Decoding Humor: Cards Against AI

Decoding Humor: Cards Against AI

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Understanding Humor Recognition
    • Defining Humor Recognition
    • Importance in Human-Computer Interaction
  • Data Acquisition: Cards Against Humanity
    • Unique Aspects of the Dataset
    • Player Behavior Analysis
  • Analysis of Dataset
    • Successful vs. Unsuccessful Punchlines
    • Features Extraction and Machine Learning Models
  • Machine Learning Approach
    • Baseline Models
    • Comparison with Deep Learning Models
    • Ablation testing
  • Generalization and Evaluation
    • Performance on Predicting Winning Jokes
    • Challenges and Limitations
  • Conclusion
    • Significance of the Study
    • Future Directions


Hey everyone! Welcome to our discussion on predicting humor in Cards Against Humanity, a collaborative effort with Daphne at the Hebrew University. In this article, we delve into the fascinating realm of humor recognition, exploring its implications for human-computer interactions and beyond. Let's embark on this intriguing journey together!

Understanding Humor Recognition

Defining Humor Recognition

Humor recognition poses the challenge of discerning whether something is funny within a given context. Our focus lies on decoding the humor dynamics within the popular party Game, Cards Against Humanity (CH), providing us with unique insights into this intricate phenomenon.

Importance in Human-Computer Interaction

Understanding humor is pivotal for enhancing human-computer interactions and various other endeavors, such as content curation and deciphering human behavior. By leveraging data-driven approaches, we aim to unravel the mysteries of humor Perception and application.

Data Acquisition: Cards Against Humanity

Unique Aspects of the Dataset

Our dataset, derived from Cards Against Humanity games, boasts several distinctive characteristics. It presents a Novel ranking problem, wherein participants select the funniest punchline from a pool of options, offering a nuanced perspective on humor recognition.

Player Behavior Analysis

Analyzing player behavior unveils intriguing Patterns. Unlike traditional survey-based studies, our data comprises responses from online players, enriching our understanding of spontaneous humor preferences. Moreover, clear negative labels facilitate comprehensive analysis.

Analysis of Dataset

Successful vs. Unsuccessful Punchlines

Distinguishing successful punchlines reveals intriguing trends. Short, explicit punchlines consistently outperform, while longer, intricate ones tend to lag. Moreover, unique punchline combinations exhibit exceptional performance, hinting at Hidden comedic Gems.

Features Extraction and Machine Learning Models

Utilizing automated frameworks, we extract diverse features from the dataset, emphasizing the pivotal role of punchlines in humor perception. Machine learning models, including CatBoost and Sentence Transformers, showcase promising results, albeit with varying degrees of success.

Machine Learning Approach

Baseline Models

Baseline models, particularly punchline popularity, emerge as robust predictors of humor. Despite the simplicity, they outshine sophisticated deep learning counterparts, underscoring the significance of punchline-centric analyses.

Comparison with Deep Learning Models

Deep learning models, despite their complexity and pre-training, struggle to match baseline performance. Ablation testing further validates the dominance of punchline-related features, highlighting the nuanced nature of humor recognition.

Generalization and Evaluation

Performance on Predicting Winning Jokes

Evaluating model generalization reveals notable insights. While performance dips on predicting winning jokes, models exhibit a modest ability to grasp humor dynamics without user-specific information, albeit with room for improvement.

Challenges and Limitations

Navigating the intricacies of humor recognition presents formidable challenges. Fine-grained differences between jokes and dataset biases necessitate cautious interpretation. Moreover, the dataset's limited representativeness underscores the need for broader analyses.


In conclusion, our study sheds light on the enigmatic realm of humor recognition, particularly within the context of Cards Against Humanity. While punchline-centric approaches reign supreme, deep learning frameworks offer valuable insights. Moving forward, addressing inherent challenges and expanding dataset inclusivity promise to unravel further layers of humor's intricate tapestry.


  • Unraveling the nuances of humor recognition in Cards Against Humanity
  • Emphasizing the pivotal role of punchlines in predicting humor
  • Leveraging machine learning models to decode humor dynamics
  • Exploring the challenges and limitations of humor recognition algorithms
  • Proposing avenues for future research and advancement in human-computer interactions


Q: How does humor recognition contribute to human-computer interactions? A: Humor recognition enhances user engagement and interaction by enabling more personalized and contextually relevant responses from AI systems.

Q: What distinguishes successful punchlines in Cards Against Humanity? A: Successful punchlines are typically short, explicit, and evoke immediate amusement, often leveraging dark or taboo subjects for comedic effect.

Q: Can machine learning models accurately predict winning jokes in Cards Against Humanity? A: While machine learning models exhibit moderate success, particularly with punchline-centric features, challenges such as dataset biases and fine-grained humor nuances persist.


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