Fixing AMD Ryzen Master VBS Error Message with WSL2

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Fixing AMD Ryzen Master VBS Error Message with WSL2

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the Error Message
  3. The Workaround Fix
  4. Using an Assembler and Debugger
  5. Searching for the STRING VBS
  6. Analyzing the Program Path
  7. Modifying the Conditional Jump
  8. Applying the Patch
  9. testing the Fix
  10. Conclusion

Understanding the Error Message

Have you ever encountered an error message while using AMD Rise Master with VBS enabled? Perhaps it was in a foreign language, but it instructed you to disable the PBS. However, disabling PBS may not be an option for you, especially if you require the Windows Subsystem for Linux. In this article, we will explore a workaround fix that was presented last year by Tomm. Although it involves hex editing the executable file, it's important to note that it only applies to a specific version. Nevertheless, it provides a solution to this error message, regardless of the reasons behind AMD's decision to display it. So, let's dive in and learn how to apply this fix ourselves.

The Workaround Fix

Before we begin applying the fix, it's worth mentioning that I primarily use AMD Rise Master for monitoring specific data. While this error message may serve a purpose, I find it acceptable to proceed with the fix. To accomplish this, we will utilize an assembler and debugger called Idle. You can find a freeware version of Idle available for download. Once you have it installed, follow these steps:

  1. Launch Idle and open a Second instance.
  2. In the second instance, go to File > Open and locate the Rise Master executable.
  3. Allow the program to load and perform its tasks. You'll hear a sound once it's ready.
  4. In the second instance, go to Search > Text and enter "VBS" (the string from the error message).
  5. Wait a few seconds for the search to complete.
  6. Locate our error message and the subroutine associated with it. You can double-click on it to view the program path in a flowchart-like format.
  7. Follow the arrows backward to identify the location where the message box is invoked.
  8. We need to Backtrack further to the point where a check for VBS occurs.
  9. There is a conditional jump that determines whether the error message is displayed based on the comparison's result.
  10. Our goal is to make this conditional jump unconditional, meaning that the error message will always be displayed, regardless of the comparison's outcome.
  11. To achieve this, we need to modify the code.
  12. Click on the code and switch to the hexadecimal view.
  13. Look for the opcode "0F 84", which represents the conditional jump if zero.
  14. We need to change this opcode to an unconditional jump opcode, which is "E9".
  15. To do this, replace "0F 84" with "E9" in the hexadecimal view.
  16. Additionally, insert a no-operation opcode, "90", after the unconditional jump opcode.
  17. Save the changes and apply the patch to the executable file.
  18. It's always advisable to create a backup before making any modifications.
  19. Close Idle and reopen Rise Master to test the fix.
  20. You should now see that the error message no longer appears.

By following these steps, you have successfully applied the workaround fix to AMD Rise Master with VBS enabled. Enjoy using the software without the annoyance of the error message.


In this article, we explored a workaround fix for an error message encountered when using AMD Rise Master with VBS enabled. We learned how to modify the conditional jump in the executable file to make it unconditional, ensuring the error message is always displayed. By utilizing an assembler and debugger, we were able to locate the necessary code and apply the patch. Now you can use AMD Rise Master without the hindrance of the error message. Enjoy monitoring your data seamlessly.


Q: Is this fix applicable to all versions of AMD Rise Master? A: No, it is specifically applicable to a certain version of the executable file. Different versions may require alternative fixes.

Q: Is there a risk of damaging the executable file during the patching process? A: Yes, it is always recommended to create a backup of the executable file before making any modifications.

Q: Are there any alternative solutions to this error message? A: Currently, the workaround fix presented in this article is the most viable solution known. However, it's always worth checking for updates or seeking assistance from AMD's support team for any official fixes or suggestions.

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