The Future of Blockchain: Legal Insights and Deep Dive

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The Future of Blockchain: Legal Insights and Deep Dive

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Intersection of the Legal and Digital Worlds
  3. The Role of Smart Contracts in Software Development
  4. The Dutch Digital Delta and Smart Contracts
  5. The Purpose of the Working Group
  6. Preliminary Findings and Recommendations
    • 6.1 Definition of Smart Contracts
    • 6.2 Legal Forms and Appearances of Smart Contracts
    • 6.3 General Legal Questions
  7. Conclusion
  8. Recommendations for Knowledge Development
  9. Identification of Institutions for Knowledge Fulfillment
  10. The Role of a Central Point of Contract Authority


When we talk about blockchain and smart contracts, We Are entering into different worlds that meet unique contexts. In the space of blockchain and smart contracts, the worlds of legal and digital collide in an exciting and promising way. This collision opens up new possibilities for contract-Based software development, which requires new tools, languages, and certifications. In this article, we will explore the intersection of the legal and digital worlds and discuss the value that the legal world can bring to the world of software development.

The Intersection of the Legal and Digital Worlds

Blockchain technology and smart contracts have created an overlap between legal and digital realms. The ability to create software that operates on contract-based principles is a relatively new concept. However, it raises important questions about trust, accountability, and certification. Can we trust what a software developer creates? How do we ensure compliance with legal obligations? These are critical topics where the legal world can contribute significant value to the world of software.

The Role of Smart Contracts in Software Development

Smart contracts play a pivotal role in software development by enabling the creation of deterministic computer programs executed on a blockchain. These contracts can take various legal forms beyond traditional agreements. They can serve as suspensive and dissolving conditions or even as unilateral acts. Smart contracts impact different areas of law, including public, private, and criminal law.

The Dutch Digital Delta and Smart Contracts

The Dutch Digital Delta is a collaboration between governmental institutions, educational establishments, and industry players focused on ICT innovations. The Dutch Digital Delta is actively working on blockchain technology through the Blockchain Coalition. The Blockchain Coalition aims to clarify Relevant legal frameworks and identify any legislative obstacles related to smart contracts.

The Purpose of the Working Group

To address the legal aspects of smart contracts, the Dutch Digital Delta established a working group composed of legal experts, technical professionals, and representatives from governmental institutions and law firms. The main goal of the working group was to explore legal questions and the need for knowledge concerning smart contracts. The working group was divided into two subgroups: the legal group and the technical group.

Preliminary Findings and Recommendations

6.1 Definition of Smart Contracts

Defining a smart contract proved to be challenging due to the different perspectives brought by legal and technical professionals. After much deliberation, the working group defined a smart contract as a deterministic computer program replicated and executed on a blockchain. This definition highlights the "if this, then that" nature of smart contracts.

6.2 Legal Forms and Appearances of Smart Contracts

Smart contracts can take various legal forms depending on the legal domain they operate in. The working group identified several common legal appearances of smart contracts, including agreements between parties, suspensive and dissolving conditions, unilateral acts, and automatic execution of legal procedures.

6.3 General Legal Questions

The working group also recognized the need to address general legal questions related to smart contracts. These questions include accountability, liability, choice of law, dispute resolution, principles of sound administration, digital identity, and privacy. While not all questions could be answered within the scope of the report, they serve as valuable starting points for further research.


The intersection of the legal and digital worlds in the Context of smart contracts presents exciting opportunities and complex challenges. Smart contracts have expanded the Notion of what a contract can be and its role in different legal domains. Preliminary findings highlight the importance of considering the automatic execution, conditions, and remedies of smart contracts. The report also emphasizes the need for knowledge development and the identification of institutions that can fulfill this need.

Recommendations for Knowledge Development

To further explore and address the legal aspects of smart contracts, the working group recommends dividing knowledge development into three domains: blockchain technology, software and applications, and legal and risk. Each domain requires a different level of expertise and understanding.

Identification of Institutions for Knowledge Fulfillment

While the report does not identify specific institutions for knowledge fulfillment, it highlights the importance of finding organizations capable of developing relevant training and education programs. These institutions should cater to different aspects of blockchain technology, software development, and legal frameworks.

The Role of a Central Point of Contract Authority

A challenging recommendation involves the establishment of a central point of contract authority. This authority would serve as the primary contact for the development of laws, regulations, and knowledge sharing in the field of smart contracts.


  • Exploration of the intersection between the legal and digital worlds.
  • Provides a definition and understanding of smart contracts in the context of blockchain technology.
  • Identifies legal forms and appearances of smart contracts.
  • Raises essential legal questions for further research and analysis.
  • Offers recommendations for knowledge development and identification of institutions for knowledge fulfillment.


  • Does not provide specific solutions for the identified legal questions.
  • Lack of specific institutions for knowledge fulfillment.


  • The collision of the legal and digital worlds in the context of smart contracts opens up new possibilities for contract-based software development.
  • Smart contracts can take various legal forms beyond traditional agreements, impacting different areas of law.
  • The Dutch Digital Delta and the Blockchain Coalition are actively working on clarifying legal frameworks and identifying legislative obstacles related to smart contracts.
  • The working group's preliminary findings highlight the importance of considering the automatic execution, conditions, and remedies of smart contracts.
  • Knowledge development in the domains of blockchain technology, software and applications, and legal and risk is crucial for further advancements in the field.
  • The establishment of a central point of contract authority is recommended to oversee the development of laws, regulations, and knowledge sharing.


Q: What is the Dutch Digital Delta? A: The Dutch Digital Delta is a collaboration between governmental institutions, educational establishments, and industry players focused on ICT innovations, including blockchain technology.

Q: What is the definition of a smart contract? A: A smart contract is a deterministic computer program that is replicated and executed on a blockchain, following an "if this, then that" logic.

Q: What legal appearances can smart contracts take? A: Smart contracts can appear in various legal forms, including agreements between parties, suspensive and dissolving conditions, unilateral acts, and automatic execution of legal procedures.

Q: What are some of the general legal questions related to smart contracts? A: General legal questions include accountability, liability, choice of law, dispute resolution, principles of sound administration, digital identity, and privacy.

Q: What are the recommendations for knowledge development? A: The working group recommends focusing on blockchain technology, software and applications, and legal and risk as separate domains for knowledge development.

Q: Is there a suggested central authority for smart contract development? A: While the report does not specify a central authority, it recommends that a central point of contract authority be established to oversee the development of laws, regulations, and knowledge sharing.

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