Boost Your Productivity with Fly Cuts: A Complete Guide

Boost Your Productivity with Fly Cuts: A Complete Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Adding a Fly Cut
  3. Creating Fly Cuts
    1. Adding a Fly Cut through the Left Sidebar
    2. Adding a Fly Cut from the Fly Cuts Page
    3. Adding a Fly Cut from the Flyboard
    4. Choosing the Category for the Fly Cut
    5. Selecting General Category
    6. Creating a Unique Keystroke Combination
    7. Giving a Title to the Fly Cut
    8. Writing the Expanded Text
    9. Adding Font Styling, Headings, Colors, Bullet Points, Hyperlinks, Images, and Videos
    10. Considering Compatibility with Websites
    11. Hyperlinking URLs
    12. Saving the Fly Cut
  4. testing Fly Cuts
    1. Using Simple Text Preview
    2. Using Rich Text Preview
    3. Understanding the Difference between Simple Text and Rich Text
  5. Working with Images in Fly Cuts
    1. Adding Images through the Fly Cut Editor
    2. Pasting Images from Other Sources
    3. Resizing and Hyperlinking Images
    4. Testing Images in Simple Text Preview and Rich Text Preview
  6. Conclusion

💡 Highlights

  • Increase productivity as a seller with Fly Cuts
  • Three ways to add a Fly Cut: through the left sidebar, from the Fly Cuts page, or from the Flyboard
  • Choose a category and create a unique keystroke combination for the Fly Cut
  • Write the expanded text, add styling, headings, colors, bullet points, hyperlinks, images, and videos
  • Consider compatibility with websites and test the Fly Cut using simple and rich text previews
  • Add and resize images, and hyperlink them within Fly Cuts
  • Ensure compatibility and proper testing in simple and rich text previews

🔮 Introduction

As a seller, finding ways to increase productivity is crucial. One tool that can help you achieve this is Fly Message's Fly Cuts. With Fly Cuts, you can create quick shortcuts to expand your text with just a few keystrokes. This article will guide you through the process of adding and creating Fly Cuts, as well as testing and working with images within your Fly Cuts. By following these steps, you'll be able to optimize your sales messages and engage with your prospects more efficiently.

🚀 Adding a Fly Cut

To start using Fly Cuts, you need to add them to your Fly Message. There are three ways to add a Fly Cut: through the left sidebar, from the Fly Cuts page, or from the Flyboard. Simply click on the "Add a Fly Cut" button in any of these locations, and a new window will pop up for you to create your Fly Cut.

📝 Creating Fly Cuts

1. Adding a Fly Cut through the Left Sidebar

One way to add a Fly Cut is by clicking on the "Add a Fly Cut" button on the left sidebar. This will open the "Add New Fly Cut" window.

2. Adding a Fly Cut from the Fly Cuts Page

Alternatively, you can access the Fly Cuts page and click on the "Add a Fly Cut" button to open the "Add New Fly Cut" window.

3. Adding a Fly Cut from the Flyboard

If you're on your Flyboard, you can directly click on the "Add a Fly Cut" button to open the "Add New Fly Cut" window.

4. Choosing the Category for the Fly Cut

In the "Add New Fly Cut" window, the first step is to choose the category to which the Fly Cut will be loaded. If you don't see a category that fits your needs, you can create a new one.

5. Selecting General Category

For this example, let's say we select the "General" category for the Fly Cut.

6. Creating a Unique Keystroke Combination

Next, create a unique keystroke combination for the Fly Cut. This combination of keystrokes will be used to trigger the Fly Cut expansion.

7. Giving a Title to the Fly Cut

Provide a title for the Fly Cut that clearly describes its purpose. This title will help you categorize your content within Fly Message.

8. Writing the Expanded Text

Now comes the fun part – writing the expanded text that will appear every time you use your Fly Cut on a web page. You can include personalized elements, font styling, headings, colors, bullet points, hyperlinks, images, and even videos.

9. Adding Font Styling, Headings, Colors, Bullet Points, Hyperlinks, Images, and Videos

Consider how you will be using the Fly Cut. If it will be used as a brand new message to an individual, you might want to include dynamic elements like their first name, which can be personalized when using the Fly Cut. However, if you typically use the Fly Cut within an existing message exchange, you may not need to include personalized elements.

You can also add font styling, headings, colors, bullet points, hyperlinks, images, and videos to enhance the appearance and functionality of your Fly Cut. However, keep in mind that not all web pages support rich text. So, before adding images or certain formatting, make sure the web page you are using supports it.

10. Considering Compatibility with Websites

Keep in mind that some websites, like LinkedIn, may not support certain features, such as images. When testing your Fly Cut, be aware of the limitations of different platforms and adjust your Fly Cuts accordingly to ensure compatibility.

11. Hyperlinking URLs

When adding URLs, consider hyperlinking them for easier accessibility. Instead of typing out the full URL, you can use the hyperlink feature to insert a Clickable link.

12. Saving the Fly Cut

Once you have finished creating your Fly Cut, click on the "Save" button. Your Fly Cut is now ready to use.

🧪 Testing Fly Cuts

After creating Fly Cuts, it's essential to test them to ensure they work as intended. Fly Message provides two preview options: Simple Text Preview and Rich Text Preview.

1. Using Simple Text Preview

Simple Text Preview simulates how your Fly Cut will appear on messaging sites like LinkedIn or Slack. It shows the text without any rich formatting or images. Test your Fly Cuts in Simple Text Preview to ensure compatibility with these platforms.

2. Using Rich Text Preview

Rich Text Preview allows you to see how your Fly Cut will appear with all the rich formatting, including images and hyperlinks. Use this preview option for platforms that support rich text, such as Gmail, Salesforce, or HubSpot.

3. Understanding the Difference between Simple Text and Rich Text

It's important to understand the difference between simple and rich text and when to use each format. Some platforms may only accept simple text, while others allow for rich text formatting. Always test your Fly Cuts in both simple and rich text previews to ensure they work correctly on different platforms.

🖼️ Working with Images in Fly Cuts

Images can enhance the effectiveness of your Fly Cuts. You can add images within the Fly Cut editor by uploading them or pasting them from other sources. Once added, you can resize and hyperlink the images for better presentation and functionality.

It's crucial to test the images in both simple text and rich text previews to ensure they appear correctly on different platforms. Some platforms, like LinkedIn, may not support images, so it's essential to consider compatibility when using images in Fly Cuts.

🎉 Conclusion

Fly Cuts are excellent tools for increasing productivity as a seller. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create effective Fly Cuts, test their performance, and enhance them with images. Remember to consider platform compatibility and test your Fly Cuts in different preview options to ensure optimal results. Now that you have the knowledge and tools, it's time to take off and boost your sales prospecting Game to a whole new level with Fly Message.

🔍 Resources


Q: Can I use rich text formatting in all messaging platforms? A: No, not all messaging platforms support rich text formatting. It's essential to test your Fly Cuts in both simple text and rich text previews to ensure compatibility.

Q: How many links should I include in my Fly Cuts? A: If you're using the Fly Cuts on platforms like LinkedIn that only accept simple text, it's best to include just one link. Including multiple links may result in the loss of thumbnail previews.

Q: Can I resize and hyperlink images within Fly Cuts? A: Yes, you can resize and hyperlink images within the Fly Cut editor. This allows you to add visual elements and make your Fly Cuts more interactive.

Q: Are there any limitations on the use of images in Fly Cuts? A: Some platforms, like LinkedIn, do not support images within messages. When using images in Fly Cuts, consider the compatibility of the platform where the Fly Cut will be used.

Q: How can I access the Fly Cuts page? A: To access the Fly Cuts page, simply navigate to the Fly Cuts section in the left sidebar of your Fly Message account.

Q: Can I test my Fly Cuts before using them? A: Yes, Fly Message provides simple text and rich text previews to test your Fly Cuts before using them. Use these preview options to ensure your Fly Cuts work as intended on different platforms.

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