Discover the Life of a Capricorn in Jess4TV's Audio Diary

Discover the Life of a Capricorn in Jess4TV's Audio Diary

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Birth of a New Episode
  3. The Intimate Indulge: All About Me Birthday Behavior
  4. Reflecting on the Past and Gratefulness for the Present
  5. Stepping into a Creative Space
  6. The Journey of Self-Discovery
  7. The Power of Mental Health
  8. Taking Care of Our Own Mental Well-being
  9. Checking In on Others
  10. Embracing the Capricorn Mindset: Stepping into Greatness

The Mindset of a Capricorn: Embracing Greatness in Life

We Are live and recording, beautiful people! Welcome to another episode of the jess4TV Podcast. In this intimate episode, I, Jessica Miss Preston (or Jess for short), am diving deep into the mindset of an up-and-coming 34-year-old. As a Capricorn, I believe in authenticity, realness, and honesty - traits that have Shaped my journey thus far. So grab your drink, because this episode is all about embracing greatness and living our best lives.

The Birth of a New Episode

As the hostess of jess4TV presents, this episode marks a significant milestone - my 34th birthday. It's a time of reflection, celebration, and a little bit of nervousness about getting older. But above all, I am incredibly grateful for the doors that have opened in my life and the opportunities that have come my way. Little did I know that my journey would take me on a path of self-discovery and creative expression.

The Intimate Indulge: All About Me Birthday Behavior

Turning 34 has made me realize the importance of self-care and self-preservation. While I once aspired to be a corporate professional, I have found a whole new creative space within myself. This platform allows me to express my creativity and Show the world a different side of me. It's a space where I can be true to myself and embrace my natural talents while also securing another bag.

Reflecting on the Past and Gratefulness for the Present

Looking back on my life, I Never could have imagined the experiences, relationships, and opportunities that would Shape me into the person I am today. Every decision, every setback, and every success has brought me to this point of gratitude. I am thankful for the journey and the lessons learned along the way. But most importantly, I am grateful for the people who have supported me and added value to my life.

Stepping into a Creative Space

Growing up, my aspirations were centered around the corporate world, but life had a different plan for me. Stepping into this creative space has been both exhilarating and liberating. I no longer yearn for that corner office or the power suits. Instead, I have found fulfillment in expressing myself and exploring my creativity. It's a whole new way of living that I never anticipated, but I am thriving in.

The Journey of Self-Discovery

Throughout my journey, I have realized that self-trust and self-dependence are essential. I no longer worry about what others think or Second-guess myself. I embrace my decisions, knowing that I am the captain of my own ship. This newfound Sense of self has brought me confidence and a deeper sense of purpose. I have learned to say no, focus on the present, and let go of the 'shoulda coulda woulda' mentality.

The Power of Mental Health

Mental health plays an integral role in our well-being. It's a constant challenge and should never be taken lightly. As I navigate through life, I have come to understand the importance of taking care of my own mental health. It's about being in the right headspace, nurturing positivity, and seeking help when needed. Mental health is not a solo journey; it's a collective responsibility we all share.

Taking Care of Our Own Mental Well-being

While we prioritize our own mental health, it's equally important to check in on the well-being of others. Happiness doesn't always equate to mental wellness, and we must be there for both the silent and the loud voices. Let's Create a culture of support and reliability, where everyone feels safe to express their feelings and Seek help when necessary.

Checking In on Others

In our busy lives, it's easy to overlook the well-being of our loved ones. Checking in goes beyond surface-level conversations; it's about genuinely understanding the mindset and struggles of those around us. By lending a listening ear and offering support, we can make a significant impact on someone's life.

Embracing the Capricorn Mindset: Stepping into Greatness

As a proud Capricorn, I have embraced my ambitious and determined nature. I am here to make bold moves and challenge myself to reach new heights. This mindset has propelled me forward, allowing me to bust through doors and break barriers. Age is just a number, and I am excited about all the possibilities that lie ahead as I Continue to embrace my greatness.

In conclusion, life is what You make it. Through self-discovery, mental health awareness, and genuine connections with others, we can create a fulfilling and authentic existence. So Raise a Glass and join me in celebrating life, embracing greatness, and living your best life at any age. Cheers to greatness, y'all!


  • Embracing the mindset of a Capricorn, stepping into greatness
  • Reflecting on the past and expressing gratitude for the present
  • Transitioning from a corporate professional to a creative space
  • The importance of mental health and self-care
  • Checking in on the well-being of others
  • Embracing the Capricorn mindset of ambition and determination


Q: How has embracing your creative side impacted your life? A: Embracing my creative side has opened up a whole new world of opportunities and fulfillment. It has allowed me to express myself authentically and tap into talents I never knew I had. Moreover, it has given me an alternative path to success, where I can leverage my creativity and make meaningful contributions.

Q: What role does mental health play in your life? A: Mental health is of utmost importance to me. I have come to understand that taking care of my mental well-being is a constant journey that requires attention and care. It affects every aspect of my life, from my relationships to my overall happiness. By prioritizing my mental health, I am able to show up as my best self and navigate life's challenges with resilience.

Q: How do you balance self-preservation and caring for others? A: Balancing self-preservation and caring for others is a delicate act. While I prioritize my own well-being, I also understand the importance of supporting and being there for others. It's about setting healthy boundaries, practicing self-care, and being there for those who genuinely need help. By taking care of myself, I am better equipped to care for others authentically and without burning out.

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