Enhancing Security in Intel SGX with Proximity Verification

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Enhancing Security in Intel SGX with Proximity Verification

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Traditional Platforms and Their Limitations
  3. Introduction to Intel SGX
  4. Enclaves: Isolating Apps from the OS and Hardware
  5. Remote Attestation: Verifying the Legitimacy of Enclaves
  6. The Issue of a Relay Attack
  7. Understanding the Implications of a Relay Attack
  8. The Proximity Solution: Introducing an Auxiliary Device
  9. How Proximity Verification Works
  10. Experimental Results and Robustness of Proximity
  11. Potential Use Cases for Proximity
  12. Conclusion


In this article, we will delve into the concept of proximity verification using an auxiliary device in the context of the Intel SGX trusted execution environment. We will explore the limitations of traditional platforms and the advantages of Intel SGX, specifically the feature of enclaves that ensures isolation from the operating system and hardware. We will also discuss the importance of remote attestation in verifying the legitimacy of enclaves and dive into the potential risks posed by a relay attack. To combat these risks, we will introduce the concept of proximity verification and explain how it works. Additionally, we will analyze experimental results to highlight the robustness of proximity verification and discuss potential use cases for this technology. Together, these insights will provide a comprehensive understanding of proximity verification using an auxiliary device in Intel SGX.

Traditional Platforms and Their Limitations

Traditional platforms consist of hardware components such as the CPU, DRAM, and peripherals, with an operating system on top that manages memory and device drivers. While these platforms have served us well, they have inherent limitations, especially in terms of security. The trust in these platforms is distributed among the entire system, including the hardware, operating system, and applications. This introduces a large attack surface and potential vulnerabilities, making it difficult to ensure the integrity of the entire system. Moreover, users must trust the operating system and hardware, which can be compromised if an attacker gains control.

Introduction to Intel SGX

Intel SGX is a trusted execution environment that provides additional security guarantees compared to traditional platforms. The key feature of Intel SGX is the concept of enclaves, which are specific apps managed by the Intel SGX processor. Enclaves are completely isolated from the rest of the system, including the application and operating system, ensuring that they cannot interfere with the memory space. This isolation enables a reduction in the trusted computing base (TCB), as the only components that need to be trusted are the enclaves and the hardware. Compared to traditional platforms, where the TCB includes the entire system stack, Intel SGX significantly reduces the attack surface and enhances security.

Enclaves: Isolating Apps from the OS and Hardware

Enclaves in Intel SGX provide a high level of isolation for applications by preventing interference from the operating system and other apps. In traditional platforms, apps must trust the operating system to execute properly. However, in Intel SGX, apps only need to trust the enclave and the hardware, making the TCB significantly smaller. This isolation ensures that even if the operating system or other apps are compromised, the enclave remains secure. It eliminates the need to trust the entire system stack, reducing the potential for vulnerabilities and enhancing the overall security of the system.

Remote Attestation: Verifying the Legitimacy of Enclaves

Remote attestation is a crucial feature of Intel SGX that enables users to verify the enclaves running on a platform. Remote attestation provides assurance that the enclave a user is interacting with is legitimate and has not been tampered with. This process involves the Intel SGX CPU producing an attestation report, which includes information about the code, stack, heap, and microcode version number. The CPU then signs this attestation report using its key and sends it back to the verifier. The verifier can use this report, along with the platform public key, to establish a secure Channel with the enclave. This ensures that the user is communicating with a trusted platform and can safely assign sensitive data to the enclave.

The Issue of a Relay Attack

Despite the security measures in place for remote attestation, there is a potential vulnerability known as a relay attack. In a relay attack, the platform being verified relays the challenge from the verifier to an attacker-controlled platform. The attacker's platform then computes the attestation report and sends it back to the target platform, which hands it over to the verifier. This means that the verifier believes they are attesting the target platform, but in reality, they are attesting the attacker's platform. This poses a significant risk as the attacker can undermine the trustworthiness of the platform and potentially compromise sensitive data.

Understanding the Implications of a Relay Attack

To fully grasp the implications of a relay attack, it is necessary to consider the potential consequences. Firstly, the attacker has full control over their platform, allowing them unlimited time to perform physical side-channel attacks that can extract secrets from the enclave. Additionally, the attacker can exploit the compromised operating system on their platform to perform privilege escalation attacks. This may not be possible on the target platform, which receives regular security patches and maintenance. Consequently, the attacker can undermine the efforts of platform providers to maintain a secure environment. These implications highlight the importance of addressing the vulnerability of relay attacks and finding effective solutions.

The Proximity Solution: Introducing an Auxiliary Device

To mitigate the risks posed by relay attacks, the concept of proximity verification using an auxiliary device is introduced. An auxiliary device, known as Proximi Key, is physically connected to the target platform using interfaces such as USB or Thunderbolt. The Proximi Key comes with a unique key that confirms its legitimacy, ensuring that the user is communicating with a trusted device. The Proximi Key enables the establishment of a secure channel between the verifier and the enclave, building upon the trust established through remote attestation. This added layer of security helps to verify the physical connection between the verifier and the target platform, preventing relay attacks.

How Proximity Verification Works

In proximity verification, the verifier's challenge is issued by the Proximi Key on behalf of the user. The Proximi Key receives the attestation report and the platform's public key, enabling the creation of a secure channel between the verifier and the enclave. Over this secure channel, the verifier issues a challenge to the target platform, which computes the response and sends it back to the Proximi Key. The Proximi Key then calculates the latency between issuing the challenge and receiving the response. By analyzing the latency, the Proximi Key determines if the physical connection is secure or if there has been a relay attack. If the latency exceeds a predefined threshold, it indicates the possibility of a relay attack. The Proximi Key conveys this information, along with the signed result, to the verifier, allowing them to make an informed decision regarding the legitimacy of the platform.

Experimental Results and Robustness of Proximity

Experimental results demonstrate the robustness of proximity verification against real-world relay attacks. Latency histograms are used to analyze the differences between local USB interface communication and communication over Ethernet. While there is some overlap between the two histograms, proximity verification proves effective in distinguishing legitimate local USB connections from relay attacks. The analysis also considers the confidence factor assigned, determined by the threshold values, to ensure reliable detection of relay attacks. The experimental results provide evidence of the robustness and practicality of proximity verification, even against powerful attackers.

Potential Use Cases for Proximity

Proximity verification has a range of potential use cases in real-world scenarios. One prominent application is trusted I/O with enclaves in data centers. Users can establish a secure connection with a specific data center's SGX enclave, ensuring compliance with regulations such as GDPR. Proximity allows users to verify the physical connection with the enclave, thereby facilitating trusted I/O communication. Another use case is in permission blockchains, where Consensus nodes can connect to the Proximi Key to verify their presence on specific platforms. This ensures that only authorized platforms can participate in the consensus process. The flexibility and reliability of proximity verification make it applicable to various scenarios where secure communication and trusted connections are paramount.


In conclusion, proximity verification using an auxiliary device provides an effective solution to the vulnerability of relay attacks in Intel SGX environments. By introducing an additional layer of physical connection verification, proximity verification enhances the security and trustworthiness of the platform. Through remote attestation and the Proximi Key, users can verify the legitimacy of the platform and the enclave running on it, mitigating the risks associated with relay attacks. Experimental results demonstrate the robustness of proximity verification, even against powerful attackers, further solidifying its effectiveness. With various potential use cases in trusted I/O and permission blockchains, proximity verification holds promise for enhancing the security of critical systems and maintaining trust in the digital ecosystem.

\ Highlights:

  • Intel SGX provides a trusted execution environment with enclaves for secure app isolation.
  • Relay attacks pose a risk in remote attestation, compromising platform trust.
  • Proximity verification using an auxiliary device (Proximi Key) mitigates relay attacks.
  • Proximity establishes a secure physical connection between the verifier and the target platform.
  • Experimental results demonstrate the robustness of proximity against real-world relay attacks.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q: What is the purpose of remote attestation in Intel SGX? A: Remote attestation allows users to verify the legitimacy of enclaves running on Intel SGX platforms, ensuring trust and security.

Q: How does proximity verification prevent relay attacks? A: Proximity verification verifies the physical connection between the verifier and the target platform, preventing relay attacks by establishing a secure channel through the Proximi Key.

Q: What are some potential applications of proximity verification? A: Proximity verification has potential use cases in trusted I/O with enclaves in data centers and permission blockchains, ensuring secure communication and verifying platform integrity.

Q: Is proximity verification robust against powerful attackers? A: Yes, experimental results show that proximity verification is robust even against powerful attackers, making it a reliable security measure in real-world scenarios.

Q: What are the implications of relay attacks on platform maintenance? A: Relay attacks can undermine platform maintenance efforts as the attacker-controlled platform can defer security patches, potentially compromising the security of the system.


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