Create Safe and Engaging AI Images

Create Safe and Engaging AI Images

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Step 1: Generating the Images
  3. Step 2: Applying it to Your AI Influencer
  4. Step 3: Ethical Considerations
  5. Conclusion


Step 1: Generating the Images

Step 1.1: Using the Realistic Button

  • 1.1.1 Censoring the Images
  • 1.1.2 Generating Not Safe for Work Images

Step 1.2: Searching for Not Safe for Work Words

  • 1.2.1 Exploring Different Search Methods
  • 1.2.2 Finding and Censoring Images

Step 2: Applying it to Your AI Influencer

Step 2.1: Creating a Discord Server

  • 2.1.1 Setting up a Discord Account
  • 2.1.2 Creating Your Own Discord Server

Step 2.2: Adding the Face Swap Bot

  • 2.2.1 Navigating to GitHub
  • 2.2.2 Adding the Face Swap Bot to Your Server

Step 2.3: Swapping Faces

  • 2.3.1 Saving the Source Image
  • 2.3.2 Using the Face Swap Bot

Step 3: Ethical Considerations


Generating Not Safe for Work AI Content: A Step-by-Step Guide


Are You curious about how to Create not safe for work AI content? In this article, we will explore the process of generating not safe for work AI images and applying them to your AI influencer. We will also discuss the ethical considerations and potential consequences of using such content. Let's dive in and uncover the possibilities of AI!

Step 1: Generating the Images

To begin generating not safe for work AI images, there are a few methods we can use.

Step 1.1: Using the Realistic Button

One method is to visit a Website like, where you can find a wide range of images. By clicking on the "realistic" button, you can discover not safe for work images. However, please note that not all of the images under this category may be explicit, as some may have been censored. When you find an image of interest, click the try button to access the image generation Studio.

Step 1.2: Searching for Not Safe for Work Words

Another method is to directly search for not safe for work words in the search bar. This will provide you with a variety of images that Align with your search query. Remember, I won't be sharing these words in this article, but you can explore them on your own.

Step 2: Applying it to Your AI Influencer

Now that you have generated the not safe for work images, let's see how you can Apply them to your AI influencer.

Step 2.1: Creating a Discord Server

To begin, you'll need a Discord account and your own Discord server. Create a new server by clicking on the plus icon and follow the steps to set it up.

Step 2.2: Adding the Face Swap Bot

Next, you need to add the face swap bot to your Discord server. Visit the GitHub or face swap link provided and follow the step-by-step guide. This will allow you to select your private Discord server and add the face swap bot to it.

Step 2.3: Swapping Faces

Once the face swap bot is added to your server, you can start swapping faces. Use the command /save ID to save the source image, which should be your AI influencer's photo. Then, enter a name for the image. To swap faces, use the command /swap ID and enter the name of your AI influencer and the image you generated earlier. The result will be a new image with the AI-generated content.

Step 3: Ethical Considerations

While it's important to explore the technical aspects of generating not safe for work AI content, we must also consider the ethical implications. Sharing or using such content has potential consequences, and it's essential to use technology responsibly and within legal boundaries.


As we wrap up our exploration of generating not safe for work AI content, it's crucial to approach technology with mindfulness and ethical considerations. Each choice we make in this digital age has consequences that ripple through our digital existence. It is our responsibility to use technology responsibly and contribute to a more compassionate and just world. Remember, your choices matter. Join the AI revolution, stay ethical, and embrace the possibilities of AI with caution.


  • Learn how to generate not safe for work AI images
  • Apply the generated content to your AI influencer
  • Understand the ethical considerations of using such content
  • Use technology responsibly and within legal boundaries
  • Contribute to a more compassionate and just digital ecosystem


Q: Are the not safe for work images shown in the article? A: No, the article does not showcase any explicit or uncensored not safe for work images. It focuses on the technical process and ethical considerations.

Q: What platforms can be used for generating not safe for work AI content? A: Websites like provide the option to generate such content. Additionally, the article discusses using the face swap bot in Discord servers.

Q: How important are ethical considerations when using not safe for work AI content? A: Ethical considerations are crucial. It's essential to use technology responsibly, respecting consent and legal boundaries when creating and sharing not safe for work AI content.

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