Automate Business Card Reader with Power Automate and AI Builder

Automate Business Card Reader with Power Automate and AI Builder

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. What is a Business Card Reader?
  3. Benefits of Using a Business Card Reader
  4. How to Create a Business Card Reader App
    • Step 1: Creating a New App
    • Step 2: Adding the Business Card Reader Component
    • Step 3: Setting the Required Information
    • Step 4: Connecting to Power Automate
    • Step 5: testing the App
  5. Using the Business Card Reader App
    • Step 1: Scanning a Business Card
    • Step 2: Storing the Contact Information
    • Step 3: Viewing the Contacts in Outlook
    • Step 4: Mobile Application Integration
  6. Conclusion


In today's digital age, networking plays a crucial role in business growth and success. One of the common ways professionals exchange contact information is through business cards. However, managing and organizing these cards can be a tedious task. This is where a business card reader comes in handy, automating the process of extracting important contact details and storing them digitally. In this article, we will explore the concept of business card readers, their benefits, and how you can create one yourself.

What is a Business Card Reader?

A business card reader is a tool or application that utilizes optical character recognition (OCR) technology to capture, extract, and organize data from business cards. By scanning a business card, the reader can accurately extract information such as the contact's name, phone number, email address, and company details. This eliminates the need for manual data entry and allows for efficient organization of contacts.

Benefits of Using a Business Card Reader

Using a business card reader offers several advantages over traditional methods of managing business cards. Firstly, it saves time and reduces human error by automating the data entry process. Instead of manually typing in contact details, the reader quickly captures the information from the card and stores it in a digital format. This leads to improved productivity and efficiency in managing and organizing contacts. Additionally, a business card reader reduces the risk of losing or misplacing important business cards, as the information is securely stored in a digital database.

How to Create a Business Card Reader App

Creating a business card reader app may seem complex, but with the right tools and knowledge, it can be a straightforward process. Follow these steps to create your own business card reader app:

Step 1: Creating a New App

Start by creating a new app using a platform like Power Apps. Choose the blank template to have complete control over designing and customizing your app.

Step 2: Adding the Business Card Reader Component

In the app editor, add the business card reader component. This component utilizes OCR technology to extract information from scanned business cards.

Step 3: Setting the Required Information

Specify the information you want the business card reader to extract from the cards. This typically includes the contact's name, email address, phone number, and other Relevant details.

Step 4: Connecting to Power Automate

Integrate your app with Power Automate to further automate the process. Set up a flow that triggers when new business card information is captured. This flow can automatically create a contact in your Office 365 Outlook or any other desired platform.

Step 5: Testing the App

Before deploying your app, it's essential to thoroughly test its functionality. Scan different business cards and verify that the extracted information is accurately stored in the designated location, such as Outlook contacts.

Using the Business Card Reader App

Once you have created your business card reader app, you can start using it effectively. Follow these steps to make the most out of your app:

Step 1: Scanning a Business Card

To scan a business card, open the app and select the option to use the camera for scanning. Capture a clear image of the business card, ensuring all the details are visible.

Step 2: Storing the Contact Information

After scanning the business card, the OCR technology will extract the relevant contact information. Review the extracted details and make any necessary corrections. Click on the "Add Contact" button to store the contact information securely.

Step 3: Viewing the Contacts in Outlook

To access the contacts you have stored using the business card reader app, navigate to Outlook and go to the contacts section. You will find all the scanned business cards organized and readily available for reference.

Step 4: Mobile Application Integration

To enhance convenience and accessibility, consider integrating your business card reader app with your mobile devices. Install the Power Apps mobile application and sync it with your app. This allows you to use the reader on the go, ensuring you never miss an opportunity to capture and store important contact information.


Managing and organizing business cards can be a time-consuming task, but with the help of a business card reader app, this process becomes automated and efficient. By utilizing OCR technology, these apps extract key contact details from scanned business cards, eliminating the need for manual data entry. Whether you are attending a conference or meeting a potential client, having a business card reader app can significantly simplify contact management. So why not create your own business card reader app today and streamline your networking process?


  • Saves time and reduces human error
  • Automates data entry process
  • Convenient and accessible on mobile devices
  • Enhances productivity and efficiency in contact management


  • OCR technology may have limitations in reading complex or non-standard business card layouts
  • Accuracy of extracted information heavily relies on the quality of the scanned business card


  • Business card readers automate the process of extracting and organizing contact information from business cards.
  • Creating a business card reader app involves using platforms like Power Apps and integrating OCR technology.
  • The benefits of using a business card reader include time savings, reduced errors, and improved contact organization.
  • Steps to create a business card reader app include setting up the app, adding the reader component, and connecting it to Power Automate.
  • To use the app effectively, simply scan the business card, review the extracted information, and store it in desired locations such as Outlook contacts.
  • Integrating the app with mobile devices enhances convenience and accessibility.
  • Considerations such as OCR limitations and accuracy should be kept in mind when using business card readers.


Q: Can the business card reader app extract information accurately from different languages? A: Yes, most business card readers support multiple languages and can accurately extract information from various language cards.

Q: Can I customize the fields that the business card reader extracts from the cards? A: Yes, you can customize the fields and choose which information you want the business card reader to extract.

Q: Is the extracted contact information editable before storing it in Outlook? A: Yes, you can review the extracted details and make any necessary corrections before storing the contact information.

Q: Are there any limitations to the number of business cards that can be scanned and stored using the app? A: The number of business cards that can be scanned and stored depends on the storage capacity of the platform or database you are using, such as Office 365 Outlook.

Q: Can I integrate the business card reader app with other CRM or contact management systems? A: Yes, depending on the capabilities of the app and the integration options available, you can integrate it with other CRM or contact management systems.

Q: Is there a limit to the size of business cards that the app can scan? A: The app should be able to scan standard-sized business cards. However, it may have limitations with oversized or unusually shaped cards.

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