Challenge Your Bible Knowledge with the Ultimate Jesus Quiz!

Challenge Your Bible Knowledge with the Ultimate Jesus Quiz!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction

  2. Round 1: Easy Questions

    • 2.1 Where was Jesus born?
    • 2.2 What guided the wise men to Jesus's place of birth?
    • 2.3 What did Jesus miraculously walk on?
    • 2.4 How many apostles did Jesus choose?
    • 2.5 At what occasion did Jesus turn Water into wine?
    • 2.6 What does Jesus say We Are to do to our enemies?
    • 2.7 What was the name of the Apostle who betrayed Jesus?
    • 2.8 What was the crown put on Jesus's head made from?
    • 2.9 What gifts were given to Jesus when he was born?
    • 2.10 What food represented Jesus's body during the Last Supper?
  3. Round 2: Slightly More Challenging Questions

    • 3.1 Who first announced Jesus's name?
    • 3.2 How many days did Mary and Joseph search for Jesus in Jerusalem?
    • 3.3 In which body of water was Jesus baptized?
    • 3.4 Which gospel does not include accounts of Jesus's baptism or temptation?
    • 3.5 True or false: God spoke audibly to Jesus and those around heard it.
    • 3.6 In which gospel account does Jesus refer to himself as the Good Shepherd?
    • 3.7 True or false: Jesus wasn't worshiped before his resurrection.
    • 3.8 To which apostle did Jesus say, "Get behind me Satan"?
    • 3.9 What happened to the curtain in the temple when Jesus died?
    • 3.10 Can You finish this sentence from the parable of the lost coin?
  4. Round 3: Difficult Questions

    • 4.1 True or false: Tradition says that Jesus was about 30 when he started his ministry, but this isn't recorded in the Bible.
    • 4.2 When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, which book of the Bible did he quote from?
    • 4.3 How many people did Jesus Raise from the dead?
    • 4.4 Which Old Testament prophet foretold that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem?
    • 4.5 According to Jesus in John chapter 9, whose sin had caused a man to be born blind?
    • 4.6 How did Pilot's wife describe Jesus?
    • 4.7 How many "I am" declarations does Jesus make in John's gospel?
    • 4.8 In the Gospel of John, what are the first words that Jesus Speaks?
    • 4.9 In his letter to the Philippians, what does Paul say should happen at the name of Jesus?
    • 4.10 In John chapter 8, there is a dispute between Jesus and some Jews over his identity. How does Jesus reply to this?
  5. Conclusion



In this quiz, we will test your knowledge about Jesus and his life. There will be three rounds, each with 10 questions that gradually increase in difficulty. Are you ready to put your knowledge to the test? Let's get started!

Round 1: Easy Questions

2.1 Where was Jesus born?

Jesus was born in Bethlehem.

2.2 What guided the wise men to Jesus's place of birth?

The wise men were guided by a star.

2.3 What did Jesus miraculously walk on?

Jesus walked on water.

2.4 How many apostles did Jesus choose?

Jesus chose Twelve Apostles.

2.5 At what occasion did Jesus turn water into wine?

Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding.

2.6 What does Jesus say we are to do to our enemies?

Jesus says we are to love our enemies.

2.7 What was the name of the Apostle who betrayed Jesus?

The Apostle who betrayed Jesus was Judas.

2.8 What was the crown put on Jesus's head made from?

The crown put on Jesus's head was made from thorns.

2.9 What gifts were given to Jesus when he was born?

Three gifts were given to Jesus when he was born: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

2.10 What food represented Jesus's body during the Last Supper?

The food that represented Jesus's body during the Last Supper was bread.

Round 2: Slightly More Challenging Questions

3.1 Who first announced Jesus's name?

An angel first announced Jesus's name.

3.2 How many days did Mary and Joseph search for Jesus in Jerusalem?

Mary and Joseph searched for Jesus in Jerusalem for three days.

3.3 In which body of water was Jesus baptized?

Jesus was baptized in the River Jordan.

3.4 Which gospel does not include accounts of Jesus's baptism or temptation?

The gospel of John does not include accounts of Jesus's baptism or temptation.

3.5 True or false: God spoke audibly to Jesus and those around heard it.

True. God spoke audibly to Jesus, and those around heard it on three occasions.

3.6 In which gospel account does Jesus refer to himself as the Good Shepherd?

Jesus refers to himself as the Good Shepherd in the Gospel of John.

3.7 True or false: Jesus wasn't worshipped before his resurrection.

False. Jesus was worshipped before his resurrection, as recorded in Matthew chapter 14.

3.8 To which apostle did Jesus say, "Get behind me Satan"?

Jesus said, "Get behind me Satan" to Peter.

3.9 What happened to the curtain in the temple when Jesus died?

The curtain in the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.

3.10 Can you finish this sentence from the parable of the lost coin?

"Rejoice with me for I have found the drachma which I had lost. Even so, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner repenting."

Round 3: Difficult Questions

4.1 True or false: Tradition says that Jesus was about 30 when he started his ministry, but this isn't recorded in the Bible.

False. It is recorded in Luke chapter 3 that Jesus was about 30 when he started his ministry.

4.2 When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, which book of the Bible did he quote from?

Jesus quoted from the book of Deuteronomy when he was tempted in the wilderness.

4.3 How many people did Jesus raise from the dead?

Jesus raised three people from the dead.

4.4 Which Old Testament prophet foretold that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem?

The prophet Micah foretold that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem.

4.5 According to Jesus in John chapter 9, whose sin had caused a man to be born blind?

Jesus said, "This man didn't sin nor did his parents, but that the works of God might be revealed in him."

4.6 How did Pilot's wife describe Jesus?

Pilot's wife described Jesus as either divine or innocent (depending on translations).

4.7 How many "I am" declarations does Jesus make in John's gospel?

Jesus makes seven "I am" declarations in John's gospel.

4.8 In the Gospel of John, what are the first words that Jesus speaks?

The first words that Jesus speaks in the Gospel of John are "What are you looking for?"

4.9 In his letter to the Philippians, what does Paul say should happen at the name of Jesus?

Paul says that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow of those in heaven, those on Earth, and those under the Earth.

4.10 In John chapter 8, there is a dispute between Jesus and some Jews over his identity. How does Jesus reply to this?

Jesus replies, "Most certainly I tell you, before Abraham came into existence, I am."


Congratulations on completing the quiz! We hope you enjoyed testing your knowledge about Jesus and his life. Remember to Continue learning and exploring God's word. If you want more quizzes to challenge your Bible knowledge, be sure to subscribe and click the Bell icon. Thank you for watching, and may grace and peace be with you all.


  • Three rounds of questions on Jesus and his life
  • Gradual increase in difficulty: easy, slightly more challenging, and difficult questions
  • Topics covered include Jesus's birth, miracles, apostles, and teachings
  • Quizzes your knowledge of biblical events and quotes
  • Provides answers and explanations for each question


Q: How many rounds are there in the quiz? A: The quiz consists of three rounds: easy, slightly more challenging, and difficult questions.

Q: How many questions are there in each round? A: Each round consists of 10 questions.

Q: What topics are covered in the quiz? A: The quiz covers various aspects of Jesus's life, including his birth, miracles, teachings, and interactions with others.

Q: Are the questions multiple-choice? A: Yes, most of the questions are multiple-choice, with some questions requiring a specific answer.

Q: Can I find the answers and explanations for each question? A: Yes, after each question, the quiz provides the correct answer and a brief explanation.

Q: Can I learn more about Jesus from this quiz? A: Absolutely! This quiz aims to test your knowledge of Jesus's life while providing interesting tidbits of information about him.

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