Create Custom DJ Name Drops

Create Custom DJ Name Drops

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Importance of DJ Name Drops
  3. Requirements for Making Custom DJ Name Drops
    • 3.1 Smartphone or Android Emulator
    • 3.2 Voice Changer App
    • 3.3 Virtual DJ Software
  4. How to Make Custom DJ Name Drops
    • 4.1 Accessing the Google Play Store
    • 4.2 Downloading the Voice Changer App
    • 4.3 Recording and Editing the DJ Name Drop
    • 4.4 Transferring the DJ Name Drop to Virtual DJ Software
    • 4.5 Mapping and Saving the DJ Name Drop
    • 4.6 Using the DJ Name Drop in Virtual DJ Software
  5. Conclusion

Making Custom DJ Name Drops

In the world of DJs, having a unique and recognizable sound is essential. One way to achieve this is through custom DJ name drops. These personalized audio effects not only introduce the DJ's name but also add Flair to their performances. In this article, we will explore the process of making custom DJ name drops, from the requirements to the final implementation.

Importance of DJ Name Drops

DJ name drops are more than just a way to introduce oneself. They serve as a branding tool, helping DJs Create a distinctive identity in the highly competitive music industry. A well-crafted DJ name drop can Instantly grab the audience's Attention and leave a lasting impression. It adds professionalism and a touch of personality to a DJ's set, making it more Memorable and engaging for the listeners.

Requirements for Making Custom DJ Name Drops

Before diving into the process of creating custom DJ name drops, there are a few essential requirements that need to be fulfilled. These include:

3.1 Smartphone or Android Emulator

To make custom DJ name drops, You will need access to the Google Play Store. While a smartphone is the easiest way to achieve this, you can also use an Android emulator on your PC if you don't have a smartphone. Android emulators simulate the Android platform, allowing you to download and use apps from the Google Play Store on your computer.

3.2 Voice Changer App

The next requirement is a voice changer app, which you can obtain from the Google Play Store. One such app is the Voice Changer by Ponica Media. This app offers various features and effects that are perfect for creating unique DJ name drops. It allows you to Record and manipulate audio, Apply effects, and customize the sound according to your preference.

3.3 Virtual DJ Software

To incorporate the custom DJ name drops into your DJ performances, you will need virtual DJ software. Virtual DJ is a widely used and versatile DJ software that offers a range of features for DJs. It allows you to mix and manipulate music tracks, apply effects, and seamlessly transition between songs. The latest version, Virtual DJ 2021, is recommended for optimal performance.

Now that we have covered the requirements, let's dive into the step-by-step process of making custom DJ name drops.

How to Make Custom DJ Name Drops

4.1 Accessing the Google Play Store

To begin, ensure that you have access to the Google Play Store. If you don't have an Android smartphone, consider using an Android emulator on your PC. Search online for a compatible Android emulator, and set it up on your computer. Once you have the emulator running, you can access the Google Play Store just like on a regular Android device.

4.2 Downloading the Voice Changer App

In the Google Play Store, search for the "Voice Changer" app developed by Ponica Media. There might be multiple apps with similar names, so make sure to select the correct one. Once you find it, click on the install button to download and install the app on your smartphone or emulator.

4.3 Recording and Editing the DJ Name Drop

After installing the Voice Changer app, open it and explore the various options it offers. The app provides features such as opening and editing audio files, recording audio, and accessing effects catalog. For the purpose of creating custom DJ name drops, we will focus on the "Record and Audio" feature.

Start by recording your DJ name drop using your smartphone's microphone. Experiment with different styles and tones to find the perfect sound that represents your brand. Once you are satisfied with the recording, proceed to the editing section of the app. Here, you can apply various effects to the recorded audio, such as the "Monster" effect or any other effect that suits your style.

4.4 Transferring the DJ Name Drop to Virtual DJ Software

After editing the DJ name drop, it's time to transfer it to the Virtual DJ software. Connect your smartphone to your computer using a USB cable or transfer the audio file to your PC if you used an Android emulator. Once the audio file is accessible on your computer, you can import it into the Virtual DJ software.

4.5 Mapping and Saving the DJ Name Drop

In the Virtual DJ software, load the DJ name drop onto any deck of your choice. Make sure to loop the audio segment and remove any unwanted noise or sections. This step ensures that you have the desired portion of the DJ name drop ready for playback. Once you have selected the segment, proceed to the "Record Sample" tab in Virtual DJ.

Depending on the version of Virtual DJ you are using, the location of the "Record Sample" tab may vary. Locate the tab and select it to access the settings for editing your DJ name drop. Here, you can further trim the audio, adjust the volume, and assign a recognizable name to the drop for easy identification.

4.6 Using the DJ Name Drop in Virtual DJ Software

With the DJ name drop edited and saved, it is now ready for use in your DJ performances. To use the drop, simply drag and drop it into one of the sample packs in Virtual DJ. The position of the drop in the sample pack determines the hotkey to activate it. For example, if the drop is in the first position, you can press F1 to play it instantly during your set.

Remember to customize the hotkeys and positioning of the DJ name drops according to your preference and DJ setup. Experiment with different combinations and transitions to create an immersive and personalized DJ performance.


Custom DJ name drops play a crucial role in establishing a DJ's brand and captivating the audience. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create unique and memorable DJ name drops using a voice changer app and Virtual DJ software. Remember to tailor the drops to your style and audience, and don't be afraid to experiment with effects and customization options. With the right DJ name drops, you can elevate your performances and leave a lasting impression on your listeners.

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