New DDR5 Memory Breakthrough, CPU Shortages, and Apple's Restrictive T2 Chip

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New DDR5 Memory Breakthrough, CPU Shortages, and Apple's Restrictive T2 Chip

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. CPU Shortages in the Fourth Quarter of 2018
  3. SK Hynix and DDR5 Memory
  4. Apple's T2 Chip and Restrictions on Repairability
  5. Keyboard and Mouse Support on Consoles
  6. RX 590 Graphics Card
  7. Conclusion


In this hardware news Recap, we will be discussing some of the major topics that made headlines in the tech industry last week. From CPU shortages to the introduction of new technologies, there is a lot to cover. We will dive into the details of each topic, providing you with all the information you need to stay up to date with the latest developments in the hardware world.

CPU Shortages in the Fourth Quarter of 2018

The fourth quarter of every year usually brings oversupply in the CPU market, leading to lower prices. However, this year is different as we are facing a shortage of CPUs. This shortage can be attributed to Intel's difficulties in ramping up production of their 10-nanometer chips. As a result, they have resorted to reviving old 22-nanometer facilities and outsourcing some of their CPU production to other manufacturers. This shortage is not only affecting Intel but also major hardware companies like Asus. The CEO of Asus, Jerry Shen, has stated that they have personally seen the impact of CPU shortages on their sales, particularly in the DIY and client sectors. With the shortage expected to continue well into the Second quarter of 2019, the market dynamics for CPU sales are significantly affected.


  • Shortages increase demand and can potentially drive up prices.
  • Manufacturers have an opportunity to showcase their ability to adapt and find solutions amidst challenges.


  • Increased prices may deter budget-conscious customers.
  • Lack of supply can lead to frustration and delay in product release dates.

SK Hynix and DDR5 Memory

SK Hynix, a major player in the memory industry, recently announced the completion of the industry's first DDR5 JEDEC-compliant DRAM chip. These new chips come with a capacity of 16 gigabits and a transfer speed of 5,200 megatransfers per second. The DDR5 memory operates at a lower voltage of 1.1 volts compared to the typical 1.2 volts of DDR4. SK Hynix plans to further improve the capacity and transfer rates of their DDR5 chips in future productions, with the aim of reaching up to 6,400 megatransfers per second. Additionally, SK Hynix is also working on their first DDR5 RDIMM (Registered DIMM) which will provide significant improvements in bandwidth and performance.


  • DDR5 memory offers higher transfer speeds, leading to improved overall system performance.
  • Lower voltage requirements reduce power consumption and heat generation.


  • Compatibility issues may arise during the transition from DDR4 to DDR5.
  • Cost of DDR5 memory modules may initially be higher compared to DDR4.

Apple's T2 Chip and Restrictions on Repairability

Apple's T2 chip, primarily designed for security purposes, has raised concerns over its impact on users' ability to repair Apple devices. The T2 chip acts as a coprocessor responsible for several tasks such as processing touch ID data and storing cryptographic keys. However, it also functions as a tool to restrict third-party repairs. T2-equipped Macs require specialized software known as AST2 (Apple Service Toolkit 2) for any repairs to be validated. This software is exclusively distributed to Apple stores and authorized service providers. Without AST2, the repair process cannot be completed, rendering the device inoperable. This restriction on repairability has raised questions about consumer rights and limits the options available for maintaining Apple devices.


  • Enhanced security features protect sensitive user data.
  • Consistent repairs carried out by authorized service providers ensure quality control.


  • Limits users' ability to choose where and how their devices are repaired.
  • Creates a monopoly for Apple's own repair services, potentially leading to higher costs for consumers.

Keyboard and Mouse Support on Consoles

Microsoft's recent November update for Xbox One consoles officially introduced keyboard and mouse support. While support for these peripherals existed before, it is now recognized as an official feature. Although most USB keyboards and mice can be used with Xbox One, Microsoft is actively working with hardware manufacturers like Razer to develop specific Xbox-compatible peripherals. Corsair, a leading PC hardware company, has already announced compatibility for their keyboards and mice with Xbox One consoles. This move opens up new possibilities for console gaming, bringing the precision and flexibility of keyboard and mouse controls to the Xbox platform.


  • Keyboard and mouse support allows for more precise and customizable controls in certain games.
  • Opens up the Xbox platform to a wider range of gaming peripherals and accessories.


  • Some players may argue that keyboard and mouse support provide an unfair advantage in certain multiplayer games.
  • Compatibility issues may arise with older or less common keyboard and mouse models.

RX 590 Graphics Card

The release of the RX 590 graphics card has brought some excitement to the market. Based on the Polaris 30 architecture, the RX 590 offers higher clock speeds compared to its predecessors, the RX 480 and RX 580. With Polaris 30 being a revision of the original Polaris architecture, the RX 590 doesn't introduce any significant changes from an architectural standpoint. However, it does offer a modest performance boost, making it a viable option for gamers looking for an affordable graphics card. Power Color and XFX were the first manufacturers to release their RX 590 cards, highlighting the improvements in clock speeds and overall performance.


  • Improved clock speeds provide better gaming performance compared to previous Polaris-based graphics cards.
  • Offers a cost-effective option for gamers seeking mid-range performance.


  • Lacks major architectural advancements, making it a less appealing choice for enthusiasts and power users.
  • Faces tough competition from other mid-range graphics cards in the market.


In this hardware news recap, we covered various topics ranging from CPU shortages to the introduction of new technologies in the hardware industry. The CPU shortages continue to affect major players like Intel and Asus, leading to changed sales expectations and market dynamics. SK Hynix's development of DDR5 memory chips showcases the next generation of memory technologies. However, concerns are raised regarding Apple's T2 chip and its restrictions on repairability, highlighting the ongoing debate around the right to repair. Finally, the official support for keyboard and mouse on Xbox One consoles and the release of the RX 590 graphics card add new Dimensions to the gaming experience. Stay tuned for more updates and developments in the ever-evolving world of hardware.


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