Update Linux on Intel Edison for Optimal Performance

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Update Linux on Intel Edison for Optimal Performance

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Uploading Intel's Arduino Software and Drivers
  3. Updating Linux on the Intel Edison
  4. The Yako Project and Custom Linux Images
  5. Necessary Equipment and Connections
  6. Downloading the Yako Image from Intel
  7. Installing FTDI Drivers for Windows Users
  8. Using Putty as a Serial Client
  9. Extracting and Copying Yako Image Files
  10. Finding the COM Port Number for Edison
  11. Opening Putty and Connecting to Edison
  12. Logging in to Edison via Serial Console
  13. Updating Linux with the Yako Image
  14. Verifying the Update

Updating Linux on the Intel Edison

In this episode of the "Getting Started with the Intel Edison" video series, we will walk you through the process of updating Linux running on the Edison board. This is an essential step to take after unboxing your Edison, and it can be easily accomplished using a custom Linux image provided by the Yako Project.


The Intel Edison is an embedded system designed to facilitate quick and easy prototyping of Internet of Things (IoT) projects. It combines a powerful dual-core processor with built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities. In order to make the most of the Edison's capabilities, it is important to ensure that the Linux operating system running on the board is up to date.

Uploading Intel's Arduino Software and Drivers

In the previous episode, we showed you how to download Intel's version of the Arduino software and install the necessary drivers. These drivers are essential for communicating with the Edison and uploading sketches to the board. If you haven't done so already, make sure to follow the instructions provided in that episode before proceeding with this update.

The Yako Project and Custom Linux Images

The Yako Project is a working group within the Linux Foundation that focuses on creating customized Linux images and software for embedded systems like the Intel Edison. Their goal is to provide a set of software and tools for cross-compiling Linux images and other software components.

Necessary Equipment and Connections

Before we begin the update process, you will need the following equipment:

  • Intel Edison board
  • Expansion board (e.g., Arduino breakout board, mini breakout board, or SparkFun base block)
  • Two USB micro cables

Make sure to connect the Edison to the expansion board according to the instructions provided in the first video of this series. If you are using the Arduino breakout board, remember to slide the switch to the micro USB connector side. Connect both USB cables from the breakout board to your computer.

Downloading the Yako Image from Intel

To update the Linux operating system on the Edison, we will be using a custom yako image provided by Intel. Head to the Intel Maker website and navigate to the Software and Documentation section. Download the Edison yako complete image to your computer.

Installing FTDI Drivers for Windows Users

If you are using Windows, you will need to download and install drivers for the FTDI chip located on the expansion board. Visit the FTDI Chip website and go to the Drivers section. Download the setup executable for the Virtual COM Port (VCP) drivers and run it on your Windows machine. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the drivers and restart your computer if prompted.

Using Putty as a Serial Client

A serial client is required to communicate with the Edison's console. If you are on Windows, we recommend using Putty as your serial client. Search for Putty on your preferred Search Engine and download the Putty.exe executable. Install Putty on your computer.

For Mac and Linux users, the FTDI driver and console program should be built-in, so you do not need to worry about installing additional software.

Extracting and Copying Yako Image Files

Once you have downloaded the yako image files from Intel, extract the contents of the zip file. Copy all the files within the zip and go to the Edison drive. Delete any existing contents on the Edison drive and paste the yako image files.

Finding the COM Port Number for Edison

If you are using Windows, you will need to determine the COM port number assigned to your Edison. Go to the Start menu and search for "Device Manager." In the device manager window, expand the "Ports" section. Look for the COM number listed after "USB Serial Port" and make a note of it. We will need this COM port number later.

Opening Putty and Connecting to Edison

Open Putty on your Windows computer. Select the "Serial" radio button. Enter the COM port number you noted earlier (e.g., COM22) and set the Baud rate to 115200. Click "Open" to open the serial console. Press Enter a few times, and you should see the Edison's command Prompt.

Mac and Linux users can open a terminal window and use the screen command to connect to the Edison. Type "screen /dev/tty.usbserial-XXXX 115200" (replace XXXX with the correct USB serial number) and hit Enter. You should see the login prompt for the Edison.

Logging in to Edison via Serial Console

At the Edison's command prompt, type "root" and press Enter to log in as the root user. The Edison has a 5-Second timeout with the console, so if you haven't Typed anything within 5 seconds, your first keystroke will wake up the console. If you see any missing characters in the beginning, simply erase and retype them.

To verify the version and name of the Linux running on the Edison, type "uname -a" and press Enter. This will display the system information.

Updating Linux with the Yako Image

Now we can proceed to update the Linux operating system on the Edison. Type "reboot otaa" and press Enter. This command will reboot the Edison and initiate the over-the-air update process. Be aware that this update will erase everything on your Edison, so make sure you have backed up any important files or data.

Wait for a few moments, and you will be presented with the login screen again. Log in as root, just like before.

Verifying the Update

To confirm that the Linux update was successful, type "uname -a" and press Enter. If you see the updated version and name of the Linux running on the Edison without any errors, it means that the update was completed successfully.

Congratulations! You have successfully updated the Linux operating system on your Intel Edison using a custom yako image provided by Intel. This update ensures that your Edison is running the latest software, providing a stable and reliable platform for your IoT projects.

Stay tuned for the next episode, where we will explore the capabilities of Linux on the Edison in more detail.


  • Updating Linux on the Intel Edison board is crucial for optimal performance and compatibility with IoT projects.
  • The Yako Project, a working group within the Linux Foundation, provides custom Linux images and software for embedded systems like the Edison.
  • Windows users need to install FTDI drivers and a serial client like Putty to communicate with the Edison's console.
  • Mac and Linux users have built-in support for FTDI drivers and console programs.
  • The update process involves downloading the yako image from Intel, connecting the Edison to the computer, and using the console to initiate and verify the update.
  • The update will erase all data on the Edison, so it's essential to back up any important files beforehand.
  • Verifying the update with the "uname -a" command confirms a successful Linux update.


Q: Can I update Linux on the Intel Edison using a different custom image? A: Yes, you can use other custom Linux images created for the Edison. However, the process may differ slightly depending on the specific image.

Q: Do I need to connect the Edison to an expansion board to update Linux? A: Yes, the Edison needs to be connected to an expansion board to establish a connection with your computer and access the console.

Q: Can I update Linux on the Edison using a wireless connection? A: No, the update process requires a wired connection between the Edison and your computer via USB cables.

Q: Is it possible to Roll back the Linux update if needed? A: Yes, it is possible to roll back a Linux update on the Edison by using a previous yako image or restoring from a backup. However, this process may result in data loss, so it's important to proceed with caution.

Q: Can I update the Linux operating system on the Edison without a computer? A: No, the update process requires a computer to download the yako image, establish a connection with the Edison, and initiate the update.

Q: How often should I update Linux running on the Edison? A: It is recommended to update the Linux operating system on the Edison whenever a new version or significant updates become available. This ensures that your Edison is equipped with the latest features, security patches, and bug fixes.


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