Disappointed: Intel's Decision on Skylake CPUs Without EDRAM

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Disappointed: Intel's Decision on Skylake CPUs Without EDRAM

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Absence of Socketed Skylake with Ed RAM
  3. Possible Reasons for the Absence
  4. The Benefits of ED RAM
  5. Comparison of the 5775C and 6700K
  6. The Potential of Skylake with Ed RAM
  7. Intel's Future Plans
  8. Ed RAM in Other Devices
  9. Conclusion
  10. FAQ


In the world of computer hardware, enthusiasts are always on the lookout for the latest advancements and innovations. One such development that has recently caught the attention of many is the absence of socketed Skylake processors with embedded RAM, or Ed RAM. This unexpected move by Intel has left many enthusiasts disappointed and Wondering about the reasons behind it. In this article, we will explore the absence of socketed Skylake with Ed RAM, the possible reasons for this decision, and the potential benefits of incorporating Ed RAM into processors.

The Absence of Socketed Skylake with Ed RAM

Intel, one of the leading manufacturers of processors, surprised the tech community when they revealed that they had no plans to release socketed Skylake processors with Ed RAM. This decision was met with disappointment and confusion from many enthusiasts who were eagerly anticipating this new technology. The absence of Ed RAM in Skylake processors is a departure from Intel's previous generation chips, such as Broadwell, which did feature Ed RAM in some models.

Possible Reasons for the Absence

The exact reasons behind Intel's decision to exclude Ed RAM from Skylake processors are not fully clarified. There are speculations that time constraints might have played a role in this decision. Intel could have faced difficulties in fitting the Ed RAM into their manufacturing schedule or producing a large enough die with good yields. Another possibility is that Intel is purposefully holding back this technology for future releases. Whatever the reason may be, the absence of Ed RAM in Skylake processors has left enthusiasts wondering about the potential benefits they could have enjoyed.

The Benefits of Ed RAM

Ed RAM, short for embedded DRAM, is a type of memory that is integrated onto the same module or die as the processor itself. While many people associate Ed RAM with boosting GPU performance, it also offers benefits for the processor. One significant advantage of Ed RAM is its ability to act as an additional layer of cache for the processor, enhancing overall performance. This additional layer of cache can improve functionality in memory-intensive applications and contribute to smoother multitasking.

Comparison of the 5775C and 6700K

To understand the potential advantages of Ed RAM, let's compare two processors: the 5775C, which features Ed RAM, and the 6700K, a Skylake processor without Ed RAM. The 5775C has a lower clock speed of 3.7 GHz compared to the 6700K's 4.2 GHz. However, the 5775C's Ed RAM allows it to perform on par or even surpass the Skylake hardware in some scenarios. This is due to the Ed RAM's ability to act as an additional cache for the processor, compensating for the lower clock speed.

The Potential of Skylake with Ed RAM

The absence of Skylake processors with Ed RAM is indeed a disappointment for enthusiasts who were eagerly anticipating this new technology. The potential of Skylake with Ed RAM is tantalizing, especially for those looking to pair the processor with a high-performance GPU. The combination of Ed RAM and a powerful GPU could unlock new levels of performance for gaming and other graphics-intensive applications.

However, it's important to note that not all applications benefit equally from Ed RAM. For applications that are not memory-intensive, the absence of Ed RAM is not a significant drawback. These applications rely more on instructions per clock (IPC) performance and clock speed. In such cases, the 6700K's higher clock speed and newer architecture can provide a better experience.

Intel's Future Plans

It is worth mentioning that Intel is not ruling out the possibility of incorporating Ed RAM into future releases. Sources suggest that the company may Revive socketed desktop processors with Ed RAM as part of next year's 14nm Kaby Lake refresh. While it remains uncertain why Intel did not include Ed RAM in the initial Skylake release, the future may hold exciting prospects for enthusiasts who are looking forward to this technology.

Ed RAM in Other Devices

Embedded DRAM is not a new concept and has been utilized in various devices besides Intel processors. For example, the PlayStation 4 features Ed RAM, which allows for improved graphical effects and anti-aliasing. This integration of Ed RAM with the GPU in gaming consoles demonstrates the benefits it can bring to enhancing visual performance.


In conclusion, the absence of socketed Skylake processors with Ed RAM has left many enthusiasts disappointed and curious about the reasons behind this decision. While the true motives are unclear, possible reasons include time constraints, manufacturing difficulties, or strategic planning for future releases. Despite the absence of Ed RAM in Skylake processors, the potential benefits it offers for enhanced performance in memory-intensive applications cannot be overlooked. As Intel's plans for incorporating Ed RAM in future releases unfold, we can only wait and see what the future holds for this intriguing technology.


Q: Why did Intel decide not to release socketed Skylake processors with Ed RAM?

A: The exact reasons for Intel's decision are not fully clarified. Speculations include time constraints and difficulties in manufacturing large enough dies with good yields.

Q: What are the benefits of Ed RAM?

A: Ed RAM can act as an additional layer of cache for the processor, enhancing performance in memory-intensive applications and multitasking scenarios.

Q: How does Ed RAM compare to traditional desktop processors in terms of performance?

A: Ed RAM can compensate for a lower clock speed in certain scenarios, providing similar or even better performance compared to processors without Ed RAM.

Q: Will Intel incorporate Ed RAM into future releases?

A: While not confirmed, sources suggest that Intel may reintroduce socketed desktop processors with Ed RAM as part of next year's 14nm Kaby Lake refresh.

Q: Is Ed RAM exclusive to Intel processors?

A: No, Ed RAM has been utilized in devices such as the PlayStation 4, where it enhances graphical effects and anti-aliasing in gaming.

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