Unveiling the Performance of Graphics Cards: 8400GS, 8800GT, GTX275, HD6850 & GTX560

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Unveiling the Performance of Graphics Cards: 8400GS, 8800GT, GTX275, HD6850 & GTX560

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. testing Different Graphics Cards
    • 2.1. The 8400 GS 256 Mag
    • 2.2. The 8800 GT Alpha Dog Edition
    • 2.3. The GTX 275 896 Meg
    • 2.4. The HD 6850 Radeon Card
    • 2.5. The GTX 560 TI One Gig
  3. Comparing the GPU Scores
  4. Conclusion


In this article, we will be exploring the performance of different graphics cards through a series of tests. We will examine various cards, ranging from older models like the 8400 GS 256 Mag to more recent ones like the GTX 560 TI One Gig. By conducting these tests and analyzing the scores, we can gain insights into how these graphics cards perform in real-world scenarios. So, let's dive in and see how these cards stack up against each other!

Testing Different Graphics Cards

2.1. The 8400 GS 256 Mag

Our first card to test is the 8400 GS 256 Mag. This is quite an old card, but we want to see how it performs regardless. After running the benchmark, unfortunately, the card failed to deliver any Meaningful results. It experienced technical difficulties and caused the test to fail twice. As a result, we were unable to obtain a score for this card.

2.2. The 8800 GT Alpha Dog Edition

Next on the list is the 8800 GT Alpha Dog Edition by XFX. Despite being a bit outdated by 2011, this card still holds its own. After running the benchmark, we obtained a GPU score of 5875. While this is lower compared to more recent cards, it still showcases decent performance. The average FPS was around 16.5-17, about 10 FPS lower than the GTX 275.

2.3. The GTX 275 896 Meg

Moving on, we come to the GTX 275 896 Meg. This card proves to be a significant improvement compared to the previous ones. With a GPU score of 11156, it demonstrates better performance and averages about 32 FPS in GPU tests 1 and 2. The GTX 275 outperforms the 8800 GT by a significant margin.

2.4. The HD 6850 Radeon Card

Next up, we have the HD 6850 Radeon card. This card surprises with its performance, showcasing a GPU score of 13432. This is a considerable improvement over both the 8800 GT and the GTX 275. The average FPS sits at around 39, demonstrating a significant boost in performance compared to the previous cards.

2.5. The GTX 560 TI One Gig

Last but not least, we have the GTX 560 TI One Gig. This card delivers impressive results, boasting a GPU score of 18481. Compared to the GTX 275, it shows a 20-25 FPS increase, highlighting its superior performance. With this card, you can expect smooth gameplay and excellent graphics quality.

Comparing the GPU Scores

After conducting tests on various graphics cards, it's time to compare their GPU scores. The table below summarizes the scores obtained from each card:

Graphics Card GPU Score
8400 GS 256 Mag N/A
8800 GT 5875
GTX 275 11156
HD 6850 Radeon 13432
GTX 560 TI 18481

From the table, we can see that as we moved from an older card like the 8400 GS to the more recent GTX 560 TI, there was a significant increase in GPU score. This indicates a clear improvement in performance, allowing for better gaming and graphical experiences.


In conclusion, the performance of graphics cards can vary significantly depending on their age and capabilities. Through our tests, we observed how newer cards like the GTX 560 TI outperformed older models like the 8400 GS and 8800 GT. These results highlight the importance of choosing a graphics card that suits your specific needs and desired level of performance. Whether you're a casual gamer or a professional content creator, investing in a high-quality graphics card can enhance your overall computing experience.


  • Testing various graphics cards to compare their performance
  • The 8400 GS 256 Mag failed to provide any results
  • The 8800 GT Alpha Dog Edition scored 5875
  • The GTX 275 896 Meg showcased a GPU score of 11156
  • The HD 6850 Radeon card performed impressively with a score of 13432
  • The GTX 560 TI One Gig delivered outstanding results with a score of 18481
  • The GPU scores improved as we moved from older to more recent cards
  • Choosing a suitable graphics card is essential for optimal performance


Q: What is the significance of GPU scores when comparing graphics cards? A: GPU scores help gauge the overall performance of a graphics card by measuring its ability to handle graphical tasks and rendering in various applications and games.

Q: Why did the 8400 GS 256 Mag fail to provide any results? A: The 8400 GS experienced technical difficulties during the benchmark tests, causing the test to fail twice, resulting in no obtainable score.

Q: How does the GTX 560 TI One Gig compare to the previous cards tested? A: The GTX 560 TI One Gig displayed superior performance compared to the older cards, with a higher GPU score and an increase in average FPS.

Q: What factors should be considered when choosing a graphics card? A: Some factors to consider include budget, desired performance level, compatibility with system components, and specific requirements for applications or games.

Q: Are the tested graphics cards suitable for modern gaming? A: While some of the tested graphics cards may not meet the requirements of the latest games, they can still provide satisfactory gaming performance for older or less demanding titles.

Q: Can a high-quality graphics card enhance overall computing experiences? A: Yes, a high-quality graphics card can significantly improve graphics rendering, allowing for more enjoyable gaming experiences and smoother visuals in applications like video editing or 3D rendering.


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