Master the Art of Laser Harp Making with Intel Edison!

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Master the Art of Laser Harp Making with Intel Edison!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the Intel Edison
  3. The Concept of the Laser Harp
  4. Building the Laser Harp Prototype
    • 4.1 testing the Laser and Photo Resistor
    • 4.2 Connecting the Logic Gates and Level Shifter
    • 4.3 Checking the Speed and Voltage Levels
    • 4.4 Designing the Harp Frame and Laser Holders
  5. Assembling the Laser Harp
    • 5.1 Mounting the Emitters and Detectors
    • 5.2 Aligning the Lasers and Making Adjustments
  6. Setting up the Edison for MIDI Output
  7. Wiring and Power Supply Considerations
  8. The Final Build and Testing Phase
  9. Conclusion

🎵 Building a Laser Harp: Bringing Music to Life 🎵


Have you ever wanted to create music using lasers? Well, now you can with the help of the Intel Edison and some creative engineering! In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of laser harps and guide you through the process of building your very own laser harp prototype. Buckle up and get ready to embark on a musical adventure like no other!

Understanding the Intel Edison:

Before we dive into the laser harp project, it's essential to familiarize ourselves with the Intel Edison. The Intel Edison is a powerful single-board computer with a dual-core Atom processor. Unlike other popular single-board computers like the Raspberry Pi, the Edison is x86-based, making it closer to a traditional PC or Mac. This unique feature allows us to harness the full potential of a computer in our laser harp creation.

The Concept of the Laser Harp:

Inspired by the music tech fest in Berlin, we set out to create an innovative instrument using the Intel Edison. The idea was to build a laser harp, a device that replaces traditional strings with lasers. By breaking the laser beams, we can produce different notes and create music without physical strings.

Building the Laser Harp Prototype:

4.1 Testing the Laser and Photo Resistor: To kickstart the project, we conducted tests to ensure proper functionality of the laser and photo resistor. By applying the correct voltage and using a photo resistor to detect light changes, we verified the laser's performance. The laser harp hinges on the accuracy of these components, so getting this step right is crucial.

4.2 Connecting the Logic Gates and Level Shifter: In order to convert the analog signal from the photo resistor into a digital signal, we utilized logic gates and a level shifter. This allowed us to isolate the signals and achieve cleaner results. By incorporating an LED indicator, we ensured efficient alignment of the lasers during the building process.

4.3 Checking the Speed and Voltage Levels: Speed and voltage play a vital role in the responsiveness and reliability of the laser harp. We analyzed the speed at which the photo resistor reacted to interruptions and adjusted the circuit accordingly. Additionally, we considered the voltage levels and implemented a regulator to ensure the Edison could handle the input safely.

4.4 Designing the Harp Frame and Laser Holders: Now that all the technical aspects were taken care of, it was time to focus on the physical design of the harp. Using 3D printed parts and laser-cut materials, we developed a frame that could house the laser emitters and detectors securely. Careful attention was given to alignment, spacing, and overall structural integrity.

Assembling the Laser Harp:

5.1 Mounting the Emitters and Detectors: With the frame prepared, we proceeded to mount the laser emitters and photo detectors onto the harp. Each emitter and detector had to be precisely positioned to ensure accurate laser beam interruption. We used spacers and brackets to maintain rigidity, minimizing any deviations and maximizing the harp's playability.

5.2 Aligning the Lasers and Making Adjustments: Alignment was a critical step in the laser harp's construction. We meticulously adjusted the lasers to ensure straight and parallel beams. By measuring and making slight modifications, we fine-tuned each laser's position. This meticulous process laid the foundation for a functioning and precise laser harp.

Setting up the Edison for MIDI Output:

To transform the laser harp into a true music instrument, we had to establish MIDI output capability on the Intel Edison. This involved recompiling the kernel to include MIDI support and writing appropriate code that could interface with MIDI devices. With this setup, the laser interruptions could Translate into MIDI notes, bringing our creation to life.

Wiring and Power Supply Considerations:

As we approached the final stages of the project, we needed to address wiring and power supply requirements. By carefully designing the circuit and utilizing regulators, we ensured reliable and efficient power delivery to all components. Through meticulous planning and attention to detail, we enhanced stability and minimized the risk of damage.

The Final Build and Testing Phase:

Once all the components were in place and the wiring completed, we moved on to the final build and testing phase. This involved integrating all the individual modules into a Cohesive laser harp unit. We performed thorough tests to ensure proper functionality and playability. Any necessary adjustments were made to optimize performance and accuracy.


Congratulations! You have successfully taken this journey with us to create a laser harp using the Intel Edison. Through understanding the intricacies of the components, meticulous alignment, and creative problem-solving, we have unlocked the magical world of laser-based music. The possibilities are endless, and with your newfound knowledge, you can explore and expand upon this exciting realm of music technology.

🎶 Let the laser harp guide your creative melodies and bring your music to life! 🎶


  • Introduction to the Intel Edison and its capabilities
  • The concept and inspiration behind the laser harp
  • Testing the laser and photo resistor for functionality
  • Utilizing logic gates and level shifters for signal conversion
  • Adjusting speed and voltage levels for optimal performance
  • Designing and assembling the harp frame and laser holders
  • Ensuring precise alignment and adjustment of laser beams
  • Setting up the Edison for MIDI output and interfacing with MIDI devices
  • Addressing wiring and power supply considerations
  • Finalizing the build and testing the functionality of the laser harp
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