AI Cover Letter Generation Integrated into LinkedIn

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Easily customize your cover letter to the most recently viewed job on LinkedIn, or generate a brand new cover letter. Add your resume and AI will tailor a cover letter based on the job description, your resume, and a template cover letter you provide.
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Dec 11 2023
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AI Cover Letter Generation Integrated into LinkedIn Product Information

What is AI Cover Letter Generation Integrated into LinkedIn?

Easily customize your cover letter to the most recently viewed job on LinkedIn, or generate a brand new cover letter. Add your resume and AI will tailor a cover letter based on the job description, your resume, and a template cover letter you provide.

How to use AI Cover Letter Generation Integrated into LinkedIn?

To use LinkedIn Job Tools, simply download the extension for Chrome. Once installed, you can customize your cover letter to match the job you are viewing on LinkedIn or create a new one. You can also use advanced searching to find the right jobs for you.

AI Cover Letter Generation Integrated into LinkedIn's Core Features

Customize cover letters for LinkedIn job postings

Automatically tailor cover letters based on job descriptions, resumes, and template

Advanced job searching filters

FAQ from AI Cover Letter Generation Integrated into LinkedIn

What is LinkedIn Job Tools?

Why does Google say: 'This extension is not trusted by Enhanced Safe Browsing'?

What is the pricing for LinkedIn Job Tools?

How do I get started?

Where do I find the LinkedIn Job Tools icon?

How do the added filters interact with the regular LinkedIn filters?

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