Upgrade Your Cutting Equipment with the Henco Precision Core AMD

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Upgrade Your Cutting Equipment with the Henco Precision Core AMD

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Step 1: Turning off the Air to the Abrasive Pod
  3. Step 2: Moving the Cutting Head to the Front Side of the Table
  4. Step 3: Removing the Airlines from the Existing Flow Abrasive Regulator
  5. Step 4: Removing the Abrasive Feed Line to the Cutting Head
  6. Step 5: Disassembling the Main Abrasive Feed Line from the Underside of the Bridge
  7. Step 6: Removing the Main Assembly from the Bridge
  8. Step 7: Installing the Mounting Bracket and Attaching the AMD to the Bridge
  9. Step 8: Adjusting the Air Line Inlets
  10. Step 9: Connecting the Air Fittings and Replacing Existing Hose
  11. Step 10: Tightening the Inlet Fitting for the Main Feed Line
  12. Step 11: HAND Tightening the Hose Assembly
  13. Step 12: Finalizing the Installation and testing the AMD

How to Attach or Retrofit a Henco Precision Core AMD Abrasive Metering Device to a Flow Flying Bridge

In this article, we will guide you through the process of attaching or retrofitting a Henco Precision Core AMD abrasive metering device to a flow flying bridge. This guide will provide you with step-by-step instructions to ensure a successful installation. By following these instructions, you can effectively enhance the performance of your cutting equipment. So, let's get started!


Before we begin, let's ensure the safety of the installation process. Make sure to turn off the air to the abrasive pod to decompress any pressurized air in the system. This step is crucial for the smooth execution of the retrofitting process.

Step 1: Turning off the Air to the Abrasive Pod

To start the process, locate the abrasive pod and turn off the air supply. This will prevent any accidental releases of abrasive during the installation. By decompressing the pressurized air, you can work on the retrofitting without any risks.

Step 2: Moving the Cutting Head to the Front Side of the Table

Now, it's time to reposition the cutting head to the front side of the table. By doing this, you create a convenient space to begin the retrofitting process. Ensure that the cutting head is securely placed in the new position before proceeding further.

Step 3: Removing the Airlines from the Existing Flow Abrasive Regulator

In this step, you need to remove the airlines from the existing flow abrasive regulator. It is important to leave the lines in the control manifold intact while removing the airlines. This ensures the smooth functioning of the control system.

Step 4: Removing the Abrasive Feed Line to the Cutting Head

Next, it's time to remove the abrasive feed line that connects to the cutting head from the bottom of the regulator. Carefully detach the line and set it aside for now. This will allow you to proceed with the retrofitting process without any obstructions.

Step 5: Disassembling the Main Abrasive Feed Line from the Underside of the Bridge

To proceed with the retrofitting, you need to disassemble the main abrasive feed line from the underside of the bridge. Using a 3mm hex key, remove the bolts that hold the main assembly in place. Set the bolts aside for potential reinstallation of the OEM abrasive regulator in the future.

Step 6: Removing the Main Assembly from the Bridge

With the bolts removed, the main assembly can be easily detached from the bridge. Carefully lift it off and set it aside for now. Take note of the existing airlines that were connected to the main assembly, as they will be used to feed the AMD during the retrofitting process.

Step 7: Installing the Mounting Bracket and Attaching the AMD to the Bridge

Now, it's time to install the mounting bracket and attach the AMD to the bridge. Locate the mounting bracket labeled "19023" and the screws labeled "99024". Use a 3/16 hex key to attach the mounting bracket to the back of the AMD using the provided screws.

Once the mounting bracket is securely attached, utilize the screws removed from the bridge to mount the AMD in the same holes. This ensures a stable and reliable connection between the AMD and the bridge. Take Care to Align the AMD properly before tightening the screws.

Step 8: Adjusting the Air Line Inlets

To ensure proper airflow, it is necessary to adjust the air line inlets. Use bag number "99041" and a 7/16 inlet to tighten the air lines securely. This step guarantees that the airflow is regulated accurately during the cutting process.

Step 9: Connecting the Air Fittings and Replacing Existing Hose

Due to the positioning of the AMD, the existing airlines may not reach the air fittings. To resolve this, use Henco part number "99042," which provides an airline supplied by us meant to replace the existing hose. Install and cut the hose to the appropriate length, ensuring that the correct air lines are connected for air to open and air to close.

Step 10: Tightening the Inlet Fitting for the Main Feed Line

After connecting the air fittings, it's time to tighten the inlet fitting for the main feed line. Use an 11/16 wrench to snugly secure the fitting, ensuring a leak-free connection. This step is crucial for maintaining consistent abrasive flow during operation.

Step 11: Hand Tightening the Hose Assembly

Locate the hose assembly, which consists of a piece of one-inch hose with fittings on either end. Hand tighten both ends of the assembly for now. This allows for easier adjustments later in the process.

Step 12: Finalizing the Installation and Testing the AMD

Congratulations on successfully installing the AMD tear flow! With the airlines connected and the main feed line secured, it's time to test the device. Turn on the abrasive controls and observe the AMD's response to the open and closed positions. You should see the flow of abrasive entering the acrylic tube and equilibrating at the stainless fitting.

Finally, turn on the abrasive pot and observe the flow of abrasive. Once the acrylic tube is filled, it should stop filling as it equalizes at the stainless fitting. With everything functioning correctly, you are now ready to Resume cutting operations with enhanced precision and control.

Thank you for choosing Henco as your trusted provider of cutting equipment solutions. We hope this guide has been informative and helpful. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team.


  • Upgrade your cutting equipment with the Henco Precision Core AMD.
  • Retrofitting guide for attaching the AMD to a flow flying bridge.
  • Ensure safety by decompressing the pressurized air in the system.
  • Reposition the cutting head to create a convenient workspace.
  • Removing airlines and feed lines from the existing flow abrasive regulator.
  • Disassembling the main assembly from the underside of the bridge.
  • Installing the mounting bracket and attaching the AMD securely.
  • Adjusting the air line inlets for proper airflow regulation.
  • Connecting air fittings and replacing existing hoses.
  • Finalizing the installation and testing the AMD for optimal performance.


Q: Can I use the OEM abrasive regulator instead of the AMD? A: Yes, you can reinstall the OEM abrasive regulator by following the reverse steps of the installation process.

Q: How do I adjust the abrasive flow on the AMD? A: To adjust the abrasive flow, use the dial on the AMD to set the appropriate setting. For guidance, you can consult Henco for the recommended setting.

Q: What should I do if I encounter any issues during the installation process? A: If you encounter any issues or have questions, please reach out to Henco's customer support team for assistance. They will be happy to guide you through the installation and troubleshoot any problems.

Q: Can I use the existing airlines with the AMD? A: Yes, the existing airlines can be used to feed the AMD. Ensure that you correctly identify which airlines are for opening and closing the air.


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