Experience Epic Results: A.I. Generates Our D&D Character Art!

Experience Epic Results: A.I. Generates Our D&D Character Art!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Carver - The Buff Bear Barbarian
  3. DaRuMa - The D&D White Elven Male
  4. Otis - The Older Hobbit
  5. Theron - The Six-Foot Elven Man
  6. Conclusion
  7. FAQ


In this video, we will be exploring the world of AI-generated art for our Call of Another Deep campaign. Each player has provided us with a description of their character, and we will be using AI to create concept art based on those descriptions. Join us as we dive into the process and witness the amazing results!

Carver - The Buff Bear Barbarian

Carver, our buff bear barbarian, is the first character we will be creating AI-generated art for. With a description of a seven-foot-four bugbear with dark brown fur, a black coat, and a large ax, we delve into the world of AI art. After a few attempts and some variations, we finally start to see the concept of a bugbear take Shape. Despite some minor changes needed, we are impressed with the progress and get closer to the desired result.


  • The AI captures the concept of a bugbear well.
  • The variations provide different options for customization.
  • The AI picks up on the descriptive language and incorporates it into the art.


  • Some details still need clarification.
  • The weapon design could be improved.

DaRuMa - The D&D White Elven Male

Next, we move on to DaRuMa, an Elven male character with a plump round face, bright messy red hair, and a smirky expression. After the initial attempt, we realize that the AI needs some guidance, specifically in drawing pointed ears for an elf. With a slight change in the Prompt and some variations, we begin to see progress. However, the AI still struggles to accurately depict the character's ears. Several adjustments are made, including changes to the hair description, to achieve a more satisfactory result.


  • The AI captures the basic features of DaRuMa well.
  • The variations offer different hair and facial hair options.
  • The concept of an elf is evident in the art.


  • The AI has difficulty with drawing pointed ears.
  • Some facial features may not Align perfectly with the description.

Otis - The Older Hobbit

Otis, our older Hobbit character, presents a unique challenge for the AI. With a description of dark brown skin, brown eyes, gray-brown hair, and a Johnny Depp mustache and goatee, we set out to create AI-generated art that truly represents the character. The initial results show promise, but the AI struggles to capture the essence of a Hobbit. Adjustments are made, including changing the prompt to "half-elf," and variations are explored to refine the art. With some upscaled images, we finally achieve a satisfactory result.


  • The AI captures the mustache and goatee accurately.
  • The variations provide options for customization.
  • The age of the character is well-represented.


  • The AI initially struggles with drawing a Hobbit.
  • Some facial features may not align perfectly with the description.

Theron - The Six-Foot Elven Man

Theron, a six-foot Elven man with dirty blonde hair and a loose ponytail, proves to be an interesting character to depict using AI-generated art. With a green tunic adorned with feathers, leather gauntlets, and a wooden kite shield, the description offers a rich visual image. After some initial attempts and adjustments to the prompt, we start to see progress. The AI captures the essence of an elf, although the ears prove to be a challenge. Through variations and refinements, we finally achieve an image that truly represents Theron.


  • The AI captures the basic features of Theron accurately.
  • The variations offer different options for customization.
  • The overall concept of an elf is well-reflected in the art.


  • The AI struggles with drawing pointed ears.
  • Some facial features may not align perfectly with the description.


In conclusion, the process of creating AI-generated art for our Call of Another Deep campaign has been a fascinating and sometimes challenging journey. We have witnessed the AI's ability to capture certain aspects of the characters accurately while struggling with others. Despite the limitations, we are impressed with the results and appreciate the AI's attempt to bring our characters to life. AI-generated art offers a unique and exciting way to Visualize our role-playing characters, and we look forward to further exploration in future campaigns.


Q: How does the AI generate art based on character descriptions? A: The AI utilizes a combination of machine learning algorithms and image recognition technology to interpret the descriptions and create visual representations.

Q: Can the AI capture all the specific details Mentioned in the character descriptions? A: While the AI can capture many details accurately, it may struggle with certain elements, such as specific facial features or intricate designs.

Q: Are the variations provided by the AI helpful in refining the art? A: Yes, the variations allow for customization and exploration of different options, helping to refine the art to better match the character descriptions.

Q: What are the limitations of AI-generated art in capturing the essence of a character? A: AI-generated art can sometimes struggle with accurately representing certain features or concepts, leading to discrepancies between the description and the final result.

Q: Will AI-generated art completely replace human artists in the future? A: While AI technology continues to advance, human artists bring a unique creativity and interpretation to their work. AI-generated art can complement human artistry but is unlikely to replace it entirely.


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