Are Intel Optane Laptops Worth It?

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Are Intel Optane Laptops Worth It?

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Intel Optane
  2. What is Intel Optane?
  3. testing Setup
    • Laptop Specifications
    • Storage Configuration
  4. Performance Comparison
    • Raw Speeds Analysis
    • Optane Enabled Benchmarks
    • Synthetic Benchmarks
  5. Real-world Usage
    • Windows Boot Times
    • Application Load Times
    • Gaming Performance
  6. Optane vs. SSD
    • Pros and Cons
    • Price Comparison
  7. Optane Use Cases
    • General Usage Scenarios
    • Data Caching
  8. Conclusion
    • Final Thoughts on Optane
  9. FAQs
    • Is Intel Optane compatible with all laptops?
    • Can Optane improve gaming performance?
    • What are the drawbacks of using Optane?
    • How does Optane compare to traditional SSDs?
    • Is Optane worth the investment for average users?

Introduction to Intel Optane

Intel Optane technology promises to enhance system performance by acting as a cache for frequently accessed data. In this article, we delve into the capabilities of Optane, its effectiveness in improving laptop performance, and whether it's a worthwhile investment for consumers.

What is Intel Optane?

Intel Optane is an innovative memory technology that utilizes 3D XPoint memory to accelerate storage performance. Acting as a cache layer, Optane enhances the speed of accessing frequently used files and applications, thereby improving overall system responsiveness.

Testing Setup

Laptop Specifications

The testing was conducted on an HP 15 laptop equipped with an Intel i7-8550U CPU, 4GB of memory, and Nvidia MX130 graphics.

Storage Configuration

The primary storage consists of a 1TB 5,400RPM hard drive paired with a 16GB Intel Optane module.

Performance Comparison

Raw Speeds Analysis

Comparing the raw speeds of the hard drive and Optane module individually revealed significant improvements in read speeds with Optane, although the write speeds showed less enhancement.

Optane Enabled Benchmarks

Benchmarks conducted with Optane enabled demonstrated notable improvements in boot times and application loading speeds, showcasing the effectiveness of Optane in real-world scenarios.

Synthetic Benchmarks

Synthetic benchmarks such as Crystal Disk Mark and ATTO highlighted moderate improvements in read and write speeds with Optane, particularly after the initial caching process.

Real-world Usage

Windows Boot Times

Optane proved to be beneficial in reducing Windows boot times, especially after the initial caching process, leading to quicker system startups.

Application Load Times

Applications like Google Chrome and games exhibited enhanced loading times with Optane enabled, contributing to a smoother user experience.

Gaming Performance

While Optane didn't significantly impact gaming frame rates, it did improve Game loading times, albeit marginally, compared to using a hard drive alone.

Optane vs. SSD

Pros and Cons

Optane offers a cost-effective solution for improving storage performance, but its write speeds may not match those of SSDs. SSDs remain the preferred choice for users seeking faster read and write speeds.

Price Comparison

Optane modules are competitively priced, but for a slightly higher cost, consumers can opt for SSDs that provide superior overall performance.

Optane Use Cases

General Usage Scenarios

Optane is well-suited for enhancing general system responsiveness, particularly in laptops with traditional hard drives.

Data Caching

The ability to cache frequently accessed files makes Optane ideal for scenarios where rapid access to specific data is crucial.


In conclusion, Intel Optane technology offers a viable solution for improving storage performance, especially in laptops with HDD configurations. While not a replacement for SSDs, Optane provides a cost-effective option for enhancing system responsiveness in certain use cases.


Is Intel Optane compatible with all laptops?

Optane compatibility varies depending on the laptop model and specifications. It's advisable to check with the manufacturer for compatibility details.

Can Optane improve gaming performance?

While Optane can accelerate game loading times, its impact on gaming performance, such as frame rates, is minimal compared to other hardware upgrades like SSDs.

What are the drawbacks of using Optane?

Optane's write speeds may not match those of SSDs, and its effectiveness depends on the user's specific usage Patterns and system configuration.

How does Optane compare to traditional SSDs?

While Optane offers benefits in terms of cost-effectiveness and data caching, traditional SSDs generally provide superior read and write speeds, making them preferable for high-performance computing tasks.

Is Optane worth the investment for average users?

For average users, Optane can provide noticeable improvements in system responsiveness, particularly in laptops with HDDs. However, those seeking top-tier performance may find SSDs to be a better investment.


  • Intel Optane technology enhances storage performance by acting as a cache for frequently accessed data.
  • Optane modules offer a cost-effective solution for improving system responsiveness, particularly in laptops with traditional hard drives.
  • While not a replacement for SSDs, Optane provides tangible benefits in reducing boot times, application loading speeds, and overall system responsiveness.
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