Permanent Fix for Crash Issues with AMD Graphics Cards: Boost Performance

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Permanent Fix for Crash Issues with AMD Graphics Cards: Boost Performance

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the Issue
  3. The Solution: Software Update
  4. The Reason behind the Crash
  5. Overcoming the Power Usage Limitations
  6. Using the MSi Afterburner Program
  7. Adjusting Power Settings for Stability
  8. Memorable Clock Settings
  9. How to Save and Apply Settings
  10. Conclusion

The Solution to Fixing Crash Issues with AMD Graphics Cards

🔍 Introduction

Having a crash issue with your AMD graphics card while playing games can be frustrating. In this article, we will explore a permanent solution to this problem. As someone who has personally encountered and resolved this issue, I believe it lies within a software or firmware problem. After trying multiple solutions, I found a fix that not only addresses the crash but also enhances the card's performance.

❓ Understanding the Issue

The crash issue occurs when you play demanding games that push your graphics card to its limits. The card struggles to handle the extra workload beyond its specified usage, especially in the case of RX 580 cards that were previously used for mining. This results in the card crashing and displaying an error message. But fret not, there is a solution at hand.

🔧 The Solution: Software Update

To fix the crash issue, we will utilize a program called MSi Afterburner. This software serves various purposes, such as overclocking, frame rate display, and fan speed control. It is a secure program, but it is crucial to follow the instructions carefully to avoid any mishaps during the process. Once installed, the program will appear as shown below:

MSi Afterburner

Remember to keep the default settings intact and proceed with caution to avoid causing any harm to your system.

💡 The Reason behind the Crash

To address the issue, we need to slightly reduce the power usage of the graphics card. By lowering the power usage without compromising performance, we can ensure that it runs smoothly without crashing. We'll achieve this by setting a power limit slightly below the card's base power usage. Let's explore the steps to achieve this.

🔌 Overcoming the Power Usage Limitations

To adjust the power limit, open the MSi Afterburner program and locate the labeled options. In this case, we're focusing on the "Core Voltage (mV)" and "Power Limit (%)" settings. These settings are critical in limiting the power consumed by the graphics card. It is essential not to overdo it, as it could negatively impact performance.

✅ Using the MSi Afterburner Program

  1. Launch the program by double-clicking the desktop icon.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the graphical interface and navigate to the labeled options, as shown below:

MSi Afterburner Options

  1. Make sure not to touch any other options to avoid unexpected consequences.

✂️ Adjusting Power Settings for Stability

To enhance stability, adjust the "Power Limit (%)" setting slightly below the specified power usage. For example, if your card's power limit is set at 140, reduce it to 1320. This reduction of 100 points serves as a safety margin between the crash point and the card's actual usage. This ensures optimal performance while significantly reducing the risk of crashing during gameplay.

🕰️ Memorable Clock Settings

Next, we'll focus on the "Memory Clock (MHz)" setting. This setting determines the speed at which your card's memory operates. By adjusting it, we can optimize the performance and stability of the graphics card. For instance, you can set it to 1900 MHz. If your card is an economical variant with 4 GB or 2 GB memory, reduce it by 50 points. If you own an RX 580 card, particularly sensitive to this issue, a reduction of 100 points is recommended.

💾 How to Save and Apply Settings

Once you have made the necessary adjustments, it's crucial to save and apply the settings for them to take effect. To do so, locate the "Checkmark" symbol on the MSi Afterburner interface and apply the changes. After applying the settings, you will Notice a sudden drop in the frame rate, typically around 5 frames per Second (FPS). These minor drops ensure the stability and prevent any potential crashes.

🔌 Conclusion

In conclusion, we have explored a practical solution to fix crash issues with AMD graphics cards. By using the MSi Afterburner program and adjusting power and clock settings, we can optimize the card's performance and prevent crashes during gameplay. Additionally, remember to save and apply the settings to ensure their effectiveness. If you found this guide helpful, don't forget to like and subscribe. Stay safe and happy gaming!


  • The MSi Afterburner program provides a permanent solution for crash issues with AMD graphics cards.
  • Adjusting power and clock settings using the program enhances stability and optimizes performance.
  • Following the instructions carefully ensures a successful fix without causing any harm to your system.


Q: Is the MSi Afterburner program safe to use? A: Yes, the program is secure and widely used by gamers to optimize their graphics cards' performance.

Q: What happens if I adjust the settings incorrectly? A: Adjusting the settings incorrectly may lead to system instability or crashes. It is crucial to follow the instructions and avoid changing other options.

Q: Can I use the MSi Afterburner program with other graphics card brands? A: Yes, the program can be used with various graphics card brands, not just AMD.

Q: Why is it important to save and apply the settings? A: Saving and applying the settings ensure that the adjustments take effect and optimize the graphics card's performance.

Q: What should I do if my graphics card is still crashing after adjusting the settings? A: If the issue persists, it is recommended to seek further assistance from technical support or consider updating drivers and firmware.

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