of my website's buttons? A: Yes, you have the flexibility to switch between solid or outline styles, change button colors, and customize button labels.

Q: Can I edit and manage sections on my website? A: Absolutely! Our website builder allows you to move sections, delete unnecessary ones, and ensure your website flows seamlessly.

Q: How can I add banners to my pages? A: You can easily add banners to any page and customize them with compelling headlines, descriptions, images, and buttons.

Q: Can I align text within text image blocks? A: Yes, our text image blocks offer alignment options such as top, bottom, left, or right alignment, allowing you to create visually appealing layouts.

Q: What customization options are available for contact forms? A: Our website product offers contact form customization, allowing you to add fields, make fields required, and gather relevant information from your visitors.

Q: How do I publish and review my website? A: Once satisfied with your website's design and content, simply hit the "Publish" button. You can then review your live website and make any necessary adjustments.

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