Performance Comparison: Linux Kernel 5.15 vs 5.16 on Alder Lake

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Performance Comparison: Linux Kernel 5.15 vs 5.16 on Alder Lake

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Comparison of Linux Kernel Versions
  3. Rendering the PovRay Benchmark Scene
  4. Running the Blender Benchmark
  5. Collating Benchmark Results
  6. Booting the Original Kernel
  7. Specifying Thread Limits
  8. Identifying the Best Core for Rendering
  9. Running the Benchmark Multiple Times
  10. Analysis of Results
  11. Rebooting to Another Kernel Version
  12. Running Blender Benchmark with GUI
  13. Performance Differences in Different Kernels
  14. Showing Effects of Kernel Changes
  15. Explaining Changes in Kernel Settings
  16. Future Updates and Improvements

🖥️ Introduction

In this video, we will explore the Linux kernel on the older lake architecture, specifically focusing on the performance improvements made in various kernel versions. We will undertake a comparison of the runtimes for rendering the PovRay benchmark scene in different kernel versions, as well as running a blender benchmark. Additionally, we will discuss collating benchmark results and the process of booting different kernel versions. Let's dive in!

📊 Comparison of Linux Kernel Versions

To start off, we will compare the runtimes of rendering the PovRay benchmark scene in different kernel versions. By doing so, we can observe the existing improvements that have been made. Our goal is to determine if there are any noticeable performance differences across the kernel versions.

🎥 Rendering the PovRay Benchmark Scene

Next, we will run the PovRay benchmark, focusing on rendering the benchmark scene. This benchmark is more involved as it runs for approximately seven minutes on the older lake architecture. We will run it with different thread limitations to observe the impact on performance.

💡 Running the Blender Benchmark

Apart from the PovRay benchmark, we will also run a benchmark using Blender. However, there is a caveat since Blender does not have a graphical interface in the current kernel version. Therefore, we may need to reboot and use a different kernel version that supports the GUI to run the benchmark effectively.

📚 Collating Benchmark Results

Within this step, we will collate the benchmark results obtained from the different kernel versions and thread specifications. By gathering these results, we can analyze the performance improvements and identify any Patterns or trends that may emerge.

💻 Booting the Original Kernel

In order to establish a baseline, we will boot the original kernel that was built specifically for the older lake architecture. This will allow us to assess the initial performance and serve as a reference point for further comparisons.

⚙️ Specifying Thread Limits

For the benchmark tests, we will specify the number of Threads to be used in the rendering process. By doing so, we can explore the impact of thread limitations on overall performance. We will compare running the benchmark with different thread configurations to observe any differences in runtime.

🎯 Identifying the Best Core for Rendering

During the benchmark runs, we will aim to identify the best core for rendering the benchmark scene. By assigning threads to specific cores, we can potentially optimize performance by utilizing the performance cores more effectively.

🔄 Running the Benchmark Multiple Times

To ensure reliability and accuracy of the benchmark results, we will run the benchmark multiple times. This will help us identify any variations or anomalies that occur during different runs. By taking multiple measurements, we can obtain a more comprehensive understanding of performance.

📊 Analysis of Results

After conducting multiple benchmark runs and analyzing the data, it's time to dig into the results. We will examine the performance differences observed across various kernel versions and thread configurations. This analysis will provide insights into the improvements made in each version and the impact on overall system performance.

🔄 Rebooting to Another Kernel Version

In order to explore the performance of different kernel versions, we will reboot the system and switch to another kernel version. This will allow us to compare the benchmark results and identify any notable differences in performance.

🖌️ Running Blender Benchmark with GUI

To overcome the limitation of running the Blender benchmark without a graphical interface, we will reboot into a kernel version that supports the GUI. This will enable us to run the Blender benchmark effectively and observe how the GUI impacts performance.

📉 Performance Differences in Different Kernels

During this stage, we will analyze and compare the performance differences observed in different kernel versions. By examining the benchmark results obtained in each version, we can gain insights into the overall performance improvements made in the Linux kernel.

🚀 Showing Effects of Kernel Changes

By comparing the benchmark results across different kernel versions, we can observe the effects of kernel changes on system performance. This analysis will help us understand the specific enhancements and optimizations implemented in each version that contribute to improved performance.

🛠️ Explaining Changes in Kernel Settings

To further understand the improvements observed in the benchmark results, we will delve into the specific changes made in the kernel settings. By exploring the processor types and features, we can determine the settings responsible for identifying the best cores for rendering. We will also discuss the limitations of the current approach and future updates planned by Intel.

🔮 Future Updates and Improvements

In this final section, we will explore the possibilities of future updates and improvements to the Linux kernel. We will discuss upcoming patches and advancements that aim to enhance the kernel's performance and efficiency. Additionally, we will highlight the release schedule for these updates, providing insights into when users can expect to experience the benefits.

This concludes our exploration of the Linux kernel on the older lake architecture and the performance improvements made in various kernel versions. Stay tuned for more informative videos in the future!


  • Comparing runtimes of rendering the PovRay benchmark scene in different kernel versions.
  • Running the Blender benchmark with and without a graphical interface.
  • Analyzing performance improvements observed across kernel versions.
  • Exploring kernel settings and their impact on system performance.
  • Discussing future updates and advancements in the Linux kernel.

FAQs Q: What is the purpose of running the benchmarks multiple times? A: Running the benchmarks multiple times helps ensure more accurate and reliable results. It allows us to account for any variations or anomalies that may occur during different runs.

Q: Which core does the kernel prioritize for rendering in the benchmark? A: The kernel aims to identify the best core for rendering based on maximizing performance. It tries to assign threads to the performance cores whenever possible.

Q: Will there be any improvements in the upcoming kernel versions? A: Yes, there are future updates planned that will include patches from Intel to enable the kernel's access to the thread director on the chip. These updates are expected to bring further advancements in spring.

Q: How can I obtain the Blender benchmark? A: The Blender benchmark can be found on the internet by searching for "Blender benchmark." It is a cross-platform benchmark that can be run on major operating systems.


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