Dominating Human Benchmark: AI vs. Human

Dominating Human Benchmark: AI vs. Human

Table of Contents

1. Introduction to the Mission

  • What's the Goal?
  • The AI Challenge

2. Crushing Reaction Time

  • Initial Performance
  • Seeking Improvement
  • Transition to C++
  • Impact of C++ Implementation
  • Introducing the New Monitor

3. The Monitor Upgrade

  • Expectations vs. Reality
  • Initial testing Results
  • The Excitement of Progress
  • Achieving Sub-10 Milliseconds

4. Sequence Memory Mastery

  • Confidence in Abilities
  • Testing the Skill
  • Overcoming Challenges
  • Pushing the Limits
  • The Joy of Success

5. Coding for Success

  • Crafting the Plan
  • Coding for Efficiency
  • Testing the Program
  • Continuous Improvement

6. The Thrill of Progress

  • Celebrating Achievements
  • Lessons Learned
  • Reflecting on the Journey

7. Wrapping Up

  • Gratitude and Farewell

Introduction to the Mission

🎯 What's the Goal?

On a Quest to outperform human benchmarks, the challenge lies in achieving the elusive 99.9 percentile across various tests with the aid of AI.

🤖 The AI Challenge

With just eight lines of code, the aim is to dominate every test and claim the top spot in performance metrics. But it's not just about winning; it's about pushing boundaries and exploring the potential of AI.

Crushing Reaction Time

🚀 Initial Performance

In the pursuit of excellence, the journey commenced with assessing reaction time. While the initial results were commendable, there was room for improvement.

🎯 Seeking Improvement

Feedback poured in, suggesting avenues for enhancement. Among the suggestions was the utilization of C++, known for its swiftness in execution.

💻 Transition to C++

Implementing the code in C++ unveiled a noticeable boost in speed. However, the leap wasn't as substantial as anticipated, prompting further investigation.

🖥️ Impact of C++ Implementation

Despite the marginal improvement, the reaction time remained stagnant around 30 milliseconds. A realization dawned regarding the correlation with display refresh rates.

🖥️ Introducing the New Monitor

With the acquisition of a high-refresh-rate monitor, expectations soared. The anticipation of a speedier performance lingered as the setup process unfolded.

The Monitor Upgrade

🤔 Expectations vs. Reality

Initial excitement clashed with the reality of setup intricacies. However, the promise of enhanced performance fueled optimism.

📈 Initial Testing Results

As the tests commenced, the impact of the monitor upgrade started to manifest. Incremental progress fueled determination.

💡 The Excitement of Progress

With each iteration, the reaction time exhibited a downward trend, inching closer to the desired sub-10 milliseconds mark.

💡 Achieving Sub-10 Milliseconds

The breakthrough came as the timer clocked in at 9 milliseconds, marking a significant milestone in the journey towards perfection.

Sequence Memory Mastery

🧠 Confidence in Abilities

Buoyed by the success in reaction time, the focus shifted to sequence memory. Confidence brimmed as the challenge was embraced.

🔍 Testing the Skill

Navigating through the sequence memory test, the proficiency displayed hinted at a remarkable aptitude for pattern recognition.

💪 Overcoming Challenges

Despite the intricate Patterns, determination prevailed, leading to consistent performance and eventual mastery.

🚀 Pushing the Limits

Challenges were tackled head-on, pushing the boundaries of endurance and cognitive agility.

😊 The Joy of Success

With each level conquered, a sense of accomplishment permeated the air, affirming the belief in continuous improvement.

Coding for Success

💻 Crafting the Plan

The blueprint for success was laid out meticulously, with every line of code designed to optimize performance.

🛠️ Coding for Efficiency

Efficiency was the mantra as the program underwent rigorous development and testing phases.

🧪 Testing the Program

Real-world testing provided invaluable insights, driving iterative refinements aimed at maximizing efficacy.

📈 Continuous Improvement

The journey didn't end with success; it paved the way for further innovations and refinements in pursuit of excellence.

The Thrill of Progress

🎉 Celebrating Achievements

Each milestone attained was celebrated, serving as a testament to perseverance and dedication.

📝 Lessons Learned

Reflecting on the journey, valuable lessons emerged, shaping future endeavors and strategies.

🌟 Reflecting on the Journey

As the mission draws to a close, gratitude fills the heart for the experiences gained and the growth attained.

Wrapping Up

🙏 Gratitude and Farewell

With gratitude for the support and encouragement received, it's time to bid farewell, armed with newfound knowledge and determination for future challenges.


  • Embracing the challenge of outperforming human benchmarks with AI.
  • Transitioning to C++ for enhanced speed in performance tests.
  • Achieving sub-10 milliseconds in reaction time with a high-refresh-rate monitor.
  • Mastering sequence memory through perseverance and determination.
  • Crafting efficient code for optimal performance and continuous improvement.


Q: How was the transition to C++ beneficial? A: Transitioning to C++ facilitated faster execution, albeit with marginal improvements in performance.

Q: What role did the new monitor play in enhancing reaction time? A: The high-refresh-rate monitor significantly contributed to reducing reaction time, ultimately achieving sub-10 milliseconds.

Q: How did you overcome challenges in sequence memory? A: Through perseverance and practice, intricate patterns were deciphered, leading to mastery in sequence memory tests.

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