Unveiling the Power: Diamond HD 4890 XOC Video Card Review!

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Unveiling the Power: Diamond HD 4890 XOC Video Card Review!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Installation of the Car
  3. Benchmarking the Card
    • 3.1 3D Mark Advantage
    • 3.2 Brothers in Arms: Health Highway
    • 3.3 Crisis
    • 3.4 World in Conflict
    • 3.5 Left 4 Dead
  4. Comparison of Platforms
  5. Conclusion
  6. Price and Performance



In this article, we will be reviewing the Diamond HD 4890 XOC video card, which is a part of the new refresh Dragon platform. We will discuss its installation process, benchmarking results, and compare it to previous platforms. Finally, we will conclude with an evaluation of its price and performance.

Installation of the Car:

Before we dive into the benchmarks, let's first talk about the installation process. Installing the Diamond HD 4890 XOC video card is fairly simple and follows the same procedure as any other PCIe 2.0 card. The drivers also install quickly, ensuring a hassle-free setup.

Benchmarking the Card:

Now, let's move on to the exciting part - benchmarking the Diamond HD 4890 XOC video card. We will be running a suite of benchmarks to evaluate its performance across various resolutions and Game settings.

3.1 3D Mark Advantage:

Our first benchmark test is 3D Mark Advantage. We will be testing the card's performance at three different resolutions:

  • Entry-level (1024x768)
  • Performance level (1280x1024)
  • High level (1680x1050)

Our focus on mainstream resolutions is based on the fact that the average person typically uses a 19 to 22-inch widescreen monitor. Therefore, we aim to provide insights Relevant to the majority of users.

3.2 Brothers in Arms: Health Highway:

Moving on to our next benchmark, we have Brothers in Arms: Health Highway. This first-person shooter game will be tested at high settings across the three resolutions Mentioned earlier. We will examine how well the Diamond HD 4890 XOC performs in this game.

3.3 Crisis:

Despite the availability of newer games, Crisis still holds its significance in benchmarking video cards. We've chosen Crisis as our next benchmark because it remains a demanding game, putting any video card to the test. We believe it provides a more accurate representation of a card's capabilities compared to its watered-down counterparts.

3.4 World in Conflict:

Next on our list is World in Conflict, a real-time strategy game. We will be running this benchmark at very high video settings, including 4 times anti-aliasing (AAA) and 16 times anisotropic filtering (AS). Similar to the previous benchmarks, we will test the three resolutions to gauge the card's performance.

3.5 Left 4 Dead:

Our last benchmark is Left 4 Dead, a first-person shooter game known for its online multiplayer mode. We have chosen this game due to its usage of the Havok physics engine, which provides realistic in-game physics. This benchmark will help us evaluate the Diamond HD 4890 XOC's performance in a multiplayer environment.

Comparison of Platforms:

After reviewing the benchmark results, we can observe significant differences between various platforms. The initial platform, Spyder, consisted of an AMD Phenom 1 9600 processor and a 3870 video card. As we progressed to the original Dragon platform with an AM2 chip, 940X x4 processor, and a 4870 video card, we noticed notable improvements. The refresh Dragon platform, which includes the Diamond 4890 as our focus, builds upon the previous platform and showcases enhanced performance. Factors such as streaming processors, memory speeds, and clock speeds have significantly improved with each iteration.


In conclusion, the Diamond HD 4890 XOC video card offers remarkable performance and an upgrade path for mainstream gamers. The card delivers satisfactory frame rates of over 30 frames per Second in all benchmarks, ensuring a smooth gaming experience. Furthermore, it excels in HD video streaming and can meet all your video-related needs. It's important to visit ATI's website to obtain the latest drivers for optimal performance.

Price and Performance:

Let's now discuss the crucial aspect of price and performance. Priced at $254.99 on Newegg, the Diamond HD 4890 XOC video card falls within the mid-range category for overclocked versions. While it may not be the cheapest option, it offers a balance between price and performance. Furthermore, being a United States-based company, Diamond provides excellent technical support and reliable Customer Service. If you are considering upgrading your video card, the HD 4890 XOC by Diamond is a worthwhile investment.


  • Installation of the Diamond HD 4890 XOC video card is straightforward, following the same procedure as other PCIe 2.0 cards.
  • Benchmarking the card across various resolutions and game settings demonstrates its impressive performance.
  • The Diamond HD 4890 XOC outperforms its predecessors, showcasing the progression made in streaming processors, memory speeds, and clock speeds.
  • At a price of $254.99, the Diamond HD 4890 XOC offers a balance between cost and performance.
  • United States-based Diamond provides excellent technical support and reliable customer service.


Q: Is the installation process for the Diamond HD 4890 XOC video card complicated? A: No, the installation process is fairly simple and follows the same steps as installing any other PCIe 2.0 card.

Q: What resolutions are used in the benchmark tests? A: The benchmark tests are conducted at three resolutions: entry-level (1024x768), performance level (1280x1024), and high level (1680x1050).

Q: Can the Diamond HD 4890 XOC deliver acceptable frame rates in games? A: Yes, the Diamond HD 4890 XOC consistently achieves frame rates over 30 frames per second in all benchmarked games, ensuring a smooth gaming experience.

Q: Does the Diamond HD 4890 XOC support HD video streaming? A: Yes, the Diamond HD 4890 XOC is capable of handling HD video streaming and fulfills various video-related needs.

Q: Is the Diamond HD 4890 XOC competitively priced? A: Priced at $254.99, the Diamond HD 4890 XOC falls within the mid-range category for overclocked versions, offering a balance between price and performance.

Q: Can I rely on Diamond's technical support? A: Diamond, being a United States-based company, provides reliable technical support and customer service to address any concerns or issues.

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