AMD Driver Update & Lawsuit Clarification

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AMD Driver Update & Lawsuit Clarification

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to AMD 16.7.3 Driver Updates
  2. Issues Addressed in AMD 16.7.3 Drivers
    • Flickering or Crashing
    • Colored Screen Output
    • Memory Clock Limitation
  3. Impact on RX 470
  4. Discussion on Memory Clock Limitation
  5. Insight from Scott Watson
  6. Upcoming Fix in Hotfix Driver
  7. Brief Overview of AMD R9 Alleged Involvement in Class Action Lawsuit
  8. Clarification from AMD Regarding Lawsuit Involvement
  9. GTX 970 Class-Action Lawsuit
    • Reasons Behind Lawsuit
    • Partial Refund Options
  10. Conclusion and Future Updates

Introduction to AMD 16.7.3 Driver Updates

In the realm of gaming hardware, drivers are the unsung heroes. They quietly work in the background, ensuring our GPUs perform optimally. One such recent update, the AMD 16.7.3 drivers, has sparked discussions within the gaming community.

Issues Addressed in AMD 16.7.3 Drivers

Flickering or Crashing

Among the concerns addressed by the 16.7.3 update were instances of flickering screens and occasional crashes. These issues, though sporadic, were certainly a nuisance for gamers seeking uninterrupted gameplay.

Colored Screen Output

Another peculiar issue was the manifestation of a single-colored screen output. Imagine your entire display suddenly engulfed in a singular hue, disrupting immersion and gameplay experience.

Memory Clock Limitation

However, the most significant issue highlighted in the 16.7.3 drivers was the memory clock limitation. Users, particularly those with RX 470 cards, found themselves constrained by a reduced maximum clock rate.

Impact on RX 470

Fortunately, users of the RX 470 reported relief from the aforementioned issues, indicating positive strides in resolving the driver concerns.

Discussion on Memory Clock Limitation

The memory clock limitation, especially concerning for overclocking enthusiasts, raised eyebrows within the community. Previously enjoying a broader range of overclocking potential, users were now faced with restricted capabilities.

Insight from Scott Watson

Scott Watson, a reputable figure in the tech industry now associated with AMD, provided insights into the matter. His assurance of an impending fix in the next hotfix driver brought a Glimmer of hope to affected users.

Upcoming Fix in Hotfix Driver

The eagerly anticipated fix promises to reset the memory offset, potentially restoring it to its former glory. This development underscores AMD's commitment to addressing user concerns promptly.

Brief Overview of AMD R9 Alleged Involvement in Class Action Lawsuit

Amidst these driver updates, rumors of AMD R9's involvement in a class-action lawsuit surfaced, causing a stir among consumers.

Clarification from AMD Regarding Lawsuit Involvement

However, AMD swiftly clarified that there was no such lawsuit or settlement involving the R9 series. The erroneous emails sent out by retailers were quickly rectified, putting speculations to rest.

GTX 970 Class-Action Lawsuit

Shifting focus to NVIDIA's GTX 970, a class-action lawsuit filed in 2015 stirred controversy within the gaming community.

Reasons Behind Lawsuit

The lawsuit primarily revolved around misrepresented specifications, notably the infamous 3.5GB VRAM issue and discrepancies in the advertised ROPs count.

Partial Refund Options

For affected GTX 970 owners, avenues for partial refunds are available through retailers like Amazon and Newegg. This settlement aims to provide restitution for the misrepresented specifications.

Conclusion and Future Updates

In conclusion, the ongoing developments in driver updates and legal proceedings underscore the dynamic nature of the gaming hardware landscape. Stay tuned for further updates and developments in the realm of GPUs and drivers.


  • AMD addresses concerns with the 16.7.3 driver update, targeting flickering, crashing, and memory clock limitations.
  • Scott Watson provides insights into the upcoming fix, promising relief for affected users.
  • Clarification from AMD dispels rumors of an R9 series involvement in a class-action lawsuit.
  • GTX 970 owners are eligible for partial refunds due to misrepresented specifications.


Q: Are the issues addressed in the AMD 16.7.3 drivers widespread among users? A: While some users reported experiencing flickering, crashing, and memory clock limitations, the issues varied in severity across different hardware configurations.

Q: How can users claim a partial refund for their GTX 970 purchase? A: Users can contact their retailer, such as Amazon or Newegg, with proof of purchase to initiate the refund process.

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