Enhance Your Profile Picture for FREE with a Ring Effect

Enhance Your Profile Picture for FREE with a Ring Effect

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Why add a ring around your profile picture?
  3. Step 1: Creating a ring around your profile picture 3.1. Using Canva to add a colored ring 3.2. Using Canva to add a gradient ring 3.3. Using Remove.bg for a more advanced approach
  4. Step 2: Uploading the profile picture with the ring 4.1. Uploading to Instagram 4.2. Uploading to LinkedIn 4.3. Uploading to Facebook
  5. Conclusion
  6. FAQ

How to Add a Ring Around Your Profile Picture

Have You ever wondered how to add a ring around your profile picture? Adding a ring to your profile picture can make it stand out and catch the Attention of viewers on social media platforms. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of adding a ring around your profile picture in a few simple steps. Whether you want to add a colored ring or a gradient ring, we've got you covered. Plus, we'll Show you an advanced technique to make the ring appear behind your head in the profile picture. So, let's get started!


In this digital age, having a visually appealing profile picture can make a significant difference in how others perceive you on social media platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, or Facebook. Adding a ring around your profile picture is a creative way to attract attention and stand out from the crowd. Whether you want to add a colored ring or a gradient ring, we'll provide easy-to-follow instructions to help you achieve your desired effect.

Why add a ring around your profile picture?

Before we dive into the tutorial, let's understand why adding a ring around your profile picture can be effective. There are two main reasons to consider:

  1. Making your profile picture stand out: By adding a ring around your profile picture, you Create a unique visual element that sets your photo apart from others in the news feed and search results. This distinctive touch draws the viewer's eye and makes your profile picture Memorable.

  2. Encouraging profile visits: Platforms like Instagram have conditioned users to associate a ring around a profile picture with Clickable stories. When people see a ring around your profile picture, it Prompts them to click on it, expecting a story or additional content. This behavior extends beyond Instagram and can also entice users on LinkedIn and Facebook to click on your profile picture. Adding a ring can increase profile visits and engagement with your profile.

Now that you understand the benefits, let's take a look at how you can easily add a ring around your profile picture.

Step 1: Creating a ring around your profile picture

To begin, we'll use a popular design tool called Canva. Here are three methods you can use to add a ring:

3.1. Using Canva to add a colored ring

The simplest way to add a ring is by using Canva's circle Shape and customization options. Follow these steps:

  1. Visit Canva.com and sign in to your account (you can create an account for free if you don't have one).
  2. Click on "Create a design" at the top and select "Custom Dimensions."
  3. Enter the dimensions as 700 by 700 pixels. This size is appropriate for a profile picture as it appears smaller on platforms.
  4. Choose "Create new design," and you'll see a blank canvas.
  5. Leave the background color white for now and go to the left-HAND column. Select "Elements."
  6. Search for the circle shape and add it to your canvas.
  7. Position the circle shape in the upper corner and resize it to match the edges of the canvas using the guides for alignment.
  8. To Apply a colored ring, select a color from the available options.
  9. Add a frame by selecting "Frame" from the elements section.
  10. Insert your headshot into the frame and resize it according to your preference.
  11. Adjust the ring's thickness by resizing the frame and center it.
  12. As a finishing touch, you can change the background color to match the ring color for consistency (although this will be cropped out in the final profile picture).


  • The process is simple and does not require advanced technical skills.
  • Canva offers a range of customization options, allowing you to personalize your ring.


  • The ring is added as a frame, which means it might cover a portion of your headshot.
  • Limited design options for the ring shape and color.

Now, let's explore a more advanced way to add a ring around your profile picture.

3.2. Using Canva to add a gradient ring

If you want to create a ring similar to Instagram's rainbow ring around stories, you can use Canva to add a gradient ring effect. Follow these steps:

  1. Open Canva and create a new design with custom dimensions (700 by 700 pixels).
  2. Leave the background color white and go to the "Elements" section.
  3. Search for a circle shape and add it to your canvas.
  4. Position and resize the circle shape to match the canvas edges.
  5. Choose a gradient ring element from the available options.
  6. Right-click on the gradient element and send it backward so that the headshot frame remains on top.
  7. Center the headshot frame within the gradient ring.
  8. Download the final design, considering the ring will be cropped in a circular shape when displayed as a profile picture.


  • Adds a dynamic and eye-catching element to your profile picture.
  • Creates a ring effect similar to Instagram's stories, increasing familiarity and engagement.


  • Requires more steps and effort compared to adding a colored ring.
  • Canva's options for gradient rings might be limited, reducing customization.

But what if you want to take it one step further and have the ring appear behind your head in the profile picture?

3.3. Using Remove.bg for a more advanced approach

To achieve a more advanced effect where the ring appears behind your head in the profile picture, we'll use a combination of Canva and Remove.bg. Follow these steps:

  1. In Canva, create a new design with custom dimensions (700 by 700 pixels).
  2. Add a regular shape as a background behind your headshot instead of a frame.
  3. Customize the shape's color and size according to your preferences.
  4. Download your headshot without any background using remove.bg.
  5. Upload the transparent headshot to Canva and position it within the shape.
  6. Make any size adjustments needed to fit the ring behind your head.
  7. Download the final design, considering the ring will be cropped in a circular shape when displayed as a profile picture.


  • Offers a unique and visually appealing effect with the ring appearing behind your head.
  • Provides a more advanced customization option to stand out on social media platforms.


  • Requires additional steps and the use of a separate tool (Remove.bg).
  • Might not work perfectly with all headshot backgrounds, requiring careful selection of an appropriate image.

Now that you know how to create the ring around your profile picture, let's move on to the next step, which is uploading the profile picture with the ring to various social media platforms.

Step 2: Uploading the profile picture with the ring

After creating your profile picture with a ring, you'll want to showcase it on different social media platforms. Here's how to upload your profile picture with the ring on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook:

4.1. Uploading to Instagram

  1. Open the Instagram app and navigate to your profile.
  2. Tap on "Edit Profile" and then select "Change Profile Picture."
  3. Choose the newly created profile picture with the ring from your gallery or camera Roll.
  4. Adjust the picture within the circular frame and tap "Done" to save the changes.
  5. Your profile picture with the ring is now live on Instagram.

4.2. Uploading to LinkedIn

  1. Log in to your LinkedIn account and go to your profile.
  2. Click on "Edit public profile & URL."
  3. Select the Pencil icon next to your profile picture.
  4. Choose the edited profile picture with the ring, and LinkedIn will display a circular preview.
  5. Click "Apply" to save the changes.
  6. Your profile picture with the ring is now visible to your LinkedIn connections.

4.3. Uploading to Facebook

  1. Access your Facebook account and go to your profile.
  2. Click on your Current profile picture to edit it.
  3. Select "Upload Photo" and choose the profile picture with the ring.
  4. Position the picture within the circular frame and click "Save."
  5. Your profile picture with the ring is now active on Facebook.


Adding a ring around your profile picture is a simple and effective way to make your profile stand out on social media platforms. Whether you choose a colored ring or a gradient ring, the process can be easily accomplished using tools like Canva and Remove.bg. By following the step-by-step instructions in this tutorial, you can create a unique and eye-catching profile picture that will draw attention and encourage profile visits. So, unleash your creativity and give your profile picture the extra touch it needs to leave a lasting impression!


Q: Can I add a ring around my profile picture without using Canva? A: While Canva offers a user-friendly platform, you can use other graphic design tools or even photo editing software like Photoshop to achieve a similar effect. The key is to have the ability to add shapes, customize colors, and properly resize and position your headshot within the ring.

Q: Will the ring affect the quality or resolution of my profile picture? A: As long as you use high-resolution images for your profile picture and follow the recommended dimensions, the addition of a ring should not significantly impact the quality or resolution. However, always preview your profile picture after uploading to ensure it appears as intended.

Q: Is there any AdVantage to using a colored ring versus a gradient ring? A: The choice between a colored ring and a gradient ring depends on personal preference and the desired aesthetic. Both options can be effective in making your profile picture stand out. A colored ring tends to be simpler and bolder, while a gradient ring adds a dynamic and visually appealing element.

Q: Can I update my profile picture with a ring at any time? A: Yes, most social media platforms allow you to update your profile picture whenever you want. Simply follow the platform-specific steps mentioned earlier to upload the new profile picture with the ring effect.

Q: Will adding a ring around my profile picture guarantee more profile visits or engagement? A: While adding a ring around your profile picture can attract attention and encourage profile visits, it does not guarantee increased engagement. Other factors such as the quality of your content, bio, and overall profile presentation also play a significant role in determining engagement levels.

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