Is the Intel Celeron Dual Core J1800 PC Worth Buying? Find Out!

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Is the Intel Celeron Dual Core J1800 PC Worth Buying? Find Out!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Specifications of the Computer
  3. The Limitations of the Computer
  4. The Price Comparison
  5. The Use of the Computer
  6. The Upgrade Possibilities
  7. The Pros of Buying the Computer
  8. The Cons of Buying the Computer
  9. Conclusion
  10. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


The computer being discussed here is one that has been sent in for formatting and repair. It is a space br marte model SP Y05, equipped with an Intel Celeron dual-core J1800 processor, 1TB of HDD storage, and 4GB of RAM. Although originally running on Linux, it has been formatted to either Windows 10 or Windows 7. This computer may be popular among users, but its true value and performance are worth exploring.

The Specifications of the Computer

Upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that despite its outward appearance, this computer is far from being considered a high-end device. With a dual-core processor and limited memory, it falls into the lower end of the market. The absence of a fan for cooling the processor and the limited options for upgrading also contribute to its underwhelming performance.

The Limitations of the Computer

While this computer may appear to be a good deal on the surface, it falls short when it comes to handling more demanding tasks. With its low processing power and limited memory, it struggles to cope with anything beyond basic internet browsing and simple tasks. It is not suitable for running resource-intensive software or playing graphics-intensive games.

The Price Comparison

One of the key factors to consider before purchasing a computer is its price. In the case of this particular computer, its price is often comparable to more superior alternatives on the market. With a difference of only 400-300 reais, it begs the question of whether it is worth investing in a subpar computer when a slightly higher budget could secure a significantly better device.

The Use of the Computer

The intended use of a computer plays a crucial role in determining its suitability. This computer may find some utility for basic tasks such as web browsing or WORD processing. However, for tasks that require more processing power or graphics capabilities, it falls short. It is important to assess one's needs and ensure that the chosen computer aligns with those requirements.

The Upgrade Possibilities

When considering the long-term viability of a computer, the potential for upgrades becomes a significant factor. Unfortunately, this computer's design limits the ability to upgrade crucial components such as the processor. The memory options are also limited, with only room for a single additional memory module. Overall, the upgrade possibilities for this computer are severely constrained.

The Pros of Buying the Computer

While there are limitations to this computer, some advantages come with it. The compact size and affordability make it an attractive option for those on a tight budget or with limited space. It can handle basic tasks and is suitable for users with minimal computing needs. Additionally, it may serve as a base for salvaging components such as the hard drive and power supply for future projects.

The Cons of Buying the Computer

On the other HAND, several drawbacks must be considered. The limited processing power and memory restrict the computer's capabilities, reducing its overall usefulness. The inability to upgrade key components severely limits its lifespan and potential for future use. Additionally, the absence of a dedicated graphics card eliminates the possibility of playing modern games or running resource-intensive software.


In conclusion, while this computer may seem appealing at first glance, it falls short in terms of performance and upgradeability. Considering the price and the limitations Mentioned, it may be more prudent to invest in a slightly higher-priced computer that offers superior specifications and longevity. It is important to evaluate one's needs and choose a computer that aligns with those requirements, ensuring optimum performance and value for money.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Is the computer suitable for gaming? A: No, this computer is not recommended for gaming due to its limited processing power and the absence of a dedicated graphics card.

Q: Can the computer be upgraded? A: The upgrade possibilities for this computer are minimal, with limited options for upgrading the processor and memory.

Q: Is the computer worth the price? A: Considering its limited capabilities and the availability of better alternatives at a slightly higher price, it may not be the best value for money.

Q: What are the main limitations of the computer? A: The computer's limitations include its low processing power, limited memory, and the absence of a dedicated graphics card.

Q: Who would benefit from buying this computer? A: This computer may be suitable for individuals with minimal computing needs and a limited budget. It can handle basic tasks but falls short when it comes to more demanding requirements.

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